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TWW for a March 2017 BFP!

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Hi all! I am somewhat new here and on the journey of TTC for the first time around! This is our second active month to TTC. I have been off BC for a year now, and we did the pull out method until we decided we were ready to stop preventing last month.

I have always been nervous that I would have issues TTC and so I put it off for some time. Now that we are actually on the road to hopefully conceiving I am getting more and more excited and more and more stressed about it! Last month was a BFN, which I half heartedly expected especially since it was our first active month of TTC.

This month I am really hopeful and afraid I'm setting myself up for disappointment! I am currently 4 dpo and have had increased CM for longer than usual so I am hoping that is a good sign! If I were to conceive this month the estimated due date would be Mar 4 which is my mother's birthday! I would love that! And she would love it too, she has been waiting quite some time for a grandbaby.

This TWW is going to be downright miserable, but having a little company would help it pass quicker! :)

183 Replies • 8 years ago



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I'm half way through the tww and I don't have any cm like all you guys are having. So i may be headed to AF. I'm going to test this weekend.

8 years ago

Hi, I just had IVF, 5 day embryo transfer (frozen) two days ago, so I guess that's like 7dpo....?! Planning on testing Sunday morning. No symptoms, know it's too early but have a bad feeling. Good luck everyone!

8 years ago

Your not out yet chicks. I always have some mucous even on past cycles which were obviously bfn

8 years ago

Don't be discouraged! Everyone is different and all pregnancies are different. Just because you aren't having noticeable symptoms doesn't mean you're out- just like having certain things that stand out doesn't necessarily mean you're pregnant. I am hopeful, however I have never had a cycle (this one included) that I've had a true feeling of "wow I think I'm pregnant".

8 years ago • Post starter

I'm trying to figure out where to start. Let's see. I'm 6 days post ovulation. I'm 32. I have been trying to get pregnant seriously for at least 3 years. I have had endo since I was 12. A year ago, I gave up on trying after multiple rounds of medications without luck. I relaxed and partied and just didn't care. I work with the kids and see little babies all the time. So I found a great doctor for a second opinion. Im in my first round of femara plus iui. I've always had cycles around 21 days and I've always ovulated from what I can tell. So far everything has been moving really well and I know I released at least 2 mature follicles when I ovulated. I've never once had a really any true pregnancy symptoms. I've never had a positive test. This is the first time I've ever felt anything like constant exhaustion and all the cramping from the procedure. I'm really hopeful that this will finally be the month. Starting yesterday, I also started getting this kind of odd feeling in my throat that makes me constantly want to burp but not a typical burp. I'm trying not to symptom spot because it's so early, but it's also so hard when you're impatient.

I'm a dietitian/nutritionist who helps keep other's babies healthy. Pregnant with my first after TTC 3 years (found out 6/23/16) + Endometriosis. In my 30's.

8 years ago

Hello ladies. Mind if I join the tww? I'm 39 dh and I have tried since 2012. I failed IUI. Gave up for a while and now first FET donor cycle yesterday. Had 2 blastocysts transferred and praying one emby will pull through and give us our miracle. I know how hard the tww can be and testing and symptom spotting it will consume you... I spent 2k one year on tests... And I was buying the cheapie online in bulk... I don't really know when I might start having lot symptoms in my case but hopefully they will be in the next week. Beta scheduled for 6-27. Praying for you all and hoping this is the month for everyone. I am a march baby so having a March baby is a lucky thing!

8 years ago

Minicrinkle I will be 100% honest you will be testing WAY to early if you take a test Sunday. They say 12 days past trensfer as it will take up to 2.5 days for a blastocyst to implant. No implant no hcg, you will get a possible false negative.. With as much as ivf takes the toll on you emotionally I would hate to see you test too son get a false neg and then feel the cycle failed. When did the set your beta for?? I wouldn't test with a hpt unless it was only a day or two max before your beta. My RE said to make sure I let the stress go in the next 2 weeks. I'd love to test early say starting this weekend but this time I'm more fearful of disappointment. These shots have taken a toll and each time I see a baby I want to cry. It's hard when you see something so natural happen so easily for others but we all have to go through so much and still face so many monthly disappointments. Wishing you the best hold off if you can to test.

8 years ago

Good morning all and hello to the new ladies who have joined us. I have read each of your posts and I just want to say I am praying that this month is it for each of you! I can't imagine how difficult it is to go through those procedures and how much harder the wait must be. I've got fingers crossed and am sending lots of baby dust to you all! Please keep us posted on your progress and your beta tests.

I will briefly introduce myself to those of you who are new. I am 26 and just recently started to TTC. I have wanted to for quite some time now, but kept putting it off because I had a fear that it wouldnt work out the way I wanted it to, or at all for that matter. Decided if I was going to find out that we had fertility issues it would be better to find out sooner rather than later. This is our second active month TTC. Clearly last month was a BFN, which I expected because seriously, who gets pregnant the first month? Still very discouraged that it won't happen this month either, I think more so because I so badly want a March BFP. With my career I get three months off in summer, so to have a baby in March would give me maternity + 3 months off with my baby before going back to work. Also, my mother's birthday is in early March which is when my EDD would be so it would just be overall perfect. I am 8dpo today and wouldn't say I've had much of any symptoms (technically I would just be close to implantation so there can't be much of anything). Only thing important to note was the change in my CM. Usually am dry mid cycle, but this month I had about 8-9 days of EWCM, on the last day of it turning a neon yellow color. The day after that it changed to a thick chunky consistency, still with yellow tinged color. That was yesterday- haven't seen any today. I am praying that it will happen.

Good luck ladies! I hope all you others will update us on how it's going for you now too!

8 years ago • Post starter

I think I'm the oldie of the group. I'm 42 but doc said all my girlie parts are in great shape. My blood work was perfect. This is our 7 cycle and if not pregnant by August DH will have to be tested. He is 44 and has low libido. We have 1 DD together. I'm 8dpo today. Been feeling mild cramps since last night. My temp this morning 98.06. I do plan on testing this weekend. We bd for 3 days prior to O so our chances are great unless there is in fact something wrong with DH boys. I very much believe in prayer and will be praying for everyone.

8 years ago

Its exciting to have all these gals together while we are in are dreaded tww. I truly hope we all succeed in conceiving soon! I do not wish this kinda thing on anyone. To want your baby so bad but have so much difficulty getting there.. is devastating. We can do this! :) I've been reading all your posts & hoping the best for each & every one of you.
I am 8dpo today. Still peein on opks everyday.. yesterday had no 2nd line at all that was the first single line opk since before ovulation. I tested on opk this morning & now is a Lil darker. Rather this is just a theory/experiment i heard about online.. as soon as my hpts come im gonna start testing. I usually wait til af is due but i just started fertilaid & ovulated earlier so not really sure when to expect af now.
Ive been experiencing a few symptoms but really dont know if its pms hyped up because of new meds or what.. so trying not to think too much about that lol

8 years ago

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