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LMP Oct 28- anyone else?

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Hello all my LMP was Oct 28 looking for others with the same LMP or close to!

99 Replies • 11 years ago



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AKenny11...I'm not having that issue. I'm 4DPO and was kind of wondering am I usually that moist after "O" most of the time. This is my first month really tracking and paying attention to things. I can say that my BD drive went down a lot after I "O'd" is anyone or has anyone had that happen?

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11 years ago

MzThangg- Yes I am in the same boat my hubby came home last night expecting us to fool around since we have like the past 4 nights in a row and I just didnt feel like it at all. that also could have been from the dryness down there. I actually think I may have gotten a yeast infection while ovulating, i realized that the past couple times we did it I forgot to go pee afterwards and I ALWAYS go after. Just bought some cream to help but symptoms are still just mostly cramping and a little bloat. Any other symptoms ladies?

11 years ago

AKenny11...I had the symptoms like a UTI or yeast infection last month. When I went in things checked out, and it was neither. I still used the cream though so I guess I just got a little irritated, but nothing to amount to a full blown infection.

As far as symptoms go I've been having cramps, backache, my stomach felt like an empty pit last night, heartburn, vivid dreams, and today I had bleeding gums. I'm not sure if that's because I switched to a new toothbrush this morning though.

Praying things are going in my favor and I get a !

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11 years ago

MzThangg- Yeah im not 100% that it is a ful blown infection because I've had a couple and they were bad. This one seems more the irritation but I just want to be one the safe side. Its sounding promising for you, it probably will be your month. I'm hoping that it's my month too because this whole trying thing is hard work.

11 years ago

I have like... at least 50 HCG test strips here AT LEAST. lol I will probably take some because I'm almost positive I ovulated last night/this morning, which means I can start obsessively peeing on things next Friday.

Also, since I've been keeping track of it, I definitely have less CM after O. But then again, it might just be that all the stress and pressure of TTC makes it harder to get aroused. It's easier when I know it doesn't matter.

11 years ago

Sorry I haven't been on yet today- it's been really hectic here! My symptoms are pretty much the same as they were yesterday except I've been in a pissed off at everything mood or just want to cry :/ I've have dried out some too, not completly dry and uncomfortable but dry compared to how I had been for the last several days. I do have to say the ovulating wetness and baby making dance wetness is about to drive me NUTS!!! I've also had a funny taste in my mouth and all I've have to drink was water and haven't eaten anything unusual that would give me this taste. I even notice the taste while eating. Who knows!
I do have to say trying to cut out caffeine and soda out of my daily dinks is killing me! I'm used to having a couple cups of coffee in the mornings and a soda in the afternoons. I've quit cold turkey and I am having to try so hard to fight the temptation! Also had killer headaches the last 2 days. It hurts so bad I want to cry and curl up in a ball and sleep.

I so would start testing early but I don't have any cheepies and they are really expensive up here. So I'll just wait until I'm a few days out before I even try. I am dying not to test now though- just have a different feeling about this cycle!

Glad to hear all is well with y'all.

11 years ago • Post starter

Matrixx- that's how I was the past couple cycles. Trying so hard with ovulation symptoms and temps that it was more like a chore to baby dance. I did nothing this month and had absolutely no problem getting aroused. It was actually so bad this month that my hubby was freaked out. The other night he told me its ok to be all freaky in the bedroom but please don't molest me in public! I have not been this aroused in I don't know how long! I was also having to beg for a couple extra dances this cycle! When it's usually my hubby that is begging for a couple extra! Don't track and just go for it! Since my window is over though I have notices my desire has kind of subsided some.

11 years ago • Post starter

Jealous, but looking at all the hearts on my BBT chart this month I really can't complain. Maybe all that interest will translate into a baby! My husband was a good sport, but I think he will be happy for a break now that we're past ovulation.

11 years ago

Haha that's funny! Mine was begging for a break!

11 years ago • Post starter

I had a bad headache yesterday ugh.

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11 years ago

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