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ttc after cp

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Hi ladies. I just had cp at 5 weeks... im sad...but bleeding is nearly finished so we gona try again. Is anyone in my shoes aswell? How soon did you ovulate after cp and got bfp again? Baby dust to us all :)

667 Replies • 9 years ago



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Hi ladies!

Definitely another chemical :(
I can't cope well with this. It's been 6 months trying since our last chemical and now this again :(

I'm beginning to think there is something wrong as I have a daughter already.
Any way as much as I love you ladies so much I think I need a break away from all things baby related for a while. I hope you understand. I will check back in a few weeks time.

Lots of love xxxxxxxx

<a href=

9 years ago

Oh, Emmy, I'm sooo sorry :-( I understand that you want a break, take all the time you need, hun... Sending you lots of love...


9 years ago

Missytwoshoes, I really love the fact that your husband bakes you these cookies! :-) But probably a bad idea to send them, yes :-d Amazing how our cycles always find a way to surprise us, right at the time we think we got it all figured out :-s Hoping that your AF indeed leaves in a hurry and 'never' (10 months or so :-p) comes back!!!!!!!

9 years ago

Oh noo Emmy, im so sorry that you have to go true that again. I totally understand why you want take some time away from all of this. I hope you will feel better soon, and when you are ready to come back, we will be here for you!! Sending you lods of hugs hun xxx

Lods of love


9 years ago • Post starter

Hay ladies!

Missytwoeshoes im so glad af is backing off already!! Mine seems to be lighter aswell :) im soo ready for this cycle :) we are at the same cd, maybe o day will be d same aswell :) on which cd you usualy ovulate? Lods baby dust and hope this is your last af this year :)

Hay Alice hun!! How are you feeling? Any new symptoms?? Any wierd cravings?

As for me, im cd4 now, af getting lighter. :) hopefully soon it will be gone for v v long time:)

Lods lods baby dust!!!


9 years ago • Post starter

Emmy :( I'm so sorry to hear this!! take your time healing <3 Hope you'll come back to us when you're ready! You're in my T&P!

Nikolina, yes, maybe our O days will be the same :) Um, I usually O between day 14-19. This month shows day 15, so we'll see. :) What day do you think you'll O?

Alice, yes I'm curious like nikolina, had any cravings yet?? :)

AFM, Af is just spotting now... yay. :) Just have to wait another week till fertile week arrives. Gotta research all the docs at the new OB/GYN clinic I'm going to go to and see who I like best and hopefully get an appt soon!

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

9 years ago

Morning Ladies!!!

Missytwoeshoes, so glad af is nearly gone!!! And i hope it was her last visit, that she will take a holliday for next 10 months :) Well last cycle i o on cd17, two cycles before that was on cd15, so i think it could be cd15 aswell :) By app im using my fertile week starts this saturday on cd10 untill cd 16. So im planing baby dance all that week :) So cool that we are cycle buddys, and gona be 2ww buddys aswell :) Just waiting now for preseed and ovulation tests to arrive, hope they will be here before sat :) Trying anyting new this cycle? I have good feeling about this cycle :)

Hay Alice hun!!! How are you hun? Hope you and baby are feeling well :) How many weeks you are now? Lods hugs hun :) Hope we soon join you :)

Jada hun, how are you? Any news from fertility clinic?

Emmy sweety, i hope you feeling well hun!! Sending you lods hugs!!!! xxx

Well my af nearly gone aswell, just bit a spotting today, yeeyy:) Hope this is last cycle this year im seeing af !!! :)

Lods lods baby dust and sticky vibes!!! :)


9 years ago • Post starter

Hay Beautiful Ladies!!!

I was wondering if any of you ever heard about SMEP plan for ttc?? I read v good reviews on it and alot women got ther bfp first time trying. It says so start bd on cd8 every other day, and once you get positive opk, bd on that day and next 2 days, give one day off and then last try on that day. hmmm... i might give a try next cycle if this wont be lucky one. But hope that preseed will give us bit extra luck :)

Have a lovely day yea all :)

Lods lods baby dust xxxx


9 years ago • Post starter

Hi sweet ladies!

Missytwoshoes and Nikolina, I'm glad to hear AF is on her way out!!! And it's so cool that you are cycle buddies!! I hope O will happen close to each other, then you can survive the TWW together!!!

Nikolina, I hope your gear for this cycle will arrive in time!! Sounds like you are good to go, hun!!! :-) I've heard of the EMSP plan, but I never tried it. It wouldn't work well with the irregular cycles (my husband would be exhausted by the time I'd actually O'd). But I believe it can definitely work!!! Nice to already have a back-up plan for your next cycle :-) Hope you won't need it though!!!!!

Missytwoshoes, great idea to really take your time to pick who you like as a new OB/GYN!!! I went to this one gyn once (when mine was having birth relieve, ironic, right? :-p) and I really didn't like her. She didn't seem to listen or care in any way. You should definitely follow your gut feeling!!! Hoping this will be your cycle!!!!!!

Jada, how are you feeling? Are you feeling excited about your appointment in the clinic? It is soon now, right?

Emmy, I'm thinking of you...

AFM, nothing much to report. Lots of difference in how I feel from day to day. Sorry, tmi, but constipated one day, then diarrhea the next, then back to constipated. No strange cravings, as far as I noticed :-p

Sending you lots and lots of baby dust and sticky vibes!!!!!!!!!!!


9 years ago

Morning Ladies!!!

Alice hun, your tummy is upset cos its dealing with al lnew changes, but it shuld settle soon, i remember my friend was telling me about it :) And here nothing is tmi lol :) And is morning sickness kicked in yet? Maybe you will be one of the lucky ones who wont get one as bad :) O yea, my gear is here just have to go to collect :) Im sooo ready for this cycle :) I realy hope that me and Missytwoeshoes will have o close to each other, so it will make our 2ww bit easier :)

Hay Missytwoeshoes, hope AF has left the country :) CD7 today, yeey, before we know it it will be 2ww ;)

Well im still spotting. Af been wierd one this cycle, but i guess this is the first normal af i having since CP, so maybe thats why it feels wierd. But spotting is nearly gone, so im hoping today is the last day :) Well nothing other to much report. Ohh, this cycle before af my skin broke out soooo baddddd, and just on one side, sooo wierd. Its still clearing, but not looking good. Ahhh, thank god for make up :)

Sending you all lods lods baby dust and positive sticky vibes:)


9 years ago • Post starter

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