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Iui w only 3 mil count. Lost hope and faith..need to vent.

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Been ttc for almost 4 yrs me 28..dh is 38. Married 7 years.Today was our 2nd iui and our sperm count was the lowest it's ever been. Only 3 million :( I feel so bad for dh. Our 1st iui which was a year and half ago it was 11 million for our iui. He has been on femara for 5 months and I do not think it has helped anything. Dr said motility and morph are ok just terrible count. We did do a medicated cycle this time. I took femara and novarel trigger shot on day 12. I had two follicles on day 11 us..they were 16 and 19mm. I really had high hopes for this cycle. This February will be 4 years ttc. We have only had one chemical in that time. We cannot afford Ivf and our insurance pays for nothing fertility. I feel so hopeless. I was going to test everyday to test the trigger out of my system but I don't even want to bother. It will be even more heartbreaking to watch the bfp fade away. I was hopeing I could tell our families at Christmas that we were finally pregnant! They don't even ask us anymore if we are gonna have baby..guess they have given up on it as well. I just wish I could stop crying lol no matter what I do the tears,still fall. Is there anyone who had any success with getting a bfp from such low counts? I think the hardest part is just realizing and facing the fact that you will never carry a child..and I feel like that's where I'm at today.

55 Replies • 8 years ago



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Thanks,. Our ivf turned out very poorly. 9 eggs retrieved, only 3 fertilized, 2 were transferred, only the 1 took, and it ended up being implanted into my cervix. So, short story is we had to terminate at 8wks. Who woulda thought, all that time, energy and money down the drain for an abortion. Certainly not the intended result for all that trouble. I did get u/s keepsake pics for the mantle. Hopefully something better will come out of all this devastation for us all with ttc.

8 years ago

bless your heart sweetie. that breaks my heart :( i have only had chemicals so i just couldnt sister has lost 2 in last 2 years. first one at 9 weeks second one at 10 weeks. So are you in the tww now? are you doing ivf again now? dont give will happen. God said he would hear our prayers and answer. and that is what i am holding onto. this really is a silly the subject really but...when i was in the second grade. my teacher would give out one gift each week. one to a boy and one to a girl. he would draw our names out of a bowl every friday. That monday he showed us the prizes for the week and the girls prize was a hawian barbie!! i wanted that barbie more than anything! I specifically remember asking God for that barbie every night that week in my prayer. Well...guess what! my name was pulled from the bowl! I have reflected on that incident so many times in life. God hears us, and he will give us the desires of our heart.

8 years ago • Post starter

Thanks love. Unfortunately our insurance sucks. Dh policy ive maxed out my lifetime allowance on stemming meds, and my insurance only had an allotted $7,500 (w/meds) . Most of that covered the procedure. So we arent willing to financially ruin ourselves to borrow $ to do it again. We've improved his mfi, now our biggest battle is my low amh. So hopefully we'll have luck with these IUI'S now that dh sperm is in better shape.
I continue to have positivity in it all whether or not we have our own child. We'll learn to cope whatever the outcome. I get excited just in the prospect of trying with some medical intervention. We appreciate the support!

8 years ago

I wish we could get my dh count up. it has varied over the last 3 years first time it was at 6.8 mil, 2nd time it was 7 mil. 3rd it was 11 mil and this last it was 10.6, but we only had 3 mil good ones after the wash. It s amazing it takes so many of them little boogers just to crack into a egg!! We could borrow $ for ivf but it would really really put us in a bind. so we have chosen not to at this time. our insurance covers absolutly nothing at all for fertility. everything single thing has been out of pocket. they did pay a little on my lap/dye surgery because the Re put it down as exploratory/diagnostic but everything eles has been out of pocket. which is a crock! lol

8 years ago • Post starter

I totally understand. It's all so insane. I wish they'd find out why he has only count issues if motility, morph and such are ok....maybe one of those 3mil will get the job done!

8 years ago

They did blood work and checked for a vacerole I'm sure,that's not how u spell that lol sorry. His T was a little low is all they found. The blood work after him taking femara for 3 months showed improvement but his count barely went up. My Dr said sometimes we can fix the sperm and sometimes that's just how it is..and we will work around it. It's hard to believe some company hasn't made a proven pill for sperm increase. Lol

8 years ago • Post starter

Right! Lol. Yeah they checked my dh for varicocele's as well as his T was alright I believe.

Being in the medical profession im floored one of these companies hasnt come up with the technology to have at home hcg blood tests, similar to glucometers where you could prick your fingers to test. Boy will they be a billionaire! I should contact them or try to secure a patent! Lol

8 years ago

we could go on shark tank!!!! lol seriously somebody really needs to get with the program on this lol today i am still having cramping on my right side last night it was terrible everytime i got up or down it would be a sharp zing through my right ovary area. Hopeing its a good sign. I really cant remember my symptoms from my 1st iui, wish i would of kept a video diary every day like i am this round. so 3dpiui only cramping and feeling pressure like i need to go potty but nothing happening. I bet that trigger causes stomach probs...and i am very hungry. i did read though that some ppl said they thought the trigger made them more hungrier than usual so not sure on that either...i really dont know what to expect with the trigger as ive never done it before and i wont know what symptoms are realted to the trigger, and which ones are not.

8 years ago • Post starter

Exactly. We could be millionaires!

I remember being so uncomfortable during my ivf. the stemming, steroids, progesterone, estrogen, hell all of it made me so bloated, constipated and uncomfortable. I seriously couldnt walk upright for 2 days after retrieval. So I'm certain the trigger itself is given you problems. I just remembered my trigger left a huge hole in my buttock from the IM injection, lol.

8 years ago

my dh gave me the trigger and he said wow this is thick stuff! i had a big welt for a good 2-3 hrs afterwards and itched like crazy! luckily it stopped soon.

8 years ago • Post starter

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