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March 2014 Due Date?

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Ladies, I just got my BFP today at 9DPO. This is my second conception and the first ended in a missed miscarriage Feb, 2013. I've been experiencing frequent urination, breast tenderness and nausea. Looking forward to this one sticking, so excited we got a chance to conceive this month. Sending positive vibes out to all the other ladies.

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65 Replies • 11 years ago



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hi Sblanch! Welcome to our chat and congrats on your BFP! Super excited for you and sending sticky sticky vibes your way!

@Janel - Yes the doc did setup another round - in fact I go tomorrow early morning for another blood test for beta hcG's and then in the afternoon I have an appt with her. I'm hoping the levels continue to increase. I did some research and it seems as though my numbers are about average considering most women get these done at 6 weeks and I'm only 5 weeks.

On a side note - my pain has subsided. Last time it took me to my knees was yesterday at 4pm. I took a tylenol around then and actually slept through the night! got up really early to pee and then back to bed. Feeling very tired and hungry all the time. Trying to eat smaller meals instead of three big meals and it seems to be helping A LOT!

Feeling better today than I have all week!

10 years ago

Yes this is my first. Have been TTC for just under two years.

Am not feeling to bad yet thank god. My boobs are so sore and I'm so constipated its horrible a bit more tied than usual bit nothing I can't cope with.

How are you girls??? How are you feeling???


10 years ago

SBLANCH, I've been experiencing sore boobs, sometimes stabbing pains in the breast area, frequent urination and backache.

I've noticed some major differences and similarities between this conception and the last I had in February of this year. I'm hoping the "differences" are a sign of a happy and healthy 9 months!
Next Wednesdays scheduled ultrasound means so much to me an my hubby. Hoping and praying all goes well.

I scared myself today when I took a little spill onto the floor on my left side. I was rushing to the kitchen and slide on the carpet and fell forward. I immediately laid down for about 2 hours afterwards. I know they say that the embryo is really protected in the first trimester but I wanted to be safe. Only had some slight stomach discomfort afterwards, no pain or bleeding so I think I'm good. Lesson learned, nothing is THAT important that I need to rush. I hear that we're going to get even more clumsy and prone to accidents once our belly's start growing so be careful ladies.

Hope everyone is doing well!

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10 years ago • Post starter

I have very sore nipples, minor cramping and backache and of course peeing all the time.

@Janel - be careful lady! Take it easy- nothing is that important. Good to know we are accident prone though! I'll have to be extra careful. Hope you are feeling okay now.

Update on me- went to doc yesterday and levels are at 339 from 194! Doc is much happier than earlier in the week but still wants to
Keep track so more blood work Monday. Hopefully we can see our little bean in an ultrasound soon. Still a little crampy off and on - sometimes it feels
Like menstral cramps just a bit different maybe a little like gas. Going to continue to take it easy. Update next week!

10 years ago

@SMB - yeah girl!!! So exciting, so glad to see those numbers jump too. Keep us posted on the subsequent tests that they take this week.

Getting super excited myself for my ultrasound on Wednesday. I'm nervous and excited all together. We spent the weekend with our friends and family and it was so hard to keep my mouth shut about the pregnancy. Two other cousins of my husbands wives are due in January/February of next year we just found out. My husbands mom just kept saying, you know they come in 3's...OMG, I could barely keep a straight face.

Have any of you shared the news with your family yet? If not, when do you plan on telling them?

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10 years ago • Post starter

@janel- one more day! Bet you have trouble sleeping :) my thoughts and prayers will be with you tomorrow. Post a picture for us if you can!

Update on me: doc called today- levels are 1748! I was in shock I asked her to check again and make sure that was the right number! So 84 hours and my numbers are about 5 times what they were. Needless to say my husband and I are super excited and relieved its not an ectopic pregnancy. I hope I get another ultrasound next week and we can actually see our lil bean.

Yes we did tell our immediate family. My parents have been bugging since we got married and since my husband is super excited we just had to tell someone. We told very close friends and immediate family only. We will wait to tell co-workers and the rest of the family until we get the all clear from the doc.

Any morning sickness?

10 years ago

SMB great news! So happy the numbers have raised so high in 3 days, those are all positive signs.

I am experiencing what I call "all day" sickness...basically if I go longer than 4 hours without eating or snacking I get really nauseous to the point where I feel like I'm going to throw up, fortunately I've only tossed my cookies once but its so draining either way.

Keep me posted on your status and will definitely let everyone know how the ultrasound turns out.

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10 years ago • Post starter

Doctor called and said the raise in the levels is VERY good. They want to do another round today and as long as they are above 2000 - then another ultrasound will be scheduled. If they see something on the ultrasound than they will refer me to an OBGYN!!

I'm so excited. I haven't been feeling sick lately though. But OMG am I tired.... I travel for work on Mondays and Tuesdays and I could barely keep my eyes open during the day. I wake up only to dream about going back to bed everyday! Still only sore nipples too....

10 years ago

Hello ladies, how are you all feeling? I am doing well. Kind of anxious because my first dr appt won't be until Aug 7th, when I'll be 9 weeks along. Seems forever away.

10 years ago

@Ally - we feel your anxiousness! Sending sticky vibes your way and keep us posted!

@Janel- the suspence is killing me! How did your appt go? Did we hear a heartbeat?!

10 years ago

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