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Anyone hoping for a March baby?

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About me:

On month #11. So, so impatient. Tired. Going crazy. And getting scared :(

On 2nd round of Clomid, 50 the first time around, 100 this time.

Currently (Friday, 6/22) on CD 13.

This site says if we were to conceive this round, we'd be due March 17 - St. Patrick's Day. Thats gotta be a good (lucky) sign, right?

Just looking for some gals around the same cycle day/ boat as gets a little tiring trying to talk to your DH about these things!

Baby dust!

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268 Replies • 12 years ago



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pinkbride.....this cycle we're doing Clomid (again, 100 mg/day) - probably will use Preseed again, just because - I want to try the Mucinex trick AND I also want to find those softcups. DH doesn't want me to use any OPKs or anything this cycle and just wants to have sex to have sex - none of the frantic 5-day straight (or whatever pattern we've done) that we've been doing the last couple of cycles. I'm not looking at it that we're not trying, I'm just looking at it that we're just......chilling out a little bit. It'll be hard for me - I still will count in my head and all - and the last 2 months I've FELT ovulation we'll see. I'm also anxious to see what the urologist has to say Wednesday.....that's basically our next starting point.

Trying to keep it in God's hands - He has a plan and I just have to be patient - not one of my best qualities

Hope you're all having great weekends! to all!

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11 years ago • Post starter

And sunanshu - I am not sure, but I don't think you can feel implantation happen. Be careful of overthinking every twinge and ache & pain - it will just drive you nuts. Look for the spotting; that's your most telltale sign!

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11 years ago • Post starter

Pinkbride-I experienced a chemical pregnancy at 5 weeks too. I had to rationalize it. Coping mechanism....I hope you're doing better. I have to be careful not to get paranoid. It's too easy. I was 33 when I had my ds. We're hoping to complete our family with #2. I'm 38 so I worry we waited too long, but we weren't ready until this past winter.

Started round 2 of 50mg of clomid today (days 3-7).

I've learned so much from you guys. Thanks for your willingness to be so open.


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11 years ago

Hey girls, silly q: what are softcups?

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11 years ago

softcups are insertable cups you can place in up near your cervix after sex to keep the semen in. It's originally used for periods as an alternative to pads and tampons. I've never tried them, just looked into perhaps trying them.

11 years ago

CD27, tested this afternoon and got a BFN...

11 years ago

Hi Ladies! I've missed you all!
I've been absent because I've been at Comic Con in San Diego (OMG so much fun!).

I finished up my AF at the start of our trip - and after each day at Comic Con, DF and I were sooooo exhausted that we literally fell into bed each night. But I did an OPK each AM and they've been negative so far, anyway. We did get to BD the night before we left and last night, and I'm currently in the "green days", plus DF is really "in the mood" so all is well.

Keeping my fingers crossed for all of us this time!

Hope some others got BFPs while I was away - I haven't had a chance to read all of the posts yet!


User Image Baby M v1.0, 4/20/2012

11 years ago

The normal heart pulse rate of a woman is between 60-72 per min. Today at 12 dpo mine is 108 per min. Earlier it always use to be 72 per min. Is this a sign of pregnancy? I have been experiencing other pregnancy symptoms as well.


11 years ago

Sunanshu - I had heard the same thing, and my heart always seemed to be racing - especially last month when I thought that this was "it." Looking back, I think it was just the stress and anxiety of even THINKING I was pregnant making my heart beat faster. Don't overthink things. You'll make yourself crazy.

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11 years ago • Post starter

So today ends day 78 (& counting...:P) of this cycle. My OB is going to to order blood work to check my thyroid, HCG (just in case), and progesterone levels. I may end up having to go on progesterone for a few days so I can get withdrawal bleeding in the hopes that it "jump starts" my cycles. I may end up joining several of you in taking the Clomid as well. I have gotten several LH surges, but no thermal shifts, so body is trying to O, its just not succeeding. This is all so frustrating since I think my cycles were "normal" before my MC, more around 35 days (a little long, bit within the normal range). I'm going to visit my sister for the weekend, so I won't be able to go in for blood work until monday. But hopefully I'll have more answers by the end of the week. This past Tuesday marked four months since my miscarriage and we are now in month 8 of TTC. :( My sister-in-law is due in a few weeks and I was really hoping to be pregnant before their little one arrives. This is all so hard. Trying to trust in God's perfect plan and timing. Hope all you ladies are doing well! Have a good weekend! :)

"Baby Sprout" 3/17/2012 User Image

11 years ago

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