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ttc after cp

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Hi ladies. I just had cp at 5 weeks... im sad...but bleeding is nearly finished so we gona try again. Is anyone in my shoes aswell? How soon did you ovulate after cp and got bfp again? Baby dust to us all :)

667 Replies • 9 years ago



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Nikolina, yes it will be interesting to see if we O on same day. :) My fertile week starts Monday. No, not trying anything new. Was thinking about opting out of temping this month because I'm getting burnt out on it.... but I did it this morn and might keep doing it... I don't know. Haven't reached a decision yet I guess. :p But I've almost been doing it for a year straight... ugh. I'm glad you have a good feeling! I wish I did. I think all my feelings have left the building except for frustrated and burnt out. LOL. Yes, I'm still spotting a bit too. Overall my period was pretty good. Not too crampy and didn't even have a heavy day. :D that was nice. Yes, I use the SMEP. I'm pretty sure that's how I conceived my second. I had only been following it 2 months before it worked. This time Though I've been doing it for about 6 months and obviously only 1 of those months did it work, but baby didn't stick. So I don't know if I've got something going on wrong and so that's why it's not working or what. :/ Frustrating. But if you choose not to follow it this month and you don't get preg, give it a try following month, and hopefully it will bring you success! :)

Alice, those tummy troubles are totally normal. Lots of hormones surging, your body is trying to figure things out. As a rule constipation seems to be the most common issue for preggos, so stool softeners help with that if you don't get enough fiber. Yes, like Nikolina said, there's no TMI here. ;)

Thinking of you miss Emmy <3

Jada, any reports from the clinic?

AFM, I called the new gyn clinic and they're waiting for the doctor to approve it I guess? I don't know, they said it'd be a few days and that they're booked all the way through June... oh man.... I just want some help :( I'm so tired of doing everything right and it not working. I'm trying so hard to stay positive... but when you've been doing this for nearly a year, shit just gets old real fast. (pardon my cursing). lol. But I'm totally serious. I want to have sex because it's fun, not because it's timed and only certain days etc, and take this pill, and eat these seeds, and use opks, and temp...and and and.... lol. WHY WONT IT WORK. :( *sigh* ok, sorry... needed to vent. :/

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

9 years ago

Hi sweet ladies!

Missytwoshoes, vent away!!!! We all need to vent from time to time. I hear you, hun, it can be so frustrating to do everything according to the book and not getting anything in return :-( Especially when you hear stories about women doing everything they should NOT be doing and WHOOPS they're pregnant. Urgh!!! So unfair, the universe really sucks at moments like those. If you're really fed up with all the stuff you're doing (opks, temping, seeds etc.), maybe it is indeed a good idea to drop a few of them this cycle. I also stopped temping at a certain point (during one cycle), cause I was feeling the same way. Sometimes, we just need to give ourselves a break, and the time to regain our energy. We can't be that strong all the time... I'm just saying, go with your guts and don't push yourself if you don't feel like it. Good luck, hun!!!!!

Nikolina, yay for your gear arriving in time!! :-) One thing you don't have to think about anymore :-) Strange, I've never heard of skin breaking out at one side :-) I can tell you're very ready for this cycle, I will be here cheering for you, hun!!!!! :-)

AFM, seems like the sickness is kicking in.
Today, we went to the city service for day care, as the waiting lists are long. My husband's sister works there, but she also needs to drive around a lot, so I didn't know how likely it was to meet her there. Especially since we didn't tell her yet :-) And yes, there she was :-) When she understood why we were there, she was so happy and had a hard time not crying :-) My husband thought it was weird (typical male :-p), but I though it was so sweet!!! :-)

Lots and lots of baby dust to all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!


9 years ago

Morning Ladies!!!

Missytwoeshoes, so sorry to hear that you feeling down, but i know where you coming from. It is not easy after that amount of time to have any hope, but hun it will happen. Even when everything is timed well, we still have only 20% chance every month, i wish it was bit higher %.... Ive had those days aswell, and still i dont belive that i ever gona be pregnant, its been so long... But unfortunately i have to use opk and time bd around o, cos we had over 2 years of not charting anything, and never got bfp, just when we really started timing and opk, and lods lods bd around o, then something started to happen for us, just pitty none of the lil beens stick... I sending you lods lods hugs hun, and please dont give up, and it will happen for you v v soon, and it will be that bit more special :) My fertile week starts eather on sat or next wednesday, im using 2 diferent apps, so depens when i will be o. Hope wont be late one again :) Andit would be soo nice if we would have the same day :) Sending you all the baby dust on the world!!!! :)

Hay Alice, hope morning sickness wont be bad one, and will go away soon ;) Ahh soo sweet of your sister in low :) I would be crying aswell :) Hope my friends will cry when i will be pregnant :) So good that yea starting looking in to daycare already, i would be doing the same. Still can not belive that we have a 2015 baby here :) And soon is your next scan, how exciting!!!! :) Are you feeling more tired now than usual??? Sending you lods of love hun :) And thank you for still beeing here for us, it really means alot :)

Hay Jada, how are you doing??? Hope you feeling well, and soon will get answers from clinic!!! Have you got appointment yet??? Sending you lods lods baby dust!!! :)

Emmy im thinking of you and hoping you feeling better!!! ;)

Well im on cd9, nothig to report yet, just hoping to get them 2 strong lines on opk v soon!!! We aregoing away tomorrow, yeey, can not wait for relaxing weekend at the hotel and spa!!! ;)


9 years ago • Post starter

Ladies, I hope this finds you all doing well.

