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Who wants to try an experiment?!

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TWO people that I know of (on this site!) got pregnant recently on their FIRST month trying EVENING PRIMROSE OIL! After TTC for over a year and starting my 3rd clomid cycle, I am ready to give this a whirl! I'm on CD 2 and took my first dose tonight. Anyone else want to see if we can get some more s?!?!?!?

304 Replies • 13 years ago



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Ally, we all try to be the tough guy...but we are all only human. I hope that you enjoy your company; it sounds like you will have a blast!

I am officially arrived this afternoon, and super pain in my bbs has been replaced by the double-you-over mega cramps.

Back to the epo drawing board lol.

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12 years ago

Hi girls,

I'm also out this month. Oh well.
For those of you with awful cramps, you can try Cramp Bark (vibernum opulus) which is a mild herb found in any herb store. Black Haw is another cousin which I think is stronger. Both are famous for helping with threatened miscarriages, and are also used for monthly cramping due to AF.

It works like valerian as a uterine nervine for quieting cramps quickly. I used it when AF showed the other morning, and felt much better in 10 minutes. You don't need much, and it can be as simple as a little bark in a teapot of your favorite blend.

Back on EPO this month, and also giving up coffee... tomorrow ;)

Love to all,

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12 years ago

I got my BFP yesterday at 11dpo! I used EPO this month! Also used baby aspirin and PreSeed and OPKs! So excited!!!!

Allison User Image

12 years ago

Congradulations alli!!!!!
I'm kindof confused haven't had much for symptoms this month and I have only been checking my cp for 2 months now but AF is due to arrive in 2days and my cervix still feels closed I'm not sure what that means I took a test on 10&11 dpo and both were bfn any thoughts

12 years ago

O and I keep thinking AF has arrived and I go to bathroom and its just cm thought that dried up before AF so confused

12 years ago

Ohhhh congratulations Alli!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you!

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12 years ago

Yay Alli, that's great news!
Love to you and the bun.

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12 years ago

Horray for your bfp alli! !!!!!

Southernbee- who should I talk to about those supplements? I am diagnosed with threatened mc. I have been bleeding off & on and they saw the gestational sac but no fetal pole or yolk sac. I fear it's blighted ovum, but if not, and if theres anything I could do I wanna try. I hope to find out if its still viable by wed, my next u/s. they gave me a 50/50 probability of m/c.

12 years ago

Hi ladies

went for an u/s at 10 weeks... baby only measured 8 weeks and had no heartbeat.

So now I have to wait for the bleeding to start, and then I have to wait for it to stop, then wait for af to show before I can start ttc again.

congrats to anyone who got bfps, and to those who had af show, I will be joining you again soon. (at least I hope it will be fairly soon!)

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12 years ago

Joy~ I am sorry to hear you are going through that. I will keep you in my thoughts during the next days.


Stay positive my sweet.
Cramp Bark (vibernum opulus) and Black Haw (vibernum pruniflorium) are recommended by a few herbal books I have for both threatened miscarriage and even just monthly cramps. I found them easily in Victoria BC at the local herbal shop. I started taking Cramp Bark for cramps without speaking to anyone, but I'm not preggers. For me, Cramp Bark is very mild and effective as a tea.
I would speak to a doctor who is familiar with them if you can, or a naturopath/herbalist/midwife. Of the two, Black Haw is the stronger one, but Cramp bark works well and may be a better choice if you are planning to drink the tea daily. 'The best herb for the job is the mildest one which works'.
As well, Wild Yam root can provide the hormone support needed to maintain a pregnancy, and vitamin E is supposed to help with 'stickiness'. Like I mentioned, speak to a naturopath if you can, or a doctor if you have a trusted one who is open to herbs (most, unfortunately, aren't) and read up on the herbs through several sources as well.

Here are two books I particularly like:
**Herbal Healing for Women by Rosemary Gladstar (1993, New York: Fireside) has a great chapter on pregnancy as well as other delightful sections on women's health in general.

**Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year by Susun Weed (1986, Woodstock, NY: Ash Tree Publishing). A holistic look at the 13 months surrounding pregnancy.

I tend to cross reference these with other newer sources to make sure the herbs are still safe and relevant.

Two more helpful herbs you might want to look into are Lobelia and False Unicorn Root. I don't know much about them, but they are listed in a "Threatened Miscarriage" tea I found in the Childbearing Year book, along with the others I mentioned. Sending you love and positive thoughts~* Bee

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12 years ago

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