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Late February/ Early March 2017 Babies?

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Just looking for other ladies due around the same time to experience this adventure with.

I'm a dietitian/nutritionist who helps keep other's babies healthy. Pregnant with my first after TTC 3 years (found out 6/23/16) + Endometriosis. In my 30's.

129 Replies • 8 years ago



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At the 8w scans you should at least see the heart beating. Not all machines can pick up the sound that early though.

I'm the same Diatician. We're super excited but won't tell anyone that we wouldn't want support from if we were to have another miscarriage. We also won't be buying much until we find out the gender as we've kept everything from ds so if it's another boy then we won't need much. Hopefully the weeks to all this goes really quick. I know I have a few things to distract me - comedian this week, ds birthday in 2 weeks and then I'll be able to get the scan.

7 years ago

How's everyone feeling today? I've felt pretty good. Had the on and off cramps quite a bit last night but to be honest I think being gassy had a little to do with that! Today I haven't experienced much of the cramping at all, just a little while sitting in church this morning.

Isn't it strange that we worry when we do cramp, and then we worry when we don't?! I don't know if I'll ever stop worrying-- but I'm trying hard!

7 years ago

I know exactly what you mean.. i been feeling real lousy here lately with weird cramps that come for a few seconds then go away.. then yesterday no cramps & felt great even had munchies all day which was way unusual. So I started to worry again lmao. But today i haven't felt all that great i wasn't able to eat well today at work. Nothing sounded good then i felt bad because i didn't eat. Then got off work & stuffed my face with pizza & now feel like shit lol..
I tested on pink dye test yesterday i think it was & my line is getting soooo dark! Its great to see :) imma try not to worry & just enjoy my pregnancy. & pray my 1st dr appt goes very well & so on..

7 years ago

I keep reminding myself that it's common for people to not feel many symptoms for a few more weeks. I just want to enjoy these moments, like you said, and trying to rest assured in my faith that I shouldn't worry and be anxious. It is hard though. I will feel much better after that appointment. I have one more Digi but am worried about taking it and feeling disappointed if it still said "1-2" weeks. I want to just stay optimistic and remember that at this point no BIG symptoms is still good news!

7 years ago

I still have some type of cramping and everytime I go to the bathroom I hope for no blood. It's a little nerve-racking. But I say a little mantra and remind myself this is all normal.

They want to check my blood again on Wed. I'm a human pincushion!!!

I figured out what Obgyn I want but need to ask the RE when I switch to them. So many things I never thought about having to do until pregnant!

I'm a dietitian/nutritionist who helps keep other's babies healthy. Pregnant with my first after TTC 3 years (found out 6/23/16) + Endometriosis. In my 30's.

7 years ago • Post starter

Hope you don't mind me posting in. I got a BFP on day 11.
I am 3 weeks tomorrow.
This is my first time after a MC in January.

I've had 2 blood tests already
14dpo 86
18dpo 594

Pretty sure my US is at 6 weeks.

My EDD is 28/02/2017

Good luck ladies

7 years ago

Welcome! The more the merrier!

It's going to be nice to go through this experience with others. We don't have to be alone. We can support each other. Answer or ask questions.

I've been a lot more anxious lately. I am naturally anxious and have a panic disorder but it gets worse doing the cycle of: omg nervous over baby then nervous over being nervous because stress can hurt baby then trying to calm down and repeat.

I'm a dietitian/nutritionist who helps keep other's babies healthy. Pregnant with my first after TTC 3 years (found out 6/23/16) + Endometriosis. In my 30's.

7 years ago • Post starter

I woke up last night to go to the bathroom-- and had a dizzy spell! Not sure how normal that is, but it was not pleasant! Today I have gone from constipation to a little diarrhea. Still cramping on and off but very very mild.

7 years ago

After a decent night sleep not restlessness or anything I have crashed hard and am extremely tired by 12:30pm today.
Cramping aswel, feeling anxious for blood test tomorrow.

7 years ago

Hi Ladies,

I know I am a little ahead of you all with a due date of 6th January but I found this thread so interesting.
I have experienced everything that you are going through too. I also thought the wait until my first appointment was agonizing!! I had my first appointment booked at 10 weeks then they put it back a week due to the midwife being unavailable, I honestly cried because I was so frustrated! I had my 12 week scan last week and they said there was a good strong heartbeat, working stomach, two legs, two arms and very active
If any of you ladies need any advice or want to ask about anything you are feeling then I probably have been through it


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7 years ago

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