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Private Testers Support Group Part 3!

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A "secret" group for a not-secretly awesome group of ladies. :)

As I said in the last thread, I'm CD 9 and nothing exciting is happening, unless you count patchy depression and seasonal affective disorder "exciting" :-/

576 Replies • 10 years ago



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Sorry I am at work and don't have time to catch up with everyone. But I went to see the np today. She sent in a request for a pelvic ultrasound. I have bloodwork booked for the 21st which is cd 21 (luckily I am working and can just walk down the hall for this!). And then I need another blood draw during the beginn of next cycle and another pap test next month. The man just needs to make an appt. To give a sample yet.

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10 years ago

Good morning ladies,

Amag, OMG it's happening for you! So happy for you ;)

Law, that does seem a little weird, but I pray all is ok! I'm sure it's hard not to worry, but try not to. Any plans this weekend?

Jan, hope you're feeling better!

Cam, nice to see you and completely understand how busy you are right now! Just know you're thought of often ;)

Blue, yeah for getting underway to understanding what's going on!! Hope work isn't to much today...

Luv, thinking of you!!!!

AFM, laying in bed BC once I'm up and running the day will be busy. Doing a lot for the house (cabinets, paint, etc ). Then going to get my nails done before going to get a massage!! CD28 today...AF not here yet, having some creamy cm but not sure if that's good or not. Back still crampy :( soooo we shall see and of course I will keep y'all posted ;)

10 years ago

Jada--not anything exciting. I lead a very boring life. Praying that good news is coming soon! :) And yay for a day of pampering--I want my nails done badly but a pedicure would be better because my feet are not looking so hot. lol

Cam--good luck with your crazy busy/stressful week. you'll do great--you're always so focused!

10 years ago

Jada- My mom tells me all the time mom's have a sixth sense about these things. Sorry you feel like the witch is coming, I will say an extra pray for you tonight!! Creamy CM sounds good though!!! I hope the builder has not screwed up too bad!! I am sorry

Law- Sorry to hear about the ultrasound, but I hope it will not be anything. I will keep you in my thoughts. LOL DH and names is not a good mix. For a boy he liked Boone or Titus...yeah that's not happening LOL We settled on Jamison Edward for a boy. When I was prego with my daughter he wanted Willow, I can't help but think of the 1980's movie willow, so yea I nixed that. But tonight I asked him about Collette for a girl and he said Colbie, so we might be getting some where, But I feel this is a boy so we shall see.

Amag- I am very excited for you!!!!

Janise- Sorry you are feeling sick. I hope you start to feel better, there is a nasty bug going around that is for sure

Cam- Busy busy women!! but so glad you are getting settled in your new home!! So exciting!! New start and prayers for happy new beginnings too!!

Blue- Happy to hear there is a start to the plan and you will be able to take care of things with your work schedule.

AFM- not the relaxing weekend I hoped for, my little one got the stomach bug. I never would have though someone so small could throw up that much!!! Had to wash every towel and blanket in my house. She seems to be doing better now, so I hope it means for a better day and some relaxing tomorrow!!

10 years ago

Good morning!

Hope all is well with you ladies...

Law, I understand but soon your life will be ANYTHING but boring!! LOL. How are you feeling?

AFMed, you may be right, but time will tell! How is your LO? Pray it didn't get to you and your dh?!

Luv, still thinking of you!

SMH, how are you?

Cam, praying all is going well for you!

Blue, how are you feeling? how was work?

Amag, How are you doing?

Jan, You doing ok?

Holly, you out there?

AFM, I'm home, but about to get ready for a jewelry party in a bit. Hopefully everyone set their clocks up :) AF still hasn't shown, still having some creamy cm...CD29 mind is expecting to start spotting tonight and AF tomorrow...but we will see...

10 years ago

hey everyone. i am doing ok!! got my first shot with the stimulation meds yesterday. needle is slightly bigger than what i have been using but very small difference so it didnt hurt! thank god! however both dh and i had to start the antibiotics and we both got sick this morning. learned not to take them with any other meds and wait and hour after eating to take them.!! Other than that everything here is good have to go in on tuesday for bloodwork again to see where my levels are at to see if we need to adjust the meds or not! then i think at least once more next week ill go in for bloodwork and ultrasound again then next week we anticipate egg retreival and implantation so things are moving along right now. i am in a very excited state but trying to stay to calm and not get my hopes up too much just in case!!

afmedic: sorry your Lo go sick hope both you and dh missed it. I always feel so bad for the little ones when they get sick besides doing your best to make them feel at ease there isnt much you can do for them until it passes.

jada: hoping the creamy cm is a good sign for you. do you normaly get it before af or is it something new.

blue: wel what is the man waiting!! i know with mine i had to set up everything for him or he never would have gone for Glad you are getting things moving though!!

10 years ago

@amag- glad you got the antibiotics figured out and don't have to continue to be sick. I really hope this works for you!!

@jlhart- I am good. Working on my last night shift. Then onto day shifts this week. Fingers crossed af doesn't show for you!

@afmedic- hope your little one is feeling better!

I am so sleepy. My good friends wedding shower was today. And since I am working night shifts. It was like getting up and attending an event at 2 am only to go to work a few hours later. Bridesmaid duties! Haha.

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10 years ago

Morning ladies,

Hope all is well!

Blue, hope you get some rest soon! How was the shower?

Amag, happy things are going well! Can't wait to hear how it all goes for you!!! AFM the creamy cm has happened one other time that I can we will see.

AFM, CD30...slightly feeling some cramping, back aches, and tender breasts...but no AF yet. My head is expecting her to show today or tomorrow, but my heart is really hoping she doesn't. If nothing by tomorrow night I will test Wednesday or Thursday...but I am sure she will show...

10 years ago

blue: thanks yeah me too glad i figured out the right way to take I know what you mean with bridesmaids duties i am supposed to be in my brothers wedding in august and we have already been thrown in doing dresses and centerpieces and we are planning the jack and jill now. I look at it as a distraction from whats going on with me. Sorry you were so tired though that sucks. Are you looking forward to going on days?

jada: really hope that darn witch does not show!! I am super excited to see how the next couple weeks go!

AFM: so i started the stimilation meds on saturday so far no problems but they say it can take a few days for any side effects to start showing...hoping they stay away!! now that i got the antibiotic figured out havent had any other problems. Really excited to see how the next week or two progress go in tomorrow for more blood work to see if we have to adjust the meds or keep them the same. im sure i will have to go in at least once more later this week if not twice to monitor follicle size and number, once i reach the desired number of at least 10 mature follicles we will then trigger and do the egg retrieval. they believ that should be the beginning part of next week and 5days later the egg implantation. trying to keep myself busy so im not thinking about things but you know how that goes so hard not to when its a big part of what you are doing.

10 years ago

Jada--I hope she doesn't show. I'm praying for you. Stay hopeful! I'm okay. Had s breakdown on Saturday but I'm better now.

Afmedic--well, I hope you get your little boy! Oh my, is your little one better now?

Amag--what an exciting time for you! Let us know how it all goes!

AFM--nothing new here. Did some more bra shopping. I'm up 3 cup sizes now. Yowsa. I'm afraid to buy bras though because I bought 4 last time and wore them for 3 weeks and now they don't fit

10 years ago

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