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Going for July BFP - Join Me!

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Hi Ladies -

Ms. AF just tracked me down and I'm out for the month of June. Now I'm CD 2 in my 6th TTC cycle. Starting soy isoflavones tomorrow (CD 3-5) for the first time. Fingers crossed for July BFP. Who is with me? What is your story?

Let's see how many BFPs we can get in this group for July!

351 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hi everyone. I am on cd11. Just waiting to ovulate!!!
Hopefully this month will be the month. It feels like everyone around me is pregnant.
Keep us updated novalunar.

11 years ago

Hey ladies! Maybe you could help me stave off the insanity that's happening in my head! I can't tell!! Here's my symptoms...

LMP: 7/12; BD 7/21; Ov 7/24 due 8/8

Since 1 DPO my bbs have been in INTENSE pain; stabbing and burning pain and getting much fuller. No changes that I can tell in my nipples, though. I've had a stuffy nose and lots of sneezing and a little bleeding in my gums at 5 DPO. Gums stopped bleeding 8DPO but still sneezy and stuffy. I had some bad cramping on 5-7 DPO but now it kind of comes and goes. On 6 DPO I had this very odd tickling sensation in my lower abdomen and had a PIN prick of blood, I mean it looked like a speck. Thought it might have been like a fuzzy from my undies cause they were pink that day but it wasn't. I've felt some odd twinges and pulling (could be gas or the fact that I'm constipated, TMI). 7 DPO I urinated way more than usual, 8 DPO my urine was bright yellow and smelled different (still today despite being hydrated). Today I'm emotional and ever hungry, I'm a bottomless pit. CM is more than usual after O. Could this be PG or am I SS?

9-12 DPO I had creamy CM and it would be kind of thick if I went looking for it. yesterday on 12 DPO. My boobs are literally untouchable at this point and hardly fitting into my bra. Today (13 DPO) I've also started getting watery CM (I feel like I'm peeing myself) and had a few clumps of CM come out when I use the bathroom. I'm also MASSIVELY bloated.


Angels in heaven 3/23/13 User Image

11 years ago

firenze33 you sound exactly the same as me give or take a few symptoms my breasts are intense!! still wearing a sports bra to bed due to the pain i also had cramping around 6-7 dpo but i had brown pinky discharge around that time, have had lower back ache for 4 days now, and have underarm pain also, i am now 12 dpo and i did do a cheapie test i bought off internet and it was a so i am going to wait until wednesday, and have a brand pregnancy test as the ones of the internet are pretty rubbish!! its a waiting game now! and like i said before everyones different when testing so lets keep positive! from what you have said seems pretty promising hun!hope you get your
hey bowbow know how you feel, everyone seems to pregnant or having a baby!! its gonna happen for us gals soon though hun hope your good

11 years ago

NOVALUNAR123 holy smokes I know what you mean about the sports bra. For crying out loud, I wore one to work today. They're massive lol. DH said it looks like I got implants. Funny though, no change in nipples... have you noticed any of that? I took an FRER yesterday and it was negative. But, like you said, everybody's different so we'll see. This new watery CM today is different for me though, I'm usually dry as a board before shows up.


Angels in heaven 3/23/13 User Image

11 years ago

hi firenze33 well it sounds very promising !!!!! hope you get your soon,

NOVALUNAR123 hoping for you too I think one of us has to get a this month

Im out this month the just found me. I was really hopefull, oh well this cycle im going to use OPK so I also got some internet cheepies for POAS so i dont spend so much on FRER lol

11 years ago

firenze33 i haven't really had sore nipples either just my breasts and under my arms being extremely EXTREMELY tender! never had that before usually when af is coming my nipples can get a bit sore?!
And DH does love the new boobs, pity i have stopped bedding though just in case, read online that its best to avoid sex during this time. He is not very happy! gonna take every precaution! so hope for us ladies!

Sending huge hugs louisecie hate it when shows up when you have soo much hope, i was hopeful last month 2 days late and then so annoyed! good things come to those who wait though! and god knows after 7th cycle i am still waiting!!
still not in the clear yet so who knows what will happen for

11 years ago

well looks like i am out, my temp has dipped from 37.2 to 36.2!! the lowest i have ever had!!! so is on her way and coming early! i am so disappointed had a cry !!! cant understand why i had all these symptoms, along with pinky/brown discharge! this is the last time i am going to monitor my symptoms!! got my hopes up so much!awww this game is so cruel!thinking of going to book an appointment with the doctors next week, looks like i am on cycle 8 of ttc then!! hope one of us ladies gets a

11 years ago

NOVALUNAR123... sorry that the got you! I think that she's about to get me also, so we're in the same boat. I'm CD27 today (which is my typical last day) and she's due tomorrow. I'm getting my usual pre-af pinky/brown spotting with some light cramping.

Keep hope!

Angels in heaven 3/23/13 User Image

11 years ago

firenze33 i hope af don't show for you hun
i still haven't had yet but with my temp being so low and my boobs not being sore no longer just waiting for her to come knocking any time now! i am on day 28 of my cycle(which is my regular pattern) and the last 2 months af was on day 30, so i don't know when af will be exactly! who knew it would be this hard and emotional!
i have 2 friends who are having their second child and it seems to have been all a breeze while ttc for them and they are so carefree with it all! i keep telling myself one day that will be my DH and me, we will all get there eventually just unfortunate that its more difficult for some, sorry but i do need to vent at times like this! oh well lets not dwell and think of the new cycle!

11 years ago

THE has come! bang on time 12.00 midnight 8th of august! thankfully i made it home in time from the cinema! phew!
This cycle i am most def not going to monitor any symptoms its just torture! was so upset this morning as i was for sure this could be the month! heres to round 8!
hope one of us still has a chance

11 years ago

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