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Mid Month Madness!

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Welcome :) this a group dedicated to those who test around the middle of the month!

32yrs old DH 36 TTC #1 TTC since Oct 2011 - diagnosed anovulatory Feb 2013 6th cycle clomiphene Party trick - mood swings par excellence! Located: Palmerston North, NZ User Image

1172 Replies • 10 years ago



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Oh I forget what century we are in. Living here in France is like going back fifty years in technology. Electronic health systems! Pffff. Not in France. At least I don't think so. They are always so behind on everything here.

And I am also out of the loop on this Too Cute thing. I have a feeling I will be checking it out when I'm in Florida.

I'm already planning on getting a puppy! Personally, I like all dogs. Big, small, doesn't matter. But the new house is still really small, so I think I'll get something little. The bf is a weirdo and loves those little white fluffy dogs, bichon I think. I think we will get one of this probably. There are a few in our neighborhood and I have to admit, I am starting to find them cute too.

When I'm with the bf, everyone thinks I'm ten years older. Wait till I start walking around with the bf AND an old lady dog! People will think I'm 50! :)

10 years ago

You'll see what we mean Divact. The title is extremely literal!

Must say your minidog-loving bf doesn't look 46 though. Could easily pass for 10 years younger. Bon voyage for your trip btw.

I had a really tough day staying positive about not being pregnant today. There was a lot of chummy mummy talk at the office today. Really do not need that. Especially on a Wednesday. It's much easier to be OK about things on the weekend. Planning to see Gravity this weekend. Can't wait for that at least! Anyway at least I'm home now with the door safely shut behind me!

Me, 31, dh 34 TTC #1 since Feb 2013 I cp in May Ttc mantra: ICs do not count!

10 years ago

I must say that I'm a little afraid to start temping. I think it will stress me out more than I already am, but I may change my tune after next cycle.

My health insurance is changing Jan 1st, so I'm trying to find a new plan... Do I go with the cheaper monthly plan with worse maternity coverage or the more expensive monthly plan with better maternity coverage? The obvious answer is to pick the cheaper plan because I will certainly wind up pregnant immediately...

I'm with you, Bindy. My experience with kids is about 50/50. Some make me want to run the other direction with the resolve to never have children and the rest are really fun. Hope it goes well on Sat!

You should definitely check the show out, Divact! It is on the Animal Planet channel (here in the US) - there are clips online (

My only comment about bichons is that they have to be groomed regularly - just so you are prepared for that. Great Danes actually make fantastic small house/apartment dogs because they are so lazy. You could get one of each and have a huge dog and a tiny dog. Are coton de tulears popular in France? They supposedly have fantastic temperaments and are cute, little white dogs. I first saw them on Too Cute and have wanted one ever since. If you click on the link above for Too Cute and scroll down to "Baby Goat Exhausts Puppies" - this is a clip from the episode with the cotons. Havanese are also supposed to be fantastic little dogs.

Sorry you had a rough day, so impatient! Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Puppies and wine help!

AF should be here Friday or Saturday. I'm not counting DPO this cycle and won't be testing unless she doesn't show up.

32 years old and BF is 37 TTC #1 Mom to 2 fur kids TTC since June 2013 Diagnosed with perimenopause Location: Colorado, USA

10 years ago

Oh why oh why did you have to give me that link? I will now have a new obsession at work.

Those cotons are adorable! Maybe it will be even harder than I thought to choose a breed. Now I'm looking at pictures of Maltese, King Charles (these have always been a favorite of mine), Pomeranians, Tibetan spaniels and the bichons!

We said yes for the mini-house and sent in all of our docs today! Maybe this will help get the mini-dog and mini-me on the way too!

Dogmom, dilemma for the insurance! Might as well go for the expensive one though. It never hurts in America to have good insurance.
I think it's great that you're not counting dpo this month. I'm not really sure where I am either this month, though I have an idea. I don't want to obsess over it. It's too stressful and disappointing. Any symptom I feel this month, I will attribute to pms and not being pregnant. It's taken me 5 cycles to figure out that anything I feel at this point is in fact my period. Most people feel nothing until well after 4 weeks.

So impatient, thanks . And yes, bf does look a little younger. He acts it too. :)
If you need some cheering up, I'll be in London soon! Definitely the weekend of the 22. I think we may need some pampering therapy. Manicure? Facial? Booze? We'll both know our "status" by then as well.

10 years ago

Hi guys,

Sorry I've been so quiet, just so upset about the whole thing that I've been crying non stop (yes even at work). Today first day I feel a bit better.

So the codes the dr gave for my op was for endometriosis so I made the mistake to start googling and everything now makes sense! Can tick almost every box. Which in turn means we only have lik 2% chance of becoming pregnant each cycle and sounds like only real chance is IVF.

So I'm going for a 2nd opinion at a fertility clinic and will then rather start procedures like lapscope with them. But this means waiting for 2-3months still.

I will keep following u guys, but pls forgive me if I don't always reply. Things bit hectic at the moment with moving house etc and me feeling like curling up in bed and never coming out again.

Hope you all get your BFP's soon!!