Emmy, I completely understand where you are and will be praying for you to have peace. We will be thinking of you!

Nikolina, Hey lady! Best of luck this cycle, sounds like you are in a great mental place and that will drive everything else :) I will update below on the visit...

Alice, sorry you aren't feeling well, but so happy that all is going well for you and the baby! That was sweet of how you were able to tell you SIL!

Missy, I hope you get the doctor that you want and NEED! They can make all the difference in the world as I learned this week. Please feel free to vent, we get it and we get you ;)

AFM, we had our appointment on Wednesday and I LOVE the staff (doc, nurse, admin) everyone was so great! We had a one-on-one with the doc to go over historical things and she wanted me to have a ultrasound to see if I had ovulated (this was my fertile week). If I had they were to collect an SA sample from my dh...well I get in the room and the nurse feels my stomach and my blood sucking fibroids :/ They are so large she couldn't even SEE my ovaries!!! Soooo I have been scheduled for surgery on 19 Jun to remove the fibroids, will have to wait three months to heal, then we will aggressively start working on getting me pregnant. I have to go in for an MRI to see where they are for the surgery...I have to see a hematologist (blood doctor) on Monday because my iron is low, which means I will most likely have to get my fourth blood transfusion. I have been put on Vitamin D as that is low as yeah just a lot of moving parts right now. I would love to stay here and cheer you all on and be supportive when you all recieve your BFPs, but I won't have much to report...


9 years ago

Alice, SS to hear morning sickness has started. :( hopefully first trimester passes fast so you can get to 2nd trimester where it should ease up! Awe! it's totally sweet she was so happy!! awe yay! Do you only have one day care facility for everyone's babies? is that why such a long list? Day cares around here don't usually have waiting lists... mostly only private schools do.

Nikolina, I'm not happy you know where I'm coming from, but glad to know I'm not alone. I just feel so crazy this month. lol I wish I could just take a month long vacation. Away from electronics, or any way of even knowing when my fertile days were so I wouldn't obsess, and I could just be calm and maybe then it would happen huh? I need to win the lottery so I can be rich and afford such things. lol.

Jada, so good to hear from you! I'm so glad you love the staff at the clinic! SS to hear about all the fibroids!! Those sound awful :( please let us know when you have surgery so we can be thinking of you and a quick and easy surgery and recovery. Wow, thats a lot of blood transfusions, so sorry you've had to go through that too. I almost had to have one when I had my first daughter because I lost a lot of blood during my c section. But the really bad military docs we had decided against it and it took me a long time to recover and build my blood volume back up. I'm on vit D too, I hope it helps you, it hasnt helped much for me, I suppose I have a bit more energy but not as much as it's still low. So sweet of you to be willing to stick around for everyones, bfp! I will do the same and stick around for your BFP too. <3

AFM, I guess I decided I'm going to keep temping, but if I forget I'm not going to stress about it... I'm going to try really hard to stay calm this cycle and just try not to think about it... it's going to be hard but I really think if I could be a little less stressed I might have better luck :)

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

9 years ago

Hi sweet ladies!!

Nikolina, you don't have to thank me, I'm glad to be around :-) Thank you for finding it okay that I'm still here :-) So excited for you that fertile week is already that close!! It is definitely great news that things started moving for you the last couple of cycles, after ttc for 2 years! I find it so heartbreaking that your 2 littles beens didn't stick, but I'm very sure that soon you'll catch one that does!!!!!!

Jada, I'm so glad to hear you had such a positive experience in the clinic!! I totally agree btw, I too think it's vital to have a good feeling about your doc. I'm sorry though about the fibroids and the surgery :-( But on the brightside: the doctors will fix it and then you'll be good to go!!! I hope the surgery and the recovery won't be too painful! We are here to support you, hun!!!

Missytwoshoes, that sounds like a great plan!! Missing a few temps isn't that bad anyway, since the overall trend is more important than the individual temps. Haha, you're totally right about winning the lottery, that would make everything so much easier :-)
To answer you question: we have quite a lot day care facilities, but they are sort of 'managed' by a city service (that's where my SIL works). So if you want to find a facility, you go to the service and they tell you which ones still have an opening given your due date. There are a lot of facilities (maybe 30), but eventually we only had 3 real options. That's how long the waiting lists are :-s So we're going to check them out next Tuesday and decide on which one we prefer asap...

Emmy, you're in my thoughts, hun...

AFM, sickness seemed to have already disappeared again :-s Trying not to worry about it :-s And secretly hoping it will come back. How insane is that :-p

Wishing you all the best of luck!!!!!!


