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Women in late 20's to mid 30's TTC#1 for 6mos or less

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Hi All,

I'm trying to find some women in the same situation as myself - I'm 33 years old and TTC#1 since September 2013. Although I feel like I'm just getting the hang of timing my ovulation and paying attention to my body's symptoms and what they could possibly mean. This last cycle I really thought I was pregnant, and then the "witch" ended up showing up a little later than usual and it threw me off and I got sad, but now I'm just going to try to relax and have some fun with the whole baby making process and try to find some women in the same shoes as myself. So, if you are and you would like to share comments or have questions - please do!

I look forward to finding some cycle buddies!


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135 Replies • 10 years ago



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I really didn't have any symptoms other then sore boobs on dpo 10. Now they just got huge but not sore anymore. I also was having some non specific symptoms like back pain and was getting short of breath ( I excersize a lot and that's not normal for me). Now I feel nothing really other then I'm thirsty all the time and some very mild cramps. Not like AF cramps just very mild ones.

Thank you all :)
I'm very happy. Hopefully baby sticks. This is my very first pregnancy and I'm both excited and scared out of my head.

Baby dust to all of you guys!

10 years ago

Hi all, I hope you had a lovely Christmas! I'm cycle day 11 today and got a positive on my Asda ovulation test today. It's my first cycle using them, Fingers crossed!

10 years ago

@Magicianxix - sticky vibes your way!!! Congratulations again! So exciting!

@Teffidy - today is my CD10 and I have a feeling I will test positive for my LH surge tomorrow. FX'd for both of us!!! Going away tonight until Sunday and hopefully I'll come back pregnant! We bd'd on the 25th (CD08), and we will tonight (CD10) and then hopefully I get my positive on OPK (Clearblue Easy) tomorrow and then we'll BD three days in a row -- I'm trying the "sperm meets egg" plan this month.

Good luck to all!!!! BABY DUST!

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10 years ago • Post starter

Hi all! My name is Aundrea. I am 31 (soon to be 32). My husband and I have been TTC since September 2013. However, this month was our first time actually tracking symptoms and using an OPK. Currently I am CD 28/ 11 DPO. I felt like I was having symptoms that I normally do not have breast felt heavy, back ache, heaviness/pressure in abdomen and such. I even had a crazy vivid dream that I took a HPT and it was BFP!!! But so far nothing but BFN (tested on 9 DPO and 10 DPO). WHAT A BUMMER!! Now I am hesitant to test any further. It makes me wonder if I only see these symptoms because I am tracking and paying attention? Or EVEN WORSE, if all my symptoms are in my head? I would love any advice.

Baby dust and stick bean vibes to all!

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10 years ago

Hi ladies
I'm Emma and will be 34 on 14th. This is my first month ttc and my first month off the pill so I'm trying to be positive but hard. Been a long journey to get to this point but here now and both hubby and I looking for a BFP soon.

I'm about 5/6 DPO. Don't use an OPK but pretty sure I ovulated on day 13. I've had strange "twinges" in my ovary area, creamy cm, felt "full" and seriously weepy and now have a stinking cold which I heard can also be a signal. So I'm hopeful but jeez this 2ww really does suck!

Good luck to everyone testing in the next few weeks!

10 years ago

I wonder if it's in my head too Aundrea, or that I always get like this post ovulation but just never noticed (Though I think I'd remember weeing this often!)! And of course, it could just be because I've just come off the pill... Time will tell. My super hero power would definitely be patience if I could pick one! :-D

10 years ago

Hi Ladies! I'm a newbie here.. just turned 30 and been TTC for only a month now. My cycle has always been 28-30 days long my whole life, so we just went with our gut on the ovulation.

Now I'm 8 DPO and also very sick with a viral infection.. so I cant tell any signs even if I have any, because viral is making my body hurt, temp go up and sinuses hurt. CM today was yellowish, been creamy last few days. But my mood swings came very early this time... like 2 days ago.. We were really hoping to get a BFP, but not sure now :(

Lots of luck and prayers for those waiting on their BFP in the next few weeks!

10 years ago

I've been MIA for a bit, but I'm back. I hope everyone is doing well and thinking positive!!

AFM - I'm on CD 12, and tested positive for my LH surge yesterday afternoon with clearblue easy test. I'm assuming I will O today or tomorrow, right now I'm having slight cramps but nothing out of the ordinary. My DH and I bd'd on CD08, CD10, CD11 and CD12. I'm hoping this month is our month!!! I tried the sperm meets egg plan someone told me about - BD every other day until u test positive for surge then BD 3 days in a row. FX'd it works!!!

How is everyone else doing???

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10 years ago • Post starter

AF finally showed after almost a week since my provera, not feeling too crampy which is unusual... Will start clomid on Thursday. Fx!!

I'm 28, DH is 29 Married since 2007 TTC officially since October 2013 I have PCOS. 11/15/13: first round of clomid 50mg (no ovulation on cd21) 1/2/14: second round of clomid 100mg (cd21 tested at 11!!!)

10 years ago

@Blynnstrecker - Sorry about AF showing her ugly face! Better luck next cycle!!! FX'd for you!

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10 years ago • Post starter

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