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February 2018 babies!!

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Hello ladies! Let's begin our quest for February 2018 babies!!! All are welcome! Even if you are already prego!!! Here's to another cycle together girls!


283 Replies • 7 years ago



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Lol hereshoping that's true. It is horrible to be sick at this time of year too! I am not even going to test as I am not going to waste the frer I have.

Altho last night when I was sick my bbs felt so heavy and sensitive and I am a week past AF so maybe my body is just having a melt down! I wish I could zap away this bug.

I have suffered over the years with tonsils and throat infections. Had my tonsils removed and it didn't make any difference. Years later I found out I am dairy intolerant and it used to flare up my throat.

Some things that are great for a sore throat are: pineapple, marshmallows, yogurt/ ice cream (I have the soya alternative) and orange juice. Feel better soon!

6 years ago

Hey ladies, I hope all has been well. I have been lurking seeing what everyone is up to and bug congrats to everyone who got there . I myself have nothing but terrible news to share. Some of you may know me from the Jan babies group and how DH and I were trying for 7 years to conceive without any luck :(. Any way I went to my doctors to start Clomid but she wanted me to do an ultrasound to see if my cyst came back and of course just as my luck would have it, not only did it come back it grew so big that it is covering my tubes and blocking the opening so I have to have both removed so I will only 1 ovary and tube. to make matters worse they found a mass at the opening of my uterus that they have to remove so I am not happy at all. The only good news is that the doctor said that because of the mass blocking the entrance it could have been the reason I did not get pregnant all these years. I am so stressed about this because it is a major surgery and doctor said I should be back to normal after 4-6 weeks. Which means I wont be able to start trying again until maybe September. I know I am dampering the mood with this sadness, but I need you guys this is really scary and I am super nervous. I find out the surgery date next week so of course I can not stop thinking about it.


6 years ago

Thank you @ginsue So sorry to hear that you're sick. to you!

@ladybugsmom So sorry to hear. Sending you well wishes for your surgery and a speedy recovery Hopefully you will get your when you start trying again!

6 years ago

@hereshoping and @ginsue I hope you ladies get well soon xx

@ladybug that is very unfortunate news that you've received and I'm sad you've had this given to you. On the bright side it sounds like they're very positive about helping you and getting you and your hubby back into optimal position to start TTC once you've recovered. Wishing you a very speedy recovery after your op. Keep us updated on your progress x

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6 years ago

Thank you ladies for the encouragement and prayers. You guys have helped me through this difficult journey and I appreciate you all for that. One day I will have my BFP and I will be jumping for joy but until then I will continue to have faith that God will work all the kinks out. Thank you again for the support.


6 years ago

Hey ladies I have a question...

I am only CD9 and had a lot of extremely stretchy ewcm today. My cycles have not been very regular the past 6 months so it is hard to predict the next cycle.

According to my app & tools on here I wouldn't be due to ovulate until next 7th of July so i am not sure what is going on. Anyone got any ideas? Could I be ovulating this early?

We are not "trying" now for a while as I am just so fed up with the bfps so we are gonna wait till later in the year but at the same time we are not preventing.

Baby dust to you all x

6 years ago

That does sound puzzling GinSue.
I have never used any ovulation packs but would using one help identify if it was close to ovulation?
Probably a silly suggest but that's all that sprung to mind.

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6 years ago

@ LAdyBugsMom I had a cyst and had to have major surgery. Recovered quickly despite the fact that I also was recovering from Mono got pregos right away. I ended a miscarriage but had nothing to do with surgery etc. Look at it in a positive note. Soon there will be no obstacles. You'll be holding your baby in no time.

6 years ago

I went to the doc yesterday just asked about cycles and possibility of having pcos. She said highly unlikely if I had regular cycles before going on bc.

She suggested a blood test and pelvic ultrasound to be sure but didn't examine me or anything which I thought was strange.

Had a 24hr vomiting bug on Sunday and been super nauseous all week haven't ate much at all. I have not had a bug like this since I was a kid I was sure I would be fine by now...5days later!

Today is cd12 pretty sure I am currently ovulating or near as I have had clear cm today and yest.

6 years ago

@GinSue we are pretty close in cycle days. I am cd16 and had a late ovulation last month so hoping for countdown soon. Sending baby dust your way. I had the same thing happen last cycle super nauseous and the worse cramping. It came with AF so it was horrible. Hope you feel better and keeping you in my prayers Here we go again.

6 years ago

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