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Private Testers Support Group Part 3!

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A "secret" group for a not-secretly awesome group of ladies. :)

As I said in the last thread, I'm CD 9 and nothing exciting is happening, unless you count patchy depression and seasonal affective disorder "exciting" :-/

576 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hi all!!

I am at work so I won't be able to catch up on everyone till later when I get off, but just wanted to stop by right quick....

@Jada: I have a great feeling about your symptoms girlie!!! I hope and pray you get good news... The creamy CM really looks like a good sign. That is one of the things I noticed before my bfp.... FX'd!!!!!!!

@Luv: I am thinking about you!!!! I know nothing I say right now will make you feel any better, but I am thinking of you and praying you get your bfp soon!

10 years ago

Amag, I hope she doesn't either, but I will be ok either way. I really feel it's going to happen this year even if it takes the RE to help us. Which may not be too bad because I will still be on military orders and the house will be almost finished! So I am remaining hopeful. I really have a good feeling for you too...I feel it's going to work this first time!

Law, Hey lady :) Glad you are feeling better. I had a bit of a breakdown Friday due to the house, like almost burst into tears at lunch with the hubs! LOL. Then had to go off on Wells Fargo because someone has stolen almost $7k out of our account!!! UGH. What's going on with you today? And up three sizes, whoooo!! LOL!

1ST, nice to see you! Know you are busy, but how are you feeling? Yeah the cm was really creamy for a few days and now really thinking the witch will show.

I had nachos for lunch, my Monday cheat. Like the old school high school basketball or volleyball type...chips and cheese! LOL...they were so good! I am now feeling a bit blah now...not sure if it's the cheese or the heat in my office? Also feeling a little dizzy...even while sitting. HA! So either it's the heat or my body...or my head. Yep probably that...

10 years ago

Hey ladies, thanks so much for sending me love and support, I needed a few days off to steel myself for yet another month of this. Also had a few talks with DH about the possibility of IVF and he is not happy about the cost, which annoys me. He's like "well if we do this then you'll have to work more" and I'm like "dude, if I'm doing IVF I'm gonna feel like crap, which it's hard to work a physical job when you don't feel good." It's not like he doesn't make good money, anyway, so it's just annoying. I see where he's coming from but quibbling over ten grand when we can afford it is ridiculous in the long run. We're already skipping our expensive vacation this year and he's gotten TWO raises in the last 4 months. TWO. Plus a yearly bonus that more than pays for a month of IVF anyway. UGH MEN ARE SO CHEAP. We're gonna do it, if we have to, but I'm just annoyed that I feel like I have to talk him into it at all.

JLH your symptoms sound so amazing and yay for CD 30 with no AF! I know you don't want to get your hopes up so I'll get mine up for you ;) Can't wait for you to test! You deserve some good news!!

1stTTC thanks hun it means a lot to hear that :) Hope everything is going well for you!

lawbride sorry about the emotional rollercoaster, just hang in there and it will get better. DAAANG to the bra sizes! Is your DH happy about it at least? haha!

amag this is such an exciting time for you. I'm glad you aren't experiencing adverse effects from the meds! That would be my biggest fear about IVF. Also happy to hear that you are having no trouble injecting yourself. Stay brave, my friend! And hell I hope they get 20 eggs out of there! ;)

bluerose hey girl, hope the wedding shower was fun! It must be tough to switch between day and night shifts. Yikes. Does Canada have Daylight Savings Time? If so that screws ya up even more. I am jealous that you're getting an u/s, my doc is refusing to do it because she is a moron. Sorry, that was negative. :-P

afmedic glad you and DH are coming closer to agreement on names! I have a hunch you're having a boy too. I usually don't want to say that on the boards but I've had hunches about everyone and i've been right about 90% of the time ;) LOL! Sorry about the sickness in your house lately! Hopefully that's everyone that will get sick.

Cam GL on your tests and everything else going on this week! We are rooting for you!

I went back as far as the reply thread would allow so I'm sorry if I missed anyone! SMH, miss ya girl! Obviously you're busy but we'd love an update on Rella :)

AFM CD 5 and AF only lasted two days. Yes. TWO DAYS. That is the shortest AF in my entire life. Very strange. It also wasn't super heavy. No, I am definitely not pregnant because my temp dropped. I have my yearly pap on Friday and I asked about getting an u/s to check uterine lining and my doctor said it was "unnecessary." Even though it's standard procedure for fertility testing. My OB/GYN office doesn't know much about infertility though so I guess it's good that I might end up going to the actual REs soon.

