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October Testers Part 2!

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New thread required! Come on in girls :)

AFM CD 15 waiting to O!

503 Replies • 10 years ago



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1st--lookin good. I'm sure you'll O here pretty soon.

SMH--can they start injects that late? I know that typically they start day 3 or 5...never really seen later than that but I guess it could be because most people O by day 14...maybe they will be able to! Fingers crossed. Yes, I'll push and share the time constraint.

10 years ago

uploaded another HPT picture. I think I must be having some sort of follie maturation for my LH to show up that much.

10 years ago

@Law: Your opk is looking good :) FX'd you O soon! :)

10 years ago

I will try to respond very quickly to everyone but this site is being really wonky for me, so I don't know how much I'll get on :(

Holly your little fitness gizmo sounds awesome! You are one active chick! :)

afmedic yikes to your tire blowing out, glad you're okay!

1stTTC glad you still have "just for fun" BD, I haven't done that in months :-P LOL! Hope that OPK gets positive soon!

3lil so glad you and Ollie are okay!!!

Cam hello :)

lawbride they better give you the injectibles at the very least, you have been very patient with this doc!

SMH sorry you're so busy and your back hurts, try to find some time to relax!

MamaK hello!

I'm 3 DPO , feeling a bit warmer, not symptom spotting this month (I vastly prefer not to, so I am not!). My exercise, diet and hydration are going well so I'm focusing on that. Husband is doing another SA on probably Thursday. I am optimistic that his numbers will improve! We'll probably BD on Tuesday so that he has two days between, which will simulate what we normally do. Fortunately we've been BDing since CD 10 so it won't be an "old-ass sperm" situation like last time :-P

10 years ago • Post starter

Afternoon ladies I've been busy as usual with my schedule and kids and dh. Studying when I'm off or helping one of them with a doesn't stop lol. I'm on cd 21 5-6 days left before af is due to arrive. I feel like I'm trying but not really trying I don't have time as it is to do anything else and to tired to bd half the majority of the time. Dh wants to ALL THE TIME. I'm still hopeful, feeling down but not out. Time for class I'll chat later. I pray THAT ALL my ladies caught their egg or eggs(luv).
Btw Arich is having a boy.

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10 years ago

luv--thanks hun! I hope she does! i get so afraid of making her mad. i hope DH's spermies are good! :)


10 years ago

Hi ladies,

I am so behind, the weekend was busy!!

3LIL, sooooo happy for you and Ollie :) Praying you have some peace now!!

AFMedic, I am happy to hear you and your LO are ok! That's really scary...

1st, yeah for bd'g just for fun!! How are you?

Cam, hey lady...still admiring how you do it ALL!! Understand about being down but NOT will happen.

Law, hey there!! Loving your's motivating really ;) Hoping for good news for your appointment!

SMH, hope with all you have going your week passes really fast!

mamak, hi! How are you feelin?

Luv, hey chica...sounds like you have your plan set to go, I am witcha his numbers will improve! Positive thinking...whoop whoop!

Holly, hey gagit indeed!! How's everthing?

I can't go back further...but I am thinking of you all ;)

AFM, having horrible headaches and I am only CD15, but's bright red and it was enough to fill a pantyliner, so I put in a tampon while here at work. I am not in any pain and this has never happened....strange...any ideas?? I will admit that this weekend the hubs and I did get it in a bit and I did start working out again (Pure Barre) and the bleeding did start on Sat. Didn't do anything today and it's more of a light flow...

10 years ago

JLH--I have no idea but I looked it up and read this..."
Some women also experience light bleeding (spotting) for a day or two around the middle of their cycles, between periods. This may be a normal pattern for some women but if this starts in your 40s or is new for you, please contact me. Generally, mid-cycle spotting is caused by the drop in hormone levels around the time that you ovulate (release an egg). "

I'll report back about the appointment at about 4-4:30ish tomorrow. I'm praying for some glimmer of hope--I need some sort of treatment or I'll go crazy. I don't want to waste another cycle!

10 years ago

Thanks Law!! I of course have gone crazy online trying to "figure it out" I did get a call back from my nurse, who doesn't seem to be too concerned as this is the first time I have ever had this. But perhaps with this happening this month, and the old blood passing last month after my period ended, my body is setting itself up for an actual baby??!! Trying to stay positive...

I pray you get good, positive answers and actions tomorrow!! Can't wait to hear the news :)

Thanks again!

10 years ago

Double post...

10 years ago

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