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Private Testers Support Group Part 3!

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A "secret" group for a not-secretly awesome group of ladies. :)

As I said in the last thread, I'm CD 9 and nothing exciting is happening, unless you count patchy depression and seasonal affective disorder "exciting" :-/

576 Replies • 10 years ago



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By the last post took about 35 minutes to do. Hard to type on the phone! Yuck!!!

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10 years ago

@amag: can't wait to hear the results of your blood draw!! Good luck honey and update ASAP!!

@JLHart: I sure hope the pink is not AF looming :( and if it is, hopefully you can get into the RE sooner.

@Holly: I know how horrible it is to post from a phone. All my posts are from my phone lately with one had cause I post when she's nursing. I'm praying for a BFP for you this cycle. Are you on any meds?

@law: I hope the next three weeks fly by and your paper isn't as tough and time consuming as you think it'll be. :)

@blue: hey! Thanks for the bfeeding notes! Means a lot! So I'm pumping immediately after feeding her.. That is what the lactation consultant said to do. She takes both breast at each feeding so I can't pump one while she is on the other. I have tried hand expressing and get about the same amount as what I just pumped so I do both. My carpal tunnel hasn't cleared up tho and hand expressing kills my wrists and makes my hands go numb. I still do it after pumping though. Sorry your lo still isn't feeling well. I hope he adjusts to day light savings time soon!!

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10 years ago

@Jada: I am feeling good. Thanks for asking!! And I hope the pink is not AF showing up ... FX'd extra tight!!!!!!

@Luv: Glad to see you back!! And you are soooo right... MEN are CHEAP!!! Lol.

@Law: Hey!!!! How are things with you?

@SMH: Thank you and yes I am enjoying it. Lynzie has just started kicking hard enough for others, like her daddy, to be able to feel her the past few weeks, so that has been fun :) Hope your breast milk supply picks up some before you have to head back to work. I am planning on breastfeeding as well and since this is my first child, I am definitely paying close attention to you and all the other ladies advice. It really helps!

@BlueRose: Yay for Fertile time!!! FX'd!!

@Holly: I am doing good!! How are you?? And I completely understand.... trying to type on these forums from your phone is complete torture!! :)

10 years ago

Thank you Everyone my daughter is doing much better...Unfortunately I think DH is now sick, sorry to say but he acts worse then the little one when he is sick LOL.

Jada- I am really sorry you feel the witch is coming I can only pray that she stays away. I am glad that there is a plan in place but I will be praying it all happens before then.

Amag-I am hoping the side effects stay away and this all goes smoothly for you...and of course praying even more that this leads to a beautiful miracle.

Law- Wow 3 sizes I dunno what I would do, with my daughter I only grew 2 but, I am very large chested anyways. I am sticking to sport bras this time till I get close to the end. But my Hubby really enjoys it LOL. I hope things get to a norm for you! just remember all you are doing now will pay off for such a wonderful future

Luv- Sorry DH is being that way, I think my husband would be the same. He is very money conscious. I would be upset as you are too. My heart is telling me a boy, but it may be because I want one so bad...LOL I hope your 90% works in my favor

SMH- have you heard of Fenugreek? It is a natural herb that does help with milk production. I had the same problem and it worked for me. You have to take like 9 a day, but it does work. The only side effect is you will smell like maple syrup. Seriously...LOL there is also mothers milk tea and oatmeal helps milk production. There is a lot more things If you like message me and I will give you all that I have.

Blue-yea for fertile period!!! I am with you I loved working nights in the hospital.

Holly- I am doing well!! You got more patience then me writing that much on the phone!!! Any idea when you get your computer??

1st- That is soooooo Exciting!!!! Glad you are doing well.

AFM- Just working hard. I have an OB apt tomorrow, so I am excited but we are going to pull a prank on my DH (the mid wife I am seeing is a family friend) She is gonna tell him it's twins...LOL I have to go with a full bladder and she is gonna make him think my bladder is a second baby sac....LOL it is an inside joke, because everyone was teasing him about it being twins. After my Viabilty scan he ran out of the room yelling no twins, so we thought this would be funny, hopefully he don't pass out...LOL

10 years ago

Well ladies...she's here...

