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January 2018 Babies!!

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Hi everyone, I don't believe i have seen any threads for January 2018 babies yet so i thought i would start. I am CD 3 and if i conceive this month i will be due on or about 6th January 2018. It's been a year and a half trying and one miscarriage. Hubby lives in another country so i am timing this for when i see him for Easter. I am on clomid this month plus some other supplements - I must say i feel like a science project now. I just really want this to work out this month. Trying to stay positive and hoping for the best. Supposed to ovulate between the 13th and 18th of April. Fingers crossed.

Best of luck to all of you trying to conceive this month!!

581 Replies • 7 years ago



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@pixie dust congrats I am soo happy for you. . Please be sure to drop in sometime and let us know how your pregnancy is going and progressing.


7 years ago

Thanks ladies! Keeping spirits high to try again later this month. for a February baby!

@kerrist and @pixiedust, please keep us updated.

7 years ago

@pixie dust - so excited for you. I definitely know what u mean about being cautious, I feel the same way. I pray that u will be fine and have a wonderful pregnancy.

@truth thank you so much..i was wondering what was going on with u. Yes the opk' s will get darker. It is supposed to get as dark as the control line or darker for it to be considered a positive. I tested twice a day to make sure I caught it. I will post up my tests for u to see how it got darker.

7 years ago • Post starter

Ok ladies here's my update i started spotting today so that means the caught up to me I'm so sad because I was so certain that this month was my month. Ughh I guess I'm just going to bury my head under the pillows. Here's to February 2018 babies for those who were caught by the


7 years ago

Oh no, I am sorry. :(

The has not caught up to me, yet. 13 dpo...
I feel like she is coming soon, though :(

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7 years ago

Hallo everyone! I've been stalking threads trying to find somewhere to fit in! First congratulations to all ladies who got BFP !!
I'm currently on CD30 being 15dpo. I'm 2days late and did a test this morning ! I feel very let down and don't want to contribute negatively to this thread but I need some encouragement maybe. I'm afraid to share my symptoms as I am a serial symptom spotter and keep reading that they are almost never indicative of pregnancy. I'm still waiting for

7 years ago

@Truth2017, I'm glad to see someone else on the thread who hasn't O'd yet! This is only my second cycle using opks, but from what I understand you will ovulate 24 to 48 hours after you get your positive LH surge. I also had a very, very faint line when I tested yesterday (cd 9). I plan on testing again today. Once the line starts getting darker, I'll likely test twice a day. Based on past cycles, I expect to get a positive over the weekend. When do you think you'll O? Maybe we'll be cycle buddies :).

Congrats Pixie Dust and Kerrist on the BFPs!

Good luck to everyone who is moving on to their next cycle!

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7 years ago

This will be my first month using OPKs. I am due to ovulate on 5/8. My DH and I usually BD the whole week when I know I will be ovulating including a couple days before and after. We have been trying since January of this year and haven't had any luck yet so I thought I'd try the OPKs. Hoping this will work! to all!!

7 years ago

@Rampokker - welcome!!!

I am around 9-11DPO. I tested today and got a big fat goose egg...I was hoping that I would see a glimmer if a line...NOPE

Anyway, I am 6 days away from AF and I have had some symptoms, but nothing to write home about.

As they say, "Its not over till the witch arrives"...I hope she doesn't catch up to you. And maybe you will get a BFP in the coming days.

7 years ago

@rampokker welcome to the group. We are happy to have you. Don't worry about being a debbie downer as the purpose of this group is to support each other throughout our cycles whether the outcome a or . We welcome all. I myself was caught by the this cycle or alteast I thought I was the spotting has completely spotted. You are also correct that even though we get kicks out of symptom spotting each pregnancy is different. To officially welcome you I will post again my symptoms by DPO and you can add yours. I know you said you are 15 DPO and still negative but I have heard some peopl either ovulate late or implant late which means you wouldn't get you until 19-20 dpo so hang in there your not out until the arrives.

1-5 DPO Smelly Gas ( TMI)
6 DPO Tiny speckle of blood, followed by mild cramping. Woke up with a terrible migraine that has me down for the count.
7-8 More mild cramps more so on the left side more gas. Beginning of constipation ( usually regular especially after my morning coffee). Runny nose and sneezing like crazy ( could be my allergies as I get terrible allergies.
9-10 Boobies starting to get tender but only when touched, tingly pain in boob area. Spotted only when wiped 1 time light pink( could have missed it)
11DPO More Gas, tender bb's runny nose and sneezing
12 DPO Spotted again only when wiped once blush pink, frequent urination
13 DPO was convinced it was my month and tested bb's still tender nipples sting like nobody's business, more trips to the bathroom to pee. Spotted thought the got me but stopped after an hour and still blush pink only when wiped.
14 DPO (today) no more spotting. Minor cramps but nothing like AF. She is due today so if I do not get a regular flow by Saturday I will test again at the doctor on Tuesday.

@sm12267 I have never used OPK but I am sending your way.

@anna sorry for the late reply but I may still be in the running. What I thought was AF starting was just 1 hour of pale pink spotting that never got heavy or changed in color and completely stopped today. I am currently 14DPO. So maybe this could be it. If not I will be content with a February baby lol


7 years ago

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