9 years ago

Morning beautiful ladies!!! I hope yea all been doing well!!! :)

Jada, so sorry to hear about fibroids, but its good think that you got appointment, and maybe thats what been keeping you from getting pregnant all this time? So glad to hear that you love the staff at the clinic, thats v important that you and your hubby feels comfortable with all of them :) I know 3 months feels like long time, but it will go past by v fast, and i really hope that bfp is awaiting at the end of this journey :) We love having you here, so even no update or lil update, we love hearing from you :) I have fx that operation will go well and you will heal v v fast ;) Sending you lods hugs and baby dust your way !!!! :)

Missytwoeshoes how are you hun? Any sign of ovulation? I know exactly how you feel about all the electronics, tests and pills... it would be much less stressful if that wouldnt be around right??? Anything lil and you can find all that in google lol, its sooo addictive!!! Are you gona use opk this cycle?? Have fx we o around the same time, so we can support each other on crazy 2ww !!!! Lods lods baby dust, really hope this is the month for you hun, you relay deserve it!!! :)

Hay Alice hun!!! Hope you and yourlil baba is feeling healthy and happy!!! Lol about morning sickness, hope its back lol :) I know that thats something what makes it more real!!! :) And how about other symptoms?? Do you have any wierd feelings in your tummy??? Lods of love and hugs hun!!! ;) xxxx

Emmy hun, hope you feeling better! Im praying for you and you are in my thoughts!!! Lods of hugs xxx

Well, im back from my lovely wknd away. We had such a great time away, ahhh wish we could stay there another few days!!! :) Been doing opk, and they getting darker with every day, so i think could be tomorrow or thu the positive one!!! :) We been using preseed all wknd, it feels so natural and good :) i had 2 days of watery cm,which i know is on fertile side, but then this morning was creamy and stretchy... hmmm never had that, its like creamy mixed with ewcm. Wierd.... But hope its the cm before ewcm :)

Sending yea all lods lods baby dust and all the sticky vibes on the world!!!!

Lods of love...


9 years ago • Post starter

Alice, I just find it so interesting how different countries do things differently. We have HUNDREDS of day care facilities. Some that are government run, some are private run, and some are in home day cares. Hope little baby is doing well! Can't wait to hear when you start feeling little flutters, those are the best!! <3

Nikolina, Feeling ok. EWCM started today.Yes, I'm using OPK, those don't stress me out thankfully. lol. I don't have a positive OPK yet, hopefully in the next couple days like you. :D Glad you had a good time away! I'm so jealous. I would love a weekend away. Hopefully your time away is just what you needed to help a baby stick. :)

Emmy, been thinking of you lately since Princess Charlotte was born, hopefully that has not made things harder on you. <3 Since I'm sure it's everywhere and hard to escape from. Sending hugs!

AFM, been crampy and EWCM started today so hopefully I'll be O'ing soon. OPK isn't pos yet though. Hopefully in the next few days. :) I feel more at peace this cycle. I also ordered a fertility doll last month and it came the other day so I'm hoping she brings me good luck. <3

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

9 years ago

Hi sweet ladies!

Nikolina, awesome that you had such a great time on your weekend! :-) I really hope you'll get your little miracle this cycle!!!! Confusing about the CM... Did the EWCM arrive in the meantime? And did you get the positive opk you were expecting?

Missytwoshoes, great that you are so relaxed this cycle!! O is near, yay!! :-) I too hope that the doll brings you good fortune and that this cycle will be it for you!!!!

Jada, how are you feeling? I've been meaning to ask you: are you nervous about the surgery, or more like relieved that it will take place?

Emmy, thinking of you, sweet lady.....

AFM: Nikolina, I did find the nausea back :-) Yay ;-) I definitely notice symptoms (bloating, acne, light headed, nausea, upset stomach, hungry a lot, tingling breast etc.), but overall I feel okay. Missytwoshoes, I haven't noticed the flutters yet, but I'm looking very for to it now! :-) In 2 days I'll know more about how baby's doing, then is my next ultrasound. So weird that there can be such a difference in how countries organize things, indeed :-) I think there's even a difference between towns here :-p My husband likes to complain about how complicated they like to make everything :-) He's right :-p But since we can't really change that at this instance, I just follow the system :-p

Sending you lots and LOTS of baby dust and sticky vibes!!!!!!!!


9 years ago

Hi lovely ladies!

So sorry I have had some time away. Needed to take a breather and accept things.

So I've had to accept the chemical again and hope so so much this month will be our month.
I've been taking seven seas vitamins trying for a baby. In the hope I may just be lacking in vitamins. I have my digi opks ready as well. No chin spot as of yet so looks like ovulation will be late this month though not suprised.
I think I mentioned last week I have been referred to hospital to have a mole checked so I'm super stressed about that which probably didn't help. That app is tomorrow :( please please send positive thoughts for that!!

I haven't managed to catch up on all the messages but I do hope you are all ok????????
Alice I hope you are feeling ok Hun? Is your scan really soon? Can wait to hear all about it!!!

Lots and lots of love to all you ladies & lots of baby dust to!!!!! *~*~*~*~*

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9 years ago

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