10 years ago

Jada I am so sorry hun:(

10 years ago

Thanks AFMed

10 years ago

Hiya chickadees!

JLH I am so sorry about AF :( It must just suck even more to get AF after so many promising signs. I am glad though that tests are coming along for you and hopefully you'll feel more in control going forward. Hugs girly.

lawbride thanks for agreeing with me re: DH being a cheapskate, LOL. When it comes down to it he is generous but it takes him time to get into it. Like when we were planning our wedding, at first he was like "I don't want to pay a fortune" but eventually he was like "whatever my baby wants, she gets!" Turns out I wanted a cheap wedding anyway, haha! Sorry about your giant honkers. Bras suck, too. Once you get a certain size it's just useless. I wish I could hack them off for ya ;) And hack off your stress while I'm at it!

SMH glad everything is going well! I have no BFing advice, LOL. I'm sure you're doing great though! No mom is "perfect" in every way ;) Agree that the doc should just do the damn u/s. What a poophead.

amag thanks hun, it is crazy how expensive IVF is isn't it?? But I would be going to one of the best clinics in the country. They boast a solid 60% success rate. So I figure it's worth it, especially if there's nothing too wrong with us and it would work pretty fast. I hope your blood work went well today! Hopefully things are coming along nicely :)

bluerose sorry your son is sick! Kids have a tough time of DST in general. He'll figure it out ;) I totally agree that a 2-day AF is highly suspicious. Hoping it isn't a problem. I will definitely start OPKs sooner this month to make sure everything progresses as it should. Enjoy your fertile period! Get lots of BD in! :)

Holly hey girl sorry about AF :( I forgot you were doing acupuncture, it's supposed to work really well so I hope that is confirmed with your u/s! Sorry about the pressure on you to do donor eggs and such. Geez. That's not the most appealing option for everybody. I think your current plan is a good one, and hopefully the acupuncture and drugs and monitoring will help!

1stTTC hey girly! Men are soooo cheap! ;) How often are you getting u/s nowadays?

afmedic OMG GL with your prank! Just don't let the poor guy suffer too long ;) haha! My DH would FREAK OUT if I did that to him. It'd be hilarious. By the way that herb that makes you smell like syrup sounds fabulous! If I smelled like syrup I'm pretty sure men would follow me around, LOL!

AFM CD 6, nothing really going on. Trying a new magnesium supplement to try and un-constipate myself. My DH is doing ab exercises and farting up a storm. It is disconcerting. He's been like this for days. Hopefully this gassy phase passes by the time we need to start BDing. I mean really, the bowel situation in my household is dire! :-P

10 years ago • Post starter

Jada and Holly sorry about AF, crossing my fingers that next month will be your month.

Blue good luck with your fertile time.

AF I like the prank, my dh would of hated that prank I am glad your daughter is doing better.

Smh I have a hard time pumping too. My lo also hates formula.

Luv, a two day period is weird I had one right after my miscarriage a year ago.

Sorry if I missed anyone on my tablet with my lo in my arms. Daylight savings the other day screwed up his schedule. Hopefully I can get him on it again. He rolled over from his tummy to back twice today. I will put him down for tummy time which makes him mad so he rolls over. He is growing to fast.

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10 years ago

@AFMedic: Thanks ;) Hope everything is going well with you!!! :)

@Jada: I am soooo sorry about AF!!!! I will be thinking about you today!

@Luv: Yes men are... sad, but true. Haha.... And I go to the doctor about every 3-4 weeks now and so far I have gotten an u/s every time I have went. I am pretty sure they are going to start spreading out the u/s from this point forward since I am well into the 2nd trimester, but I am not sure. I go back tomorrow, March 13th, for my next appointment so I guess I will find out then. And I definitely hope the "gassy situation" passes (no pun intended.. haha) before BDing time!!! :)

10 years ago

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