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Private Testers Support Group Part 2!

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Hello my lovelies! We need a new thread because the old one is huge. Let's stay together and keep our little unit going!

443 Replies • 10 years ago



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amag we have so much in common this month! :) FX for both of us! You are such a good daughter. Hope everything goes well there! And enjoy your day off tomorrow!!! Sleep in as late as possible!

JLH get those Omaha Steaks, girl! LOL! I just order it myself but it's a bit pricey so I try to get free shipping and only order every few months or so. Plus the freezer has to be totally empty before I order ;) My day is good, not much happening! Very cold out! Hope you enjoy your evening! :-D

Cam holy smokes! You are one busy beaver! Make sure you take some time to breathe every so often ;) Do you have to think of a present, a party, or both for your 11 year old? Worse comes to worse, kids love a fistful of cash ;) (j/k!)

10 years ago • Post starter

Thanks Jada, luv I will get her hair done she wants a tablet and dinner.

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10 years ago

Hello ladies

Sailor- Sorry AF was late=0(

Blue- I am thinking about you hun!! FX. I wish I could make you feel better

Amag- I can understand your concern with testing right now. I hope that Saturday is a GREAT day for you!!! (or sooner if you give in). PRayers for your mom during surgery!!

Jada- Ha ha I hear ya. We have a snow storm right now, but earlier they were debating early release. Ended up getting out 59 min early...LOL they could not give us the one extra min....LOL Well with hubby it was kinda funny, you see he bought me a puppy this weekend LOL and I told him we had to get rid of her (not really) and he got upset and asked why, and I told him because we had to make room for Baby number 2....He was confused at first till I sent him a pic of the test (he was on duty). He was happy but then asked if we really had to get rid of the puppy. Of course I said no....LOL I know its not the sweetest thing, but that is just our relationship.

Luv- I don't plan on testing my progesterone any further, but I do have 2 test I am gonna take to watch it get darker. I had to submit a urine test for my official Military pregnancy test, it was funny my friend in lab ran it and she let me in the back with her when she did it. They ready a level of 25 HCG, and it was positive right away, did not even have to wait.

Cam- Congrats on passing your test!!! And good luck tomorrow!! You rock and I have faith in you!!

So we are suppose to get 6-10 inches of snow tonight and it is coming down pretty good. I am just waiting and praying to hear tomorrow will be a snow day and the base will close. I want to take my daughter out to play in it!!!

10 years ago

Congrats Afm, I'm in Florida closer to Miami no chance of snow this way stay warm ladies.

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10 years ago

Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers ladies! It means a lot to me.

I'm in NY (not NYC), and we haven't got much in the way of snow this year. And the snow we have got hasn't been good packing snow, so no snowball fights or snowmen making :( which really bums out my son. But we have been hit with a TON of wind chill advisories, and a bunch of 2 hour school delays for the kids. We will probably have another 2 hour delay tomorrow since we have another wind chill advisory for tomorrow morning.

I have had extreme hip and back pain the last few nights (worse then usual) and haven't been able to get more than 1-2 hours of sleep at a time. And then I lay here, tossing and turning with my mind going a million miles an hour, and can't seem to get back to sleep. Ugh! Can't lay on my stomach, not suppose to lay flat on my back, and it hurts to lay on either of my sides.

The NT test is an ultrasound where they check the fluid at the back of the baby's neck. The measurement mixed with blood work results can give a probability of whether your LO will have any genetic defects, such as Downs Syndrome, and is less invasive than the Amniocentisis and CVS.

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10 years ago

Cam sounds like a great birthday plan! She will love it :)

afmedic OMG it must just be so exciting to see every positive test come up! Are you gonna get blood betas?

10 years ago • Post starter

Luv- No I do not think I am, I am afraid if I do I will be too worried about the number and rises. If I don't then maybe it will be a little less worry.

10 years ago

@LJTsMomma- Ugh, things sound really rough for you! I wish you could at least get a decent sleep.I am assuming you've tried propping yourself up with all kinds of pillows?

@afmedic109- I hope your daughter is able to play in the snow!!

@Camasia - I hope you can relax at some point! Congrats on passing the A&P lab test. Good luck on microbiology and finding a place!

@amag11- I hope your mom's surgery goes well tomorrow!

@luvtowalkfast- Hope ya got a better sleep last night!

AFM, just getting ready for work. I have been working so many nights I am not used to getting up at 5 am. haha. I had a bunch of cramping yesterday and some very light spotting (11 dpo yesterday). Looking at other charts I often have spotting at 11 dpo.

Took an ic this morning. Looked negative until I went to throw it out. But it was very faint and after 20 mins? So thinking it was an evap. or I was seeing things. haha Oh well, off to work, will be back in 12.5 hours.

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10 years ago

Good morning beautiful ladies! How's everyone feeling?

10 years ago

Good morning all!!

WHY is it only Wednesday????? Slowest week ever :(

10 years ago

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