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4dpo - anyone wanna join me in two ?

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Well here I am in the thick of tww again after miscarrying in august. 4dpo today and feeling bloated, stuffy nose and a few twinges here and there. Took a test yesterday morning lol, I knew it would be a bfn but just wanted to entertain the thought of seeing a bfp come up like I did 3 months ago. I so badly want to be pregnant again. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is tired of waiting !! Anyone else in same/similar boat? Wanna be tww buddies with me?

53 Replies • 12 years ago



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Alabama Mama - I felt the same on Saturday. I almost vomitted a number of times when we were out, but maybe something I ate didn't agree with me..?
I had strange cramps down low on left side that lasted for hours, so I'm wondering if they were implantation pains. Or maybe I was ovulating, even though I'm quite sure I ovulated 10 days ago. The fact that I'm still having positive opk tests is really baffling and confusing me !! Baby dust to you, hope u have a bfp soon!!

12 years ago • Post starter

Kblisst - so sorry that you have been through such a tough time healthwise. I really hope you get you bfp soon! What symptoms have you been experiencing??

Has anyone who has posted on this thread had their bfp yet?!


12 years ago • Post starter

tammy we seem to have been testing on about the same days lol still a bfn for me as well. havent decided when i gunna try a test again. hoping i can hold off till the weekend (lol yeah like that will happen). Good luck I hope the next test somes back a BFP for both of us figer crossed and still trying to send plenty of baby dust to you

12 years ago

Still a little crampy...or it just feels like something's going on down there. Then I started thinking, with all the trips to the loo, maybe a UTI? I don't know if I've really ever had one before...but no burning when I tinkle.

My mouth has a weird taste in it...maybe metallic. I had to force myself to eat my oatmeal this morning and last night all I had was an apple and some peanut butter.

Nips are a little tender, but that's normal before AF shows up. The biggest thing that gets me is the aversion to food. Going out for a work lunch today to one of my fave eateries...we'll see how that goes. Of course this could all be in my summarize:


12 years ago

Kbliss~ Welcome and I'm sorry to hear about your Thyroid CA, but glad you are TTC! Good luck sweetie! I'm 12dpo, and AF due on 10/24, HOWEVER... I caved and took a test already.. I just have so many! Lol...

Alabama Mmama~ Good luck to you also!

Tammy~ How are you feelingtoday?
Sorry if I'm forgetting people!

12 years ago

How are you doing Tammy?

Well, last night and today were/are interesting. Last evening while on the elliptical (which I had to DRAG myself too...kinda tired) while moving my bbs were sore. It started in the upper chest/area. I thought maybe it was from the pushups I did the day before, but my arms felt fine.

Anyway, last night I guess it's considered tingling? I felt like my nips were on fire. Not horrible but noticeable. Today I'm feeling pains in the girls and they feel HEAVY. I feel like my bra is tight, but it's my normal bra, one of my better ones to be exact.

Nausea is down a bit...but I'm a little lightheaded I think. Bloating started again yesterday after lunch.

I'm testing Friday morning, 11dpo.

12 years ago

Hi jujubees, how are you today? Alabama mama - it sounds like you are pregnant!!! You'll be testing really soon, I hope it's your turn! Can't wait to hear.
As for me, unfortunately I think I have my timing all mucked up. Perhaps it's because I recently miscarried so everything might be out of whack. I don't think I'm 12dpo, maybe 6 or 7. Disappointing thing is dh and I only bd'd once last week on sunday. (4 days ago) so I guess I'm out this month.
Going to Thailand next week so the positive is I won't be worrying about the food every second and I will be able to have a cocktail by the pool. Trying to look on the bright side but it's hard. I'd much rather be careful about the food and not drink :(

12 years ago • Post starter

Scorpio - have you done another test yet!? I think I'm out this month. Have you got your bfp yet? Has anyone this month? I have my fingers crossed for you Scorpio!

12 years ago • Post starter

I am new to this site so still finding my way around. I too miscarried 3rd september and now in my tww. I am 7 dpo and every minute seems like days, stressing out probably isn't helping but it so hard not too. Have twinges in my stomach and feeling so so tired but not sure as I am always tired! Going insane ......

12 years ago

Thanks Tammy...I hope so. If not, something is wrong with me! I think the fatigue has set in...almost didn't make it to church last night, then when I got home I took a bath and crashed. Didn't even eat. When DH got home he asked if I was alright.

This morning I can't get going. Lightheaded/tired. Tummy seems fine so far. I began starving two hours after breakfast, just chowed down on a sandwich, but then got "full feeling" and I think I'm done. Tested yesterday (prompting coworker again) and nothing. I hope tomorrow is the day, I really want to suprise DH.

Tailand?!?! That's awesome! You'll have an awesome time! I'm very jealous!!

12 years ago

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