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Private Testers Support Group Part 3!

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A "secret" group for a not-secretly awesome group of ladies. :)

As I said in the last thread, I'm CD 9 and nothing exciting is happening, unless you count patchy depression and seasonal affective disorder "exciting" :-/

576 Replies • 10 years ago



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GM Ladies,

Thanks for the thoughts, I am actually doing ok at the moment. Just trying to stay positive that it will happen. Planning to call my OB and request the appointment get moved up if possible. FX'd!!

Holly, Hey!! You are a rockstar to write all of that, awesome! I pray that you will get your LO and in the way that YOU want!

SMH, I hope your milk comes in better. I'm not sure if you watched Tia &Tamara's (twin actresses) reality show but they came up with a product that has that herb in it. Called Milky. May be worth looking into? Can't wait to see more pics of Rella!

1st, glad you are feeling good! So cool that Lynzie is kicking :)

AFMed, can't wait to hear how the prank turns Think my dh would have a heart attack! LOL. Hope your dh is better and happy to hear your dd is better :)

Luv, I'm just a few days behind you...get your BFP and sprinkle the baby dust to me :) Thanks for the hugs! Hope you get un-plugged soon!

Clove, thanks! Do you have pics of your LO? Would love to see him...good luck getting him back on schedule. Glad you are still around!!

Blue, how are things going? Getting your bd on I hope :)

Cam, we are still thinking of you!

10 years ago

Hey ladies. Sorry..I'm super busy and just can't respond to everyone. I've been working non-stop from the time I wake up until 7 or 8 at night. It's getting a bit insane.

10 years ago

Law, sounds like you are finding a groove! You know you are in our thoughts :O)

10 years ago

@Jada: Glad to hear you are trying to stay positive! :) I really hope your OB can move your appointment to sometime sooner for you! That would be awesome :)

10 years ago

1st, thanks for that :)

I just called the OBs office and awaiting to hear back if we can move my appointment up, please pray they can. At this point I am ready to find out what can be

10 years ago

Hey ladies just wanted to drop a quick note the appointment went good and all is well. The prank went off with out a hitch...LOL Hubby had a look of terror on his face, and just kept saying don't mess with me, and are you Shi*** Me LOL....We all just started laughing and he took the prank like a champ.

Sending good vibes to all you ladies, it was a really busy day at work and I am exhausted so going to turn in early!!!

10 years ago

Jada I do have pictures, I have some on my blog and plan on updating it tomorrow with more recent pictures. Do you need my blog address?

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10 years ago

Jada--praying for you. Let us know what the doctor says! I wish I was finding my groove--unfortunately I'm just in PANIC MODE!

afmedic--how funny! I'm glad DH took it well!

1st--I'm so jealous you get an u/s every time. That's really nice!

luv--well, that's sweet. It sounds like DH ultiately just wants you to be happy even if it takes him a while to warm up to the idea of spending money. Have you definitively decided to go forward with seeing an RE and planning your next steps?

AFM...ultrasound tomorrow to look at my uterus. I get to see Harper more frequently so there's a silver lining to all of this (assuming it actually turns out to be nothing).

10 years ago

Hey ladies sorry i havent been able to get on sooner and update. The blood draw was good the other day they said to stay on the same dose I have to go in again on Friday for another blood draw and an ultrasound. Hoping I will have a good number of mature follies so we can trigger this weekend and start with the retrieval at the beginning of next week. We will see how it goes. So far still no side effects with the stimulation meds. The only thing that I don't like is having to mix all the meds together for the shot but I'm getting pretty good at it

Smh: thanks very much. I will gladly sitback and watch when you pop open that how is rella doing?

Jada: so sorryabou af hope she is not to awful to you.

Luv: how are ou doing? Those arepretty good odds for the clinic so if you do decide to start ivf that is a relief to be in such good hands. I have no doubt it would be successfuk for you within a couple tries. It is very expensive when you start considering med costs and all too but it is so worth it inthe end.

10 years ago

@AFMedic: Glad your hubby took the prank like a champ!!! That's hilarious! :) Glad things are going well!!! :)

@Law: Yes it has been very nice... we all love those u/s! :) But I am pretty sure the u/s will become less frequent know that I am well into the 2nd trimester, but I guess we will see. I go back today for another appointment, so I will see what they say then. Praying your ultrasound shows that everything is fine and you can enjoy seeing your sweet miss. harper without the stress of worrying! :) Keep us updated! :)

@Amag: Glad to hear things are going well for you! FX'd for a good number of mature follies and you triggering soon!! And yay for no side effects! I hope that keeps up for you :)

10 years ago

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