10 years ago • Post starter

Luv-I'd have been quite pissed at DH to be honest. Just like incredibly irritated and upset that he had the audacity to frame it as something that's frivolous (for lack of a better word). He should be READY and beyond willing to move forward with this as well--I can totally understand why you'd be annoyed that you had to convince him--it's for the both of you, it's for your future family and if you've already foregone a vacation which more than pays for it then it should be a COMPLETE non-issue--bringing up you working was insensitive IMO. Grrr. Men. The boobs--yeah, I think DH is pretty infatuated with them but he doesn't realize how annoying it is...he gets all of the benefits with none of the annoyance. lol.

Jada--not wooing over here. I'd really appreciate it if they'd stop growing. Seriously. I thought I wanted BIG boobs but I was wrong. This is too big for me. I had a mega breakdown and will likely have one every day for the next 3 weeks. No kidding. I'll do my best to keep it together though. Yum, nachos are GREAT but only with jalapeños! :)

1st--hey you! :)

10 years ago

Hey everyone! I swear I have the best of intentions to keep up on the forum them time gets away from me :-/

@luv: That is odd about your 2 day AF. Hmm... And stupid your doc won't do an u/s. If they have the capability to do them at their office they should. Also sorry about your dh and his unwarranted money woes. It's so true in what they say that men don't become fathers until the baby pops out. He just sees a price tag.. I'm so sorry.

@amag: I am so excited for you!! I am keeping everything crossed for you. So glad you are not feeling yucky because of the meds. Thank you for letting us be a part of your journey. I can't wait to pop open a bottle of champagne when you get your BFP since you won't be able to!! Lol!

@1stTTC: hey lady! I hope you are enjoying your pregnancy. It goes by so fast!

@JLHart: Oh girl! I am getting my hopes up for you too! I am PRAYING you get your BFP!!! Sorry about your breakdown the other day. Sounds like elevated hormones to me! Mmmmm! Nachos! Dh had nachos for lunch. I'm trying to eat super healthy so I had a fruit and cheese plate.. Then I had a bite of his nachos. Then I broke down and ate a bunch of chocolate :( so much for super healthy.

@law: ( . )( . ) they will only get bigger!!!! I agree though.. They do end up getting too big :) sorry you've been having a hard time. Makes me so sad to hear that. Try to enjoy yourself a little bit. You have such an amazing little one growing inside of you!!

@bluerose: you are a machine! I could not have attending that wedding shower if I worked your hours. Very impressive!

@afmedic: so sorry your little girl was so sick. I freak out when mine has a minor spit up.. I can only imagine how I'll feel when she's actually sick. :( fingers crossed you get your little boy this time around!

AFM: Busy and exhausted. The big dilemma for me today is whether or not to get another box of newborn diapers... Size 1 is supposed to fit starting at 8 pounds. Well Rella is 8 lbs but the size 1 are HUGE on her. She is super long (in the 95th percentile in length) so her weight is not in the belly and thighs only like other newborns so maybe that's why they are so big?? I don't know. I tried a size 1 on her and she pooped and peed without a leak so maybe they'll work. Idk. Lol.. The troubles of a new mom. Lol. Rella is good. She is the SWEETEST thing ever. Breastfeeding is going good except my supply sucks. I have enough to feed her in real time but I don't have any extra to pump :( so that means I can't leave her (not that I want to!) nor can I pump and dump.. Not that I need to do that either. My main concern is not having a stockpile for when I go back to work :( it's very very frustrating.

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10 years ago

luv: glad to see you are back and feeling better. I am totally with you when it comes to having to talk DH into doing the IVF. At first mine was against it due to the money. I am lucky enough my insurance pays for it otherwise we probrobly would not be doing it at all. I have to say through it all i have been really good though, feeling like myself for the most part. I am really not that great at giving myself injections Dh has become a pro at it though.. i just have to take it for 5 Sorry about your ob not wanting to do an U/S mine didnt just glad he referred us to an RE pretty quickly so we could get down to business. The good thing for you too is by the time you see the RE you already have done everything you would need to do prior so you should be just about ready to go straight to it.

