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Private Testers Support Group Part 6!

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Continuing from part 5 for our little band of sisters :)

Dev sorry about the BFN and the spotting :( Did you retest this morning? How sucky.

bluerose that is a long cycle! Hopefully AF doesn't show. Sounds like you have a crazy weekend ahead, hope you are able to nap today!

Hi to all the other girls!

AFM Not much going on, only work for a tiny bit today and then it is just relaxing. Hoping I can take a nap myself because I've been up since 5 AM for no reason. Boo.

272 Replies • 9 years ago



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Hey ladies!!

Cam, hey!!secure that livelihood for sure!! What's going on? How are you feeling? In terms of ttc?i know you're getting on in your cycle...fx'd!!

Luv, I is quiet! I know you're ready to get everything put up! Sounds like we are both having awesome weather, enjoy it!! Can't wait to see a pic of you and the baby, hint!

Dev, Blue, Frosty, Bumpin where are y'all?? We miss ya!

AFM, I'm feeling pretty good. Still trying to get my paperwork finished for the Army so I can actually start my a flu shot today so my arm is sore...still dealing with the MIL, but we can only take it a day at a time. In terms of my ttc, ummmm still just seeing what happens. Seems like we're never going to get into the new house and I do feel it will be better to get that done first. Starting to wonder can I handle it all? It's really frustrating...thanks to you all for listening!

9 years ago

Jada you are able to do all things through Christ whom strengthens you. He knows what you can endure and He is strong where you are weak.

I'm OK in my cycle just going one day at a time. I'm waiting for my 9 month af leave of absence to occur lol.

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9 years ago

Can, you are right! I have my moments, but thank you for bringing me back :) That will be an amazing and well welcomed leave for her!!

9 years ago

JLH sorry you are going through so much! I definitely believe that the lord only gives us what we can handle, even if it sure doesn't seem like it. A baby would be a huge blessing in your life and hey, you have 9 months to get ready for it ;) Whenever you need to vent or freak out we are here!

Cam I am so rooting for your 9 months off from AF! Maybe even longer, I hear it can stay away for a bit postpartum :) How is your week going? Squishy's great reveal is actually November 21st but I do have my 16-week checkup tomorrow, hopefully everything is going well!

Hi to all the others!

AFM I have today off! Got a lot of cleaning done yesterday. Rremoved the thick layer of dust from EVERYTHING in the living room, from when DH sanded the built-in and left everything buried in more white powder than an 80s cocaine den :-P Not sure what I'll do with myself all day. Probably nothing, which is awesome. Maybe go for a walk this afternoon. I mapped out a nice little 2.2-mile route which is short and sweet. Glad I don't have to go 5 miles minimum anymore! :)

9 years ago • Post starter

Gm ladies I'm on my way to dunkin donuts to have a cup of tea before school. Wake up sleepy heads. The forum has gotten extremely quiet. ....... But I know we all have our lives to live and will catch up with each other eventually lol. I'll check in later Smooches.

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9 years ago

Morning Cam! Mmm Dunkin Donuts :) We are getting one of those in my town soon, people are pretty excited haha! Agree it is quiet as a church in here!

Had my 16-week appt today and it went great! No lectures about my weight gain, haha. Doc said I look great and am measuring perfectly for my dates. Bloodwork from last appt was perfect. Heartbeat was much easier to hear this time, and about 148 bpm! Always good to hear that. Was a very quick appt, next time is 20 weeks and the gender ultrasound on November 21. Cannot wait!

9 years ago • Post starter

Do you still get teary eyed when you see cletus?

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9 years ago

Haha I do not, I get very happy though :) Although I didn't see Cletus this time, just heard the heartbeat. It was much louder than last time which is good. This kid is gonna be an athlete for sure :)

9 years ago • Post starter

Hi all!!!

Cam, hope DD and class were great!

Luv, love hearing the wonderful news! I'm hoping for a little girl for you BC I have three sorority sisters, two just had babies and the third due this month, and all are boys!! But most of all I pray a healthy baby for you :)

AFM, taking full advantage of my down time before I get hit and heavy into my new work assignment. So took my MIL to the adult day care, then dropped my car off for service, met my designer at Home Goods, got an hour massage, now sitting in the chair at the Paul Mitchell school getting my hair done :) yep I am a happy lady at the moment...trying to enjoy it BC after this I have to go pick up my MIL :/ LOL. Need to jump on the hubs yeah...


9 years ago

Luv that baby has no choice but to be an athlete lol. Jada all was well I need to be doing school work but I'll do it tomorrow.

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9 years ago

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