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2dpo today, any buddies for this 2ww?

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just wanted to find some cycle buddies during the agonizing 2ww. the more the merrier!!!!!!

516 Replies • 8 years ago



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the witch got me.....
cD-2 not sure what else to do differently. I think I'm just going to relax this month stop worrying so much stop temping not reall sure just yet.

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago

That bloody witch... Im sorry to hear ladies. Please dobt give up though.
I like your spirit prima.. Youre strong, good luck Into the next cycle for the both of you.

Im still just waiting. Not gonna test till the 20th. I just dont want to be dissapöointed like last month If i end in CP again or something.
I do however feel like it could be an option that im pregnant. I feel i have some symptoms although of coyrse its a possibility its just a pms. I just Hope so much that I am pregnant this time. It gets frustatrating to try for too long.

8 years ago

Miam - Sorry the showed for you. You would think she would get the hint that she wasn't invited this month!

I'm 14dpo today and still no AF. I've had a whole bunch of BFN's though so I'm pretty sure I'm out this month :-( This has been my longest cycle yet at CD35 (I've had the odd cycle of 33 days in the past but it's normally between 26 - 29 days). I wonder if this has anything to do with my low AMH?

8 years ago

Hmm its strange. I Hope the witch wont come though.

But Coco what is AMH? I might ask like an idiot but I am still learning the pregnancy language since English id not my mothertongie.

I had regular cycles but since i stopped the bc in january it has just been all over the Place. First 2 cycles were a normal 30 Day cycle but then the next one 35cd and im not sure If this one Will be a strange one too.

8 years ago

Kungfupanda - Your AMH (Anti-Mullerian Hormone) is a measure of your egg reserve. I think it basically means that I don't have very many eggs left but since I am still young-ish my doctor has assured me that it's more about quality of the eggs left rather than quantity I should be worried about. It does mean I will probably go into early menopause though which is playing on my mind after the last few cycles seem to be a bit crazy.

8 years ago

Ah i see.
Can i ask how old you are ? Just curious because i have hesrd recently that menopause can start quite early.. It surprised me.. I always assumed it would start not earlier than maybe 40sh

8 years ago

Kungfupanda - I'm 31 (32 on Friday). My AMH level is that of a 40ish year old which would mean I'm closer to menopause than your average female of the same age.

AF had arrived :-( Off to binge on some chocolate.

8 years ago

I have had a tormented 2WW. I didnt know if it was preg or pms symptoms, but all uncomfortable symptoms.This was my first Metformin and Clomid cycle.They said i have pcos hmmm.
Suddenly, all the symptoms disappeared 3 days ago from 5Dpo oooo.I googled tire, it didnt seem to have any answer.
Oh well, just woke up with terrrible cramps, went to pee and lo, AF.
Thus, i am officially out this cycle.
Mehn, i thot i was a hard babe, i broke down in tears. Issokay ooo! I am strong now!
God is who He is, no matter where i am.
Happy Sunday Mummies!

8 years ago

Vannie - Sorry the arrived for you this month.

8 years ago

So I thought I would give you all an update on the fertility massage I had last week...

After my super long cycle the was here on the day of my appointment. For the fertility massage I had signed up for it should be performed after AF but before ovulation. This meant I couldn't get the whole massage but I did, however, get a modified version which didn't have so much work around my stomach. It involved emotional speech therapy, light therapy, reiki, acupuncture and fertility massage and all I can say is it definitely did something. I arrived at the appointment with AF cramps, lower back pain and a bit emotional. We sat and talked about my concerns and worries for my IVF treatment and I ended up breaking down and blurting out a whole load of stuff about my Mum who passed away suddenly in 2014. I then lay on a bed for 60mins and she did her thing and when I left I had no cramps, back pain and felt very VERY content about everything. My period was then super heavy for 3 days (which is very unusual) and then spotting for 3 days (which is also very unusual). She gave me some home massage techniques to do and some yoga moves as she thinks my hips are very tight and may be the cause of my painful ovulation.

Overall, I would recommend the massage and am going to continue with them throughout my treatment. I'm also going to focus my yoga practise on opening my hips more and take an active approach into handling my stress levels.

8 years ago

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