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CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!

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I have a 3 year old little girl. I had the mirena iud removed in November and my husband and I decided to wait until after the first of the year to start ttc. This is my second cycle ttc and today is cd 1 for me. Just joined today and could use buddies for the journey!

1122 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hello Ladies; sorry I've been MIA I live in Pittsburgh, where it literally was 20 degrees last week and just the past few days its been near 70's and it's like heaven. LOL It's amazing how a weather change can change your whole attitude. I'm so sick of being stuck in this house because going anywhere is such a chore :)


sophia - welcome :)

sandra - hope your vacation went well! We go in June and I'm so excited for it. Although it's like 15 hours in the van with my WHOLE family and I'm just hoping this is my month because cutting it any closer and I will be sick for it.

Z- I O'd on Sunday- I didnt take any tests because all my other months I took the opk and I was dead on ovulating the day I'm predicted too so I figured I'd try without it. I was crampy on Sunday so that's a good sign too. We did sat., 2 times sun and monday...wasn't trying for that second time on sunday and thats rare that happens! LOL so im in the tww with you!

Amanda- I hope you are doing okay...haven't heard from you!

AFM- just in the tww. I have a doctor's appointment next week for a colopscopy I keep canceling and putting off. I HATE THEM; I have had abnormal papsmears since being on birth control when I was 20 and ever since they are abnormal. Nothing is wrong and no rhyme or reason for it...just have to get the stupid tests every time after. So irritating...I go on Thursday the 18th and my period is due Tuesday the 23rd so...I'm planning on testing the morning before I go (5 days before period) and maybe I'll get a sign. With my DD I got a positive test 7 days before we shall see. Do you all think the doctors test would pick it up that early if I go?

Baby dust to you all <3

11 years ago

Here I am!

Finally back from a great group vacation. There were 11 adults and 4 kids (all under 4 years old)... We rented a big house on the coast. It was a lot of fun. However, there were a lot of late nights, hot tubbing, and drinking. Not the best environment for my fertile time.

I took my OPKs and thermoniter with us. Got a positive on Saturday. DH and I were able to sneak away for a quick BD before he got in hot tub for the first time.

We got home yesterday, and my package with Preseed was waiting for us. We tried it out. My temp went up a little yesterday, but didn't really spike until today. So, I am thinking I O'ed yesterday. Hopefully we caught that egg.

@Zuberi: how did you like the Preseed? I'm unsure about it at this point, but it wasn't unpleasant... So I guess we will see.

@amanda: I just read the last few days, and my heart is breaking for you. Two months in a row of excitement, then let down. I can't imagine. However, I know you are a strong woman, and you will get through this. I have really appreciated your positive attitude and support through this process, and I am here if you need anything.

AFM: not sure if I am DPO 1 or 2. This website says 2, FF is looking like it will be 1... Who knows. I am just excited to get back to my old routine.

11 years ago

Hey ladies! I'm back! Not TTC this month but back to support you all this month! Sorry to have been gone for so long. I tried to read the last few posts and catch up.

So looks like just about everyone is in the TWW or getting close.

Welcome Sophia! You'll just have to jump in and tell us about yourself and what you have going on. This is a really great group of ladies here and we continue to add more all the time!

LucasMommy: I haven't yet considered a fertility specialist b/c to me the problem seems obvious so I'm hoping my dr. will think so too.. no problems getting pregnant just keeping pregnant... I'm pretty sure it's my uterine lining.

SandraK: we used something similar to the "sperm meets egg" plan the last two months and it has definitely done the job now if my uterus would participate and hold onto the baby for dear life we would be in business.. however, it's definitely worth trying b/c it's pretty logical.

AFM: I had my blood drawn today for hcg levels. As last time we are hoping it has dropped to 0. I should know tomorrow then my dr. is going to make an appt so we can get together and talk about it. I'm hoping that means he is taking it serious since it's happened twice now. I'm almost positive it's my uterine lining (call it intuition.. or craziness) but last March I had to be put on estradiol (estrogen) to thicken the lining of my uterus b/c my mirena had thinned it out too much and I wasn't ready to take the mirena out yet. Anyways.. just enjoying life and trying not to let the month drag on too bad .. it will be easier this month b/c the weather here is beautiful.. 70 degrees! 3 of my girlfriends and I spent all day Saturday at the winery in the beautiful weather! Poor DH, I had quite a bit too much to drink and I get really silly so he had to put up with me when I got home lol @mommac- I completely understand your appreciation of the weather.. it's no longer a huge inconvenience to get children and yourself all bundled up just to go to the grocery store!!

