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7dpo TWW Anxiety Support Group!

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Ok. So here it is. I have never buddied up for the tww wait before but now I'm on my 4th tww trying for number four maybe this'll help pass the time and hopefully add a little fun!

57 Replies • 9 years ago



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Lol! Thanks! He's in for a tough time then, wont stop till he's an hour b4 his flight lol! Gives me a bit of hope! Then will keep some in the turkey baster just in case hahaha!

But forgot to mention one huge symptom from yesterday night, i woke up SOAKED in sweat! Have no fever bcos i took temperature, and i dont feel like im coming down with anything.........very weird! My sheets and pillow too, this didnt happen with m/c so dont knw what to make of it. The whole thing is doing my head in........

9 years ago

Honestly the tww has a nasty way of playing with our heads! Its the absolute worst and longest thing ever! Hopefully you'll fnd out soon hon

Jinan (5-Aug-2008), Yunus (4-march-2014) , my angel bean (24-may-2013), angel bean 27/nov/14, angel bean 29/dec/14 User Image

9 years ago

Wow Kendra your symptoms sound good! I haaaate the tww. The thing I hate about digitals is there's no chance of squinting at imaginary lines! I waste so much of my life doing this though! So anyway I'm hoping if you don't get a bfp this time that you are late on af... Which hopefully will push your next ovulation back to the day after your hubby gets back! That way you'll line up closer to 7ayaty and I and we can squint at tests together in a few weeks time? Not that I don't want you to get your bfp this time :/ lol.

7ayaty you are being brave, strong and balanced about your chemical. It is a loss and you're not letting it discourage you. I really think you have the best of chances for this coming cycle.

I just wish I could send you each a kitten for a day to soak in some new baby cuteness to boost ovulation!

They opened their little eyes yesterday. Omg I can hardly stand the adorableness and I was not really a huge cat person. They stretch in their sleep just like human babies. I'm still bf my 2.5 y.o boy and my boobs tingle whenever I go near them!

9 years ago • Post starter

Hahaha! that just made my day @ "Tingling Bbs because of kittens" how adorable they must be! I love looking at kittens and how the wobble about lol. But since my sisters massive big black tabby cat, i've developed weird allergies.......its dander must be different.

Yep im just going to keep waiting, tho i think im out of it now. But to make myself feel a bit better been reading 14/15 DPO BFN stories and how they got BFP 18 DPO later on, wishful thinking, probably bcos now im having slight cramps on left side, AF feelings and im in denial...

And you're right! if it gets pushed back I would be so happy :-) and would love to be in sync with you fine ladies. 7ayaty keep hanging in there luv!

9 years ago

Omg kittens!!! How cute!

Thank you maggic, it sucks but I try not to think about it much. Exercising like a beast always helps cheer me up!

Kendra-heart I hope af doesn't show up but yup if it does then we've got each other In the next cycle. Hopefully keep each other sane during the 2ww!!

This is just an idea but what do u think about making a whatsapp grp just as a way to chitchat abt this stuff and pass time during the gruelling 2ww? Let me know if you are up for it then you can pm me your numbers and I'll create it, if not then here is ok too :)

Jinan (5-Aug-2008), Yunus (4-march-2014) , my angel bean (24-may-2013), angel bean 27/nov/14, angel bean 29/dec/14 User Image

9 years ago

Haha I just read my signature, it says "I'm likely not fertile today" errmm ya think!!! Lol. All shame goes out the window when trying to create little people eh haha


Jinan (5-Aug-2008), Yunus (4-march-2014) , my angel bean (24-may-2013), angel bean 27/nov/14, angel bean 29/dec/14 User Image

9 years ago

Lololol! In light of what you just said about there is no shame when it comes to TTC, but i gotta update u ladies.

I. Can. Not. Believe that im finally getting very watery CM right now since 10 DPO........a lot of it, 10 times i have wiped believing its AF, not even a slight tinge.

Plus, DH and i decided if he has to travel during next OV time ill go with him so i can be close by to do the BD. So Im sitting here looking at flights and complaining bout how expensive they are, & trying to fit in my work schedule, & i feel a lot of saliva in my mouth, swallow a couple times, then get up and RUN to toilet?! Threw up like instantly! DH and i just staring at the vomit like "What the HECK just happened?

I've run out of tests...... AF is due today, She better not be trying to play no games! Ive already counted myself out. If i buy these tickets and im already preggers ill be Pissed! We dont want to spend money on a blood test for nothing! Now i gotta wait 2/3 more days & sum more tests. Think ill just buy a pack of 20, Uuuuuugghhhh!

9 years ago

Haha, see why I buy tests in bulk off eBay Kendra? I've got a bad feeling about the watery cm tho :(. I hope I'm wrong but the first stage of our period is the shedding of water from the uterus lining just before it breaks down. That's why a lot of women get what they think is Ewcm or watery cm just before their period. The drop in progesterone causes this. When I've been preggars the one good sign I've had is very white cm. too thick to be called watery and but not gluggy and its been continual through the whole tww and beyond. Nothing's the same for everyone tho. I want to stay positive for you but I don't want to build u up for a big disappointment either. Goodness, who knows I have no idea!

Kendra, maybe it's time for a little holiday anyway? I'd be tempted to go with my OH too as I feel like every ovulation is a chance wasted if we cant dtd and I couldn't bare the thought I might have missed an opportunity. This drive we have to reproduce is practically uncontrollable! Ugh!

7ayaty, the freely being able to chat thingy sounds great. I only use an iPad would that work. You girls will have to be gentle on me I am technologically challenged. It's embarrassing how backward I am! You'll have to talk me through what to do as though you're trying to coach a three year old lol!

And yes oh yes kittens. I'm sorry, (ok I'm not sorry) I am besotted. I'll try and work out how to add a picture but the perfection of their tiny soft brand new little toes, their innocence and even their ridiculously tiny yet perfectly formed little testicles (too far?) is making my uterus ache. Oh and they flick their little ears when they're on mummy cats boobies.

If I get a bfp this cycle you girls will have to visit a pet shop!

9 years ago • Post starter

P.s. where are you both from? I'm in Australia.

9 years ago • Post starter

Hi Magic oh no Please x3 keep being honest with me, im not experienced and Ii really prefer cold hard truth than wondering all the time with these things.

I normally do get the same watery type cm thing, but not so close to AF. My hopes i hate to say have already gone way down, this evening isnt changing anything *sigh* which is why im already getting flights booked :-) i do need a vacation and soon.

I use only iPad too because my phone (samsung) battery is so bad it dies quickly If i browse for long stretches. Im in the UK :-) its 3am, having insomnia a bit, DH is half Kenyan, but we travel quite a lot, we're really fortunate, bcos he racks up a lot of miles, ill be travelling 1/2 free at the end of the day.

9 years ago

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