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Who wants to try an experiment?!

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TWO people that I know of (on this site!) got pregnant recently on their FIRST month trying EVENING PRIMROSE OIL! After TTC for over a year and starting my 3rd clomid cycle, I am ready to give this a whirl! I'm on CD 2 and took my first dose tonight. Anyone else want to see if we can get some more s?!?!?!?

304 Replies • 13 years ago



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Well, AF arrived today, 6 days late, so frustrating and confusing Does anyone else have PCOS with irregular periods and figured out how to regulate them? I'm taking Metformin but that doesn't seem to be making a difference.

I'm excited to try EPO this month, started it today. I'm also going to start taking baby aspirin each day, anyone else doing this?

Best of luck to all who are still in their two week wait!



12 years ago

Val: I have PCOS too. I'm trying my best to eat a healthy multi-grain diet with lots of fruits/veggies/protein and I seem to have a more regular cycle the more I keep my weight down. But I've always gone on BC for years whenever the cycles completely seem to disappear so I'm not sure how long term this works. I've had completely regular cycles for 3 cycles this time, not sure how long it will last. I understand your frustration! This month I am trying EPO and baby aspirin for the first time! Hopefully they do the job! Joy did the same thing on this forum and it worked for her! FX that it does the trick too!

AFM: So since I'm not sure at all when I O'd this cycle with the whole confusing OPKs being positive for 4 days situation, I'm just going to try to keep any eye out for any major symptoms, and at 34 days I'll let myself test since that's when I usually get AF. BDing a lot this cycle, so hopefully we were good to go no matter when I did!

Allison User Image

12 years ago

I used epo and low dose aspirin this cycle and got bfp! Good luck ladies!

12 years ago

So we have been ttc for 3 cycles and i have absolutely no symptoms this month except I am tired but I am usually tired I just can't tell if I'm more tired than usual and the last 2 months I had almost every symptom this was also the first month of using EPO I am 5dpo today so maybe its to early for symptoms but I could have sworn I felt things earlier maybe its a good thing I'm not feeling anything with my last pregnancy I only new I was pregnant cuz my husbands friend told me I was wierd I know but he was right any thoughts on this would be wonderful

12 years ago

Hi everyone! I am not part of this forum, but I have been stalking :) I just wanted to say I just received my BFP at 11dpo and I'm sure it's because I started EPO this cycle! It was only our 3rd month TTC. So, thank you everyone for introducing me to this and hopefully there will be many more BFP's to come!!!

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12 years ago

Good morning ladies.
PCOS gals- I have never been diagnosed with pcos but have been told I have multiple cysts on my ovaries. I also have a retroverted pelvis. They have just told me that conceiving will probably be quite difficult. I don't know what we are supposed to do differently. My MIL said she had cysts and her doctor made her start bc after she ovulated to move any potential little baby down the fallopian tube. I don't know how that works but dh and I said after one year of trying we'd see a specialist and I'm going to ask about that also. It will be a year this month if I don't conceive.
Congrats on the positive girls!!
I'm 9-10 dpo today. I had been feeling very confident that this was our month until now. I have had sore bbs, been tired, had some strange cramps and had that sinus ha and drainage for a few days. Bfn this morning though. I had to hold back the tears. I'm just so sick of them. AF is due Thursday-Saturday so I'm just going to wait a few days.
Good luck to everyone else waiting. I only did a half round of epo this cycle for fear of an early o. Taking epo the whole first two weeks next time it didn't work this cycle.

12 years ago

Good morning! I love hearing about the bfp's from the ladies who took epo; really hopeful. My bbs have hurt tremendously since O day, and there seem to be several differences from previous cycles. I am 9 dpo today, and refusing to test until Friday. Trying so hard not to get my hopes up....

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12 years ago

Ally, I know how heartbreaking it is, and I feel for you! As hard as it may be, try not to definitively count yourself out just yet. I have my fingers crossed for you.

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12 years ago

Allyrodgers: Definitely go to a specialists after this cycle if you don't conceive. If possible do some research before you book an appointment, and sometimes it takes a while to get the appointment just as a heads up. I drive to the city for mine to make sure I had one of the bests. They have helped in so many ways with my PCOS and setting me up on the right cycle, so hopefully with your cysts they can help with something too. My FS has a plan set for me so I feel comfortable. Before I got off of BC we went over a timeline. We are trying for 6 months, unless my ovulation or period stops before then, then I go back right away.So far my cycle has been right on track. After this they are going to start clomid. I'm not sure of your age, but our doctor was optimistic with the fact that I was only 25. The biggest thing for me from my doctor is to eat a very healthy diet, move around a lot, and to BD like bunnies because since my cycle is unpredictable, our BDing should be unpredictable too, not too plan too much cause it may not make since. At least you will have a better plan set in place once you see a FS and it may give you some peace of mind. Hopefully this is your cycle though and you won't even have to worry about it! FX for you!

mama080803 and westjn85: congrats!!!! Nice to see the EPO/BFP #s getting higher! hope to follow in your footsteps!

tmochsner84: Still really no major symptoms for me except a headache for 3 days and gas....Say DPO as you...However I'm hopeful still since so many people think they are out the month they get their BFP! Good luck to you!

AFM: No real signs except headaches and gas. I'm possibly 5/6dpo today? Trying not to test until AF is due this month. Been much calmer so far this month so we'll see how long I can keep this going!

Allison User Image

12 years ago

Thanks for the encouraging words ladies. I'm trying to keep my head up for a few days to see what happens.
Allison- that's crazy. We have the same name, are the sane age and struggling with the same things. Where do you live? How old is your hubby? Would this be your first baby? I live in WV. My dh is 35 and has 2 kids from a previous marriage. Because of that I put all the infertility on myself and feel horrible. We live in a small town where he is a surgeon and I'm a nurse in the ER so we know everyone. I'm a bit nervous about letting people know our struggles and don't want word to get around. Hopefully soon I'll get some answers though. Or it will just be our month!!
I hope everyone has a great day!

12 years ago

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