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2016 IUI/IVF

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Ladies we've had some great news lately, let's keep it going! This is for everyone starting out for their first or trying again! Best wishes to everyone and loads of baby dust!

540 Replies • 8 years ago



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Good morning ladies,

Camasia - Those are amazing numbers! Way to go lady! I hope AF comes soon so you can start transferring those beautiful embabies.

Baby - I'm glad the U/S showed a healthy baby. I'm looking forward to hearing about the next one

2Moms - Good luck today I can't wait to hear about your U/S today.

AFM - the clinic just contacted me and I now have my calendar for my cycle. I guess I'm doing an antagonist protocol. something for me to look up and I'll be using Ganirelix, Gonal-F and menopur, luckily I don't seem to have an progesterone injections, just tabs.. I'm a bit relieved on that one actually. I'm hoping AF holds off just a bit more as they hadn't expected her until the end of next week. it won't be a problem either way but I'd rather not over suppress

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

7 years ago

Cam- The feeling sorry for yourself is definitely understandable! When do you expect af? And WOW! That is SO many embryos! Hopefully you’ll never have to go through the stim/retrieval/ohss hell again!

Margie- yay for starting the process! I also did the antagonist protocol and was on follistim, menopur, and then later ganirelix.

Hannah- So sorry to hear that. This process is so pricey and it seems like every cycle has unexpected costs. We didn’t have that, so I can’t help there, sorry! I was delayed a few times though, so I know that frustration well.

Hoping- You’re getting so close! I’m not sure how much the valium did for transfer, but I obviously don’t know. Transfer happens really fast and I would say it was right on par with (or even easier than) an IUI- it will be great even without the valium!

Baby- YAY! I’m so jealous of your ultrasounds being so close together! And so awesome that you’re not feeling sick.

Afm- we had our second ultrasound yesterday at 7w4d and we saw two perfect little ones side by side measuring almost equally with excellent heartbeats! I believe the heartbeats were 152 and 162. We’ve officially “graduated” and will head to an OB next week!

7 years ago

Margie I did that same protocol! I'm very happy no more stimming or possibility for ohss I didn't realize that I really had it. I was in a lot of pain.
2moms congrats on graduating and the two beautiful babies that are growing!!!!

AFM AF came on Friday and my appointment is Monday. I'm so happy to get back started! I'm cramping so bad ughh.

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7 years ago

Hey ladies, just quickly checking in. I'll read and post back later today. Just wanted to ask for some postive thoughts and prayers. Going in for our transfer in the next hour! Just driving to the clinic now! Eeeeek!

Me: 30 DH:32 TTC since Oct 2014 Dec 2014 - Chemical Pregnancy Diagnosed with hashimoto's thyroiditis on synthroid 75mcg 3 Rounds of Clomid and IUI - (April, June, July) Laparoscopy in July 2015 - mild endometriosis, lots of scar tissue 4 rounds of femara with TI - (Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec) Jan, Feb 2016 - super ovulation cycle/overlap - femara/gonal-f with trigger/back to back iui/progesterone - March/April - break from it all May - femara and TI intercourse - one last chance - BFN June - IVF prep month July - IVF!!!

7 years ago

Cam- great that af is already here!

Hoping- I'm thinking about you!

7 years ago

Yay Camasia! Next step to becoming pregnant isn't far! By the way, amazing number of frosties you have!!

Hoping, praying for good results my dear!!

7 years ago • Post starter

Thanks 2moms and baby! Awwww prayers for you almost being pupo hoping!!!!!!

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7 years ago

Hey ladies,

Marg how r u feeling? What pod cast r u listening to? That's ok if it's ealry or late the clinic will accommodate u!

Baby. Great to hear it went well! How come another ultrasound so soon? Is that typical. Did u get a pic?

Cam, awesome for freezing so many! Wonderful news!

2mom. Wonderful news on moving right along. Will u find out genders?

Afm retrieval went as plan! I was so nervous but u hardly felt any pain just the need portion but then it was ok. We got 22 eggs! Yay they though 12 to 15. Not sure which r mature or how many will fertilize. We will get a call tomorrow. Dh was a but nervous with his sample. Thank goodness for icis! Hoping we got some healthy eggs growing now.

They have me on an ohss protocol. My e2 was 15200 at trigger so they said I'm prime candidate for it. Lucky me. Lots of rest and fuild. Pain isn't too bad worse then cramps but I'm just uncomfortable.

I have to monitor my fluid intake and output along with my weight. If it gets worse we have go freeze them and wait a month. Or things might go well and we transfer Thursday morning.

I took time or work so I'm just gonna rest rest rest and let me body heal as needed,

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers too!

Me: 30 DH:32 TTC since Oct 2014 Dec 2014 - Chemical Pregnancy Diagnosed with hashimoto's thyroiditis on synthroid 75mcg 3 Rounds of Clomid and IUI - (April, June, July) Laparoscopy in July 2015 - mild endometriosis, lots of scar tissue 4 rounds of femara with TI - (Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec) Jan, Feb 2016 - super ovulation cycle/overlap - femara/gonal-f with trigger/back to back iui/progesterone - March/April - break from it all May - femara and TI intercourse - one last chance - BFN June - IVF prep month July - IVF!!!

7 years ago

Good morning ladies,

Hoping - I'm feeling a lot of mixed emotions this week but I'm mostly excited to start the process. The podcast I listen to is called beat infertility. I really enjoy the bonus episodes where she speaks with a doctor to go over different aspects of infertility. 22 eggs is an awesome number. I'm looking forward to hearing how many fertilized. I'm sorry to hear about the ohss. I hope it settles down quickly. I'm planning on doing the same thing after my retrieval and taking a few days to just rest and recover.

Camasia - I'm sort of your cycle buddy. I strated AF on friday night. I think I start birth control either today or tomorrow. Good luck with your FET cycle. How dI'd you find the injections for it? I had to watch videos for my injection class and I think they freaked me out more than actually getting a needle.

2moms - that's cool. I think we're one drug different. I'm both looking forward to it and dreading the needles. Congrats on the two babies growing well. I can't wait to hear how they're developing.

AFM - I start BCP this weekend and then it's only five weeks until my baseline. I'm thinking time will go by quickly once I start. My mom has just booked her flight down to help me with the IVF while DH is away. DH has his appointment for freezing his sample tomorrow, so once that's done it's all on me.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

7 years ago

Margie that's great ur mom's coming. That will be a nice help! Good luck to ur dh today.

Just got the call that 20 out 22 were mature and 9 fertilized. Please tell me that's ok? I hope they grow stronger and stronger each day!

Me: 30 DH:32 TTC since Oct 2014 Dec 2014 - Chemical Pregnancy Diagnosed with hashimoto's thyroiditis on synthroid 75mcg 3 Rounds of Clomid and IUI - (April, June, July) Laparoscopy in July 2015 - mild endometriosis, lots of scar tissue 4 rounds of femara with TI - (Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec) Jan, Feb 2016 - super ovulation cycle/overlap - femara/gonal-f with trigger/back to back iui/progesterone - March/April - break from it all May - femara and TI intercourse - one last chance - BFN June - IVF prep month July - IVF!!!

7 years ago

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