10 years ago

I've been lurking this past week. Was a bit in a blah place. But I am back lol

Oh Makiet, I am sorry that you are going through this. Endometriosis is not a nice diagnosis, but it's not to say that you will never get pregnant. Usually after they do a laparascopy (and usually with me they do a D&C as well) you are supposed to be very fertile for a while. So I truly hope that this is the case for you. I think the fertility clinic is a good idea. The doctors are much more specialised than the gynaes.
IVF is not the only way to get pregnant with endo. My friend, myself, my mom and aunts are all proof of this. Although I think it is a quicker route. I know that its hard, but try to stay positive. . You know now why you are struggling. I always find that I deal with stuff easier once it has a name... I really hope that your right ovary and tube is fine. And hopefully there isn't too many adhesions attaching the left one to your uterus. I really feel for you.

Bindy its so cool to finally have a cycle buddy. Was feeling weird for attaching myself to the group when I actually test at the beginning of the month. But, you guys are stuck with me now.

I got my opk's this morning. But still a week away from starting to test for LH.

10 years ago

Oh and have you guys heard of the "turkey baster method" for getting pregnant? google it...

10 years ago

Makiet Im so sorry all I can say is just never lose hope.

Autumn I looked up turkey baster method and all I can say is o....k I think if I started trying that DH might start to worry about whether I was sane or not. However in saying that I was looking online for clomid without having to have a I might just be at that lvl of crazy. Dw when I joined the group I hadn't had a period for nearly 80days I didn't even know if I would ever get one again so it's nice to have a cycle buddy. However I have gone from being cycle buddies with Dogmom to being cycle buddies with you so maybe I might be lucky and be cycle buddies to everyone by the end of it.

Divact I thought everyone had electronic health systems now, I must say tho it is quiet annoying specially when ur trying to fib about certain things like ur time u've been trying to conceive ect.

So I thought u ladies would like a bit of a laugh, tonight when DH and I were putting our kelpie to bed I was being silly and grabbed his shirt to pull him over to me in a lovingly way and he tripped and fell into the metal framed door with his weight behind it into my now i have a swollen nose. So ended up on the ground in tears when my dog came up and sniffed my face and gave me a lick to see if i was ok, she made me laugh. Teaches me for being silly and pulling DH to me. At the time it wasn't funny but thinking back on it now makes me laugh.

Also I think I have a new party trick 10 day periods have a feeling this one is going to be the same.

27 years old and DH is 27 years oldDS 6 months oldTTC #2 Diagnosed with PCOS DH low sperm count <a href=

10 years ago

Oh Bindy, your poor face! Ouch. But these things are funny after the fact. :)

Makiet, I would be happy to at least know what it is. I bet you'll get pregnant so fast with IVF. Probably before the rest of us sorry souls (sorry other sorry souls). :( I have this vague memory of my mother telling me she had this too. I do know she wasn't supposed to be able to have children and both my sister and I were accidents. :)

It's a great idea to go to the fertility clinic!

Well, I'm starting to have my normal post-ovulation psycho girlfriend moments already...A bit early, but still the usual stuff. Irrational jealousy and wanting to cry at nothing....Getting angry with my colleagues for stuff that would usually make me laugh. My boobs started aching again right after I ovulated, and I've already started breaking out even though my poor skin hasn't recovered yet from last month! That's just a rant and an FYI because I feel like sharing. I am taking every one of these signs/symptoms and considering them normal hormones. Hormones suck.

I need to look at some puppies playing with baby goats.

Hello, my name is Carrie and I'm happy to NOT be pregnant so that I can an extra hard workout at the gym tonight and then relax with some wine while looking at grown-up shoes on-line.

10 years ago

Omg divact you're almost at 100 posts! Better make it a good one! No pressure or anything. Maybe once I get to 199 I should go on strike until I can announce a bfp!

So sorry about the medical hassles Makiet. It's so good you checked though. Hopefully you'll get fast results now the source of the problem is known.

Autumn and Bindy -as we really all seem to have whole-month-madness, I really don't think it matters when you test to be part of the forum!

It's funny how we're all living under different medical systems. They're still a bit behind with e-health in the UK too, but I can only go to one GP. You have to register with your local centre by proving you live in the area etc here. Well That's my understanding anyway. Nobody ever seems to know how things work here. Like if you ask someone about buying a house, or the tax system you never get a clear answer! It really is like Little Britain.

Divact how much time do you want to spare? Dh and I are doing that thing I pm'ed you about on Fri night, so you're welcome to join if you're there on time, but other than that my weekend is free. Lots of ideas, but ultimately it's up to you!PM me for details. You will know your status but I think I'll still only be 8dpo of I'm lucky! Will give me an excuse to test before I see you! Love the specific reference to "adult" shoes btw!

Less mummy crap in the office today so feeling a lot saner. Also my temp was only 0.01 higher than yesterday so I think my thermometer is stabilising (weirdly it seems to work better now after a few uses). Really hope I pick up a shift. I will be so excited! SAD.

Bindy hope your face is better!

Me, 31, dh 34 TTC #1 since Feb 2013 I cp in May Ttc mantra: ICs do not count!

10 years ago

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