Hope everyone is doing alright today nothing new to really report so just checking in i will probrobly not be on until later tomorrow but maybe ill have some news after the blood work in the am about how things are going...

10 years ago

SMH--I wish I could. I wish I could. Right now my focus is just getting this paper done so I'll be nose to book for a while --I can get through 3 weeks of misery. If I truly endure 3 weeks of misery this will all be over and I want that more than ANYTHING right now. I want to enjoy my pregnancy and just feel normal for once. This stress is unlike anything I've ever felt. SIGH.

10 years ago

GM ladies,

Law, hang in there lady and anytime you need a break you know we are here for you!

Amag, praying all goes well this morning :)

SMH, always good to see you! Glad all is well...

Luv, so good to see you! I know that it is all going to work out and your dh will be over the moon once y'alls LO is here! Thanks for the excitement...but see below....

Hope the rest of you ladies are doing well!

I am really feeling like I am out this month. Starting to feel more AF like cramping and back ache. Plus yesterday when I would wipe it was light pink so I do believe she is on her way. It's CD31 today so that's in my normal range...I'm ok. Just looking at it as three months to relax and play with my hubby and who knows what will happen? Then the RE is lined at least plans are in place. I have a meeting in 14 I will check in with you lovely ladies a bit later.


10 years ago

@JLHart22- The shower was really good, thanks! I love that fake cheese stuff! haha I am sorry you feel that af is just around the corner :(

@amag11- I actually prefer nights. I just really hate waking up at 5 am haha. Hopefully no side effects show up for you!

@luvtowalkfast- Yes, we do have daylight savings. It's nice to have some sun at 7 pm. It seems to be harder for me son to adjust. Especially since he's not feeling to well. I wonder why your doc won't do an ultrasound!? My np told me that's one of the first steps as its pretty no invasive and can tell you a lot! As nice as a two day af is. It always worries me when it's not a full blown af because I am not sure if it means something? Always over analyzing things. If one weren't ttc a 2 day af would be fantastic!

@So_much_hope- Have you tried hand expressing? A pump is never a good indicator of how much milk you actually have. Some woman have good luck with pumps while others can't get out a drop. Sometimes women have better luck with hand expressing. (I am sure you already know this and if so I am sorry) Breastfeeding works on supply and demand as well. Babies demand so much milk so that's how much you make sometimes none/very little more. Are you pumping as if there is an extra feeding added in there? Or pumping on one breast while she feeds on the other?

My only day off today and I had two calls to come into work! I was bad and ignored them as that would mean 84 hours in 7 days, yuck. Too many for me. CD 11 here and I guess I am entering my fertile period and better be getting to bed early to get some bding in this week!

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10 years ago

Hi ladies! Still without a computer! Haven't had a chance to go pick up a new one. Hopefully, I can this weekend t. I'm on CD 3, so no BFP for me last cycle. :( But that's okay. On to the next one. I will be going in for a mid-cycle U/S just to see if my lining has improved since starting acupuncture.

Janise - are you feeling better? Hope so. Hugs mamma!

Amag - how are the stims? Hope all is well. So excited for you! Hope your blood draw today goes well.

Robin - I know you are busy, but just wanted you to know we are thinking about you!

Luv - I know what you mean about IVF. The cost is way over what we can afford though. Also, my RE does not recommend it for me because of my age. They want me to do donor eggs which is even more expensive. I am going to keep trying and hopefully get a BFP without spending more money!

SMH - Glad to hear you and Rella are fine. Are there any supplements you can take to improve your milk production?

Law - Sorry about your uterus measuring large. Hopefully, it is nothing to worry about. I'll keep you and Harper in my prayers. Also, you are my shero! Law School and 1st pregnancy to boot?

Jada- sorry you have some builder issues. I just hate that. It is so frustrating when they don't do a good job! Hope AF hasn't arrived in full force and you are about to get your BFP!

Bluerose - Glad to hear you have a plan. Next week sounds like it will be a busy one with your tests! Get to BDing!

1stTTC and AFmedic - How are you ladies doing? Hope all is well!

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10 years ago

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