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December 2016 Babies!

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Hi ladies,

I know we're all sad to be here, but yay for holiday babies?

TTC #1, since July 2015. Cycle 3 after miscarriage. I'll be starting studying this month in an intensive bootcamp style course so will just try BD every other day and will drink more water.

Timing-wise probably isn't the best time to conceive, but because this baby making business is taking longer than we thought, we're not going to put it on hold.

to everyone and :)

305 Replies • 8 years ago



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That's interesting. It wasn't fully pos but close.

We have 3 kids and trying to TTC for #4 Kaitlyn 11/17/2004 Abigail 05/14/2007 Eli 12/19/2013

8 years ago

Dailey - I hope you are feeling better today!!! And your little one goes easy on you

Kentucky - Holding out is SO tough... ARGH... I am waiting until Sunday.....

Fullehn - Welcome :) I am so sorry your having a hard time this cycle.

AFM - still no real symptoms - TMI WARNING - bit I did have spotting this morning when I wiped. it was red though. not pick or brown. So I have no idea.... Yesterday was the most common implantation day but DH and I BD late last night.... Just going to have to keep waiting until Sunday........ 3 more days.... 3 more days... 3 MORE DAYS... ahhhhhhhhhhh

Wishing everyone

TTC #4 User Image

8 years ago

Korenelm it's killing me . I may test on Sunday if I don't suspect AF sneaking up on me . I spotted in my second pregancy after BD. I already knew I was prego but it freaked me out . No sore BBs. Peeing a lot still and very bloated . Acne has subsided thank goodness . I had some lightening bold sensations last night in the vajayjay . Hit me twice . Some mild AF cramps this morning . Cervix still high , medium softness and closed

Dailey I have read on several sites about girls getting their BFP on an OPk Around time for AF and it mean they are prego

8 years ago

sorry I pretty much copied and pasted this from another thread that I am in.

I have been getting slight cramps on and off and some pinch/pulling with twinges here and there. I really hope that I am not out. !!!!

I think I have told you guys but according to period tracker I am supposed to get tomorrow (which the app sent me a reminder yesterday) gee thanks a lot!
FF an CDTP says that I should expect her on Tuesday because I ovulated later. I really hope she witch doesn't show at all!!! I'm just a little scared even though my temps are still staying consistent they are not climbing any higher (as of yet). What do you guys think?
I know there really isn't a rhyme or reason and it could be positive as long as my temps stay up. but I have been disappointed so many times before..

plus I have been getting this weird achy feeling in my right butt cheek it goes on and off for the last two days. a little different then PMS but maybe I'm just trying to be hopeful.

please oh please let me see my

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago

So I took another OPK and again almost pos. I either have a 23,24, or 25 day cycle. I'm on CD23. No signs of af. And my bra feels tight and my boobs have been itchy all day. No clue. I did good and didn't test. Still trying to hold out till Sunday if I miss my period Saturday.

We have 3 kids and trying to TTC for #4 Kaitlyn 11/17/2004 Abigail 05/14/2007 Eli 12/19/2013

8 years ago

Hang in there Miam! My temps didn't really go up higher this month, it was just consistently hovering several degrees from each other. I also never got that implantation dip in my temps.

Hi Dailey, my boobs got so itchy for the first 2-3 weeks of March, then it started becoming sore. I don't know why it was itchy but I was glad it stopped though LOL! Only to be replaced by tenderness and sore feeling ;p Hang in there!

To all who are still waiting!

8 years ago

Love the enthusiasm of everyone !!! Hoping for lots of BFPs for everyone

Cramps all evening , 11 DPO as I stated earlier . I sure feel like AF is coming . If she does that's ok too, on to the next cycle . All in God's timing because after all his timing is always perfect

8 years ago

Kentucky - I really wish that during the last part of the TWW their was SOMETHING that could take our minds off of the BFP. I just truly consumes us and makes us crazy POAS waiting to POAS already POAS but too early nutzo's. I might have to invent something - Like every time we think about it we have to walk up and down a flight of stairs - hell id be a skinny minny if that worked LOL - wouldn't get anything done at work though... and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your positive attitude - I need some of that bad right now.

Miami - hold out hope FX that the she witch doesn't show!!!!

Dailey - that all sounds sooo promising!!!!

AFM - I got nuthin - 11 DPO and the only symptoms I have had was cramping 9 DPO, spotted on 10 DPO. I have also had some crazy dreams recently. last nights was sooo weird... Nothing going on with the bbs - no other signs.... so now I wait till Sunday morning. I would like to just test to get the BFN over with so I can prepare for AF but DH said I must wait - no matter what. He thinks this month was too much stress and that's BFN is inevitable. Im still holding out!!!! It has snowed again (in PA) and my 2 youngest have soccer games tomorrow - so at least that will distract me.....

TTC #4 User Image

8 years ago

I've been having crazy dreams too. It might have something to do with reading Odd Thomas... or it might not. Hopefully not. I just learned from you all about POAS with OPKs. Did some research...mind blown. Now want to POAS constantly. Too bad there are no stairs in my life, Korenelm, I'd be getting more exercise. :-)

9 DPO. Not looking forward to this weekend. How to not obsess when I'm making a baby quilt for my SIL's #3? Grrrrr.

8 years ago

Korenelm sPotting sounds promising

8 years ago

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