So to sum things up: hoping my levels are normal, bleeding has almost stopped, hoping to get into the dr pretty soon so he can put me on some estrogen and/or progesterone or tell me to take baby aspirin or any other thing he can possibly come up with. This month is going to be spent getting my tan on for the summer and losing the 7 lbs that I've wracked up since I've gotten my mirena taken out. I figured if we were trying for a baby there was no need to watch my weight but it is also going to be swim suit season before too long and that's just not going to work haha

Hope everyone is doing well! Sorry for such a long post but I think I'm all caught up now!

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies,

just checking in. The ovulation calendar keep changing my O date. I felt like it was correct the first time now it has changed again ......anyway. Don't have much going on just in the two week wait 3/4 DPO.

Hope everyone is having a great day!!!!!

11 years ago

Hey ladies,

Happy Wednesday! Kids and I just got back from the park. Nothing new here, just waiting on my +opk. I have had a ton of discharge, and felt more in the mood , and line is getting darker. Possibly a + tomorrow or next day based on seeing the line progression. We are doing the bd every other day for now. I always seem to have a lot of pain mid-month. Tenderness on my left side. Never my right side, but always the same tender sensation on my left. It will last until af arrives. Thoughts? So wierd as this is something new for last year. Anyways, I hope you all are doing well, and hope to hear some exciting news of BFP's soon!

11 years ago

Hi all!

Sandra- all I can think of I always know when I'm O because I get cramps on my lower back and left side so maybe that's just your bodies way of handling it ?

DB- hope you had a great time! And glad you got to sneak it in.

Amanda- so glad you're still around- I hear yeah on the 10 lbs I was banking on being prego already so if I'm not I'm so screwed come summer!

Z- I'm around same as you:) should be about 3 days

Afm- just living the life of a mommy. Taking way too many pictures of her- oh well it's my hobby. Loving warmer weather yet not so much the less clothing. Before my dd I was like 125 and I gained 70 lbs with her so this lingering 10-15 lbs has me in a funk. Not obsessing over testing like normal....actually dh is bringing it up more often then me this time...

Talk to you all soon!

11 years ago

Hello Ladies!!!

@Momma_c: I had a great time, which doesn't always happen with my husband's friends. I had a colposcopy 6 years ago. It came back normal, so I haven't had to have another one. I don't know if they'll be able to detect pregnancy during it.

@Zuberi: did you decided what you are using as your O day? I hate it when the charts keep changing it. FF just gave me an O line and says 3 DPO. cTP says I am at 4. I think I am going to stick with the date FF says, I think it is more accurate.

@tanialnz: I just turned 33 in Feb, so we are pretty similar.

@SandraK: did you get your positive opk yet?

@amanda: hope everything is going well for you.

AFM: I've decided I am 3 DPO, since my charts don't agree. The wait kills me! I have my 10k this weekend, I am really exacted about it! I feel I am definitely ready, I ran 8.3 miles on Saturday.

11 years ago

Wow DbJohnson, 8.3 miles of running! So impressive!! Have fun at the 10K! So you and Zuberi are about 3-4 dpo. Just in the waiting and anticipating time period.

So ladies, this afternoon, I got home with the kids, and I got my +opk about an hour ago. Dark line and a smile face on the digital. Yay! We have been bd every other day, & yesterday was our off day where we didn't, so today it's on with our +opk, it's exciting! =) I'm 35, and really pray and hope this is our month. It's so fun for us to try, but I'm hoping this month will be different with a end of month BFP!

11 years ago

@SandraK: WooHoo! I love the digital OPKs... The smiley face is so helpful! Running has really helped keep my mind off TTC, especially the two week wait. At the end of Feb I could barely run 4 miles, now it is my "short" run distance. I've come a long way in my training. Have fun getting down to business!

11 years ago

Hey Ladies,

Dbjohnson: I think I'm going to go with 4DOP. I am in awwww about the number of miles you are running. Girl if I walk 3 miles on the treadmill Im doing great!. I need to get something to get my mind off of this TWW. I am very anxious to see how this cycle is going to end. We used the preseed when we BD so I guess it's the wait and see game.

Sandra: Get it in!!!! BD like you never have before. And make sure to enjoy your self too!

Amanda: I miss you ....

AFM: I am trying so hard not to symptom spot but I have been cramping every day since I O'd. My temps are going up fast but I don't want to get too excited. DH and I BD last night and it was a little painful. My Cervix was kinda sore. I usually don't feel any discomfort when we BD. But like I said I don't want to read anything into it.

Hope you ladies had a great Thursday! And I pray Friday is even better.

11 years ago

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