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Private Testers Support Group Part 3!

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A "secret" group for a not-secretly awesome group of ladies. :)

As I said in the last thread, I'm CD 9 and nothing exciting is happening, unless you count patchy depression and seasonal affective disorder "exciting" :-/

576 Replies • 10 years ago



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Jada--yummm! pizza! :) i hope DH comes to your rescue!

Janise--I'm doing okay. No complaints here!

Luv--I'm so sorry beautiful. I know it's rough to go through yet another month praying for your little one--I so hope that your wait comes to an end. We are here to see you through the good times and bad so whenever you're ready we're here for you!

afmedic--leave it to DH if this one is a girl. what boy names do you like?

10 years ago

Hey ladies,

Jan, hey there. We will see..but I am not holding out much hope...what are you up to today?

Law, happy Friday to you sounds like it's going great! The hubby did hook me up with my pizza and chocolate chip cookie last night :)

AFM, feeling like the witch is going to show :( And just in a mood today. Had lunch with the dh and he was sharing with me things the builder has screwed up on the house and I almost started to cry! I have so much to do this weekend starting tonight and I really just want to crawl in bed...

10 years ago

hey ladies sorry it has been a few days since i posted time just got completely away from me.

Luv : i am soo sorry!! i know how you feel every month when you give it your all and it ends in disappointment. hope you can lift your spirits soon if not we are all here for you to vent to!! i know your words have helped me a lot along the way!

SMH: glad both you and rella are home and happy and healthy. that must have been torture having her there and not being able to really hold her as much as you wanted. How is she doing now good i hope!!

AFM: well i went in to the RE the other day had base line blood work and vaginal ultrasound which i can tell you was so uncomfortable while AF is present... geez!!! We get to strart stimulation meds on Saturday/ tomorrow and then i have to go back in on tuesday for another blood draw to check my levels and then probrobly again either thur or friday and sometime the following week will be the egg retreival. so we are getting there one step closer.

10 years ago

jada--I actually got some puzzling news. apparently my uterus is measuring large, the baby isn't though. I had to go in for an ultrasound after my appointment to make sure i had appropriate levels of amniotic fluid and no fibroids. Everything looks fine so I'm not sure why I'm measuring larger than I should be. I also don't know what the next steps are--maybe they do nothing and wait to see if it stays that way or slows down. I'm praying everything is okay though.

10 years ago

law: sorry to hear about the enlarged uterus.. that does seem strange but i have never been pregnant so i wouldnt know what is normal.!!hope everything turns out to be ok

10 years ago

amag--thanks girlie. I just hope I don't GD or something like that. I'm not sure what the next step will be. I have another 7 weeks until I should be getting my GD test but I'm wondering if they'll wind up doing it early.

10 years ago

Law: I really hope your uterus measurement is nothing that will cause an issue.

Amag: hey! U/s during af...the things we women go fhrough! Look for the light at the end of fhe tunnell when you hold your bundle of joy!

AFM: Home in bed. Feeling flu-y. Taking fluids and over-fhe-counter stuff.

10 years ago


10 years ago

I'll check back in next Thursday I'm sooo in over my head with homework school is getting super tough. I'm all unpacked and settled thanks to my wonderful husband. Work is harder than ever I don't know if I'm coming or going. I have homework in every class due by Monday. I have two tests Monday and two on Wednesday. I'm pulling for you ladies and I'm on cd 9. Time is flying by! Talk to you all soon! Smooches Robin.

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10 years ago

Robin: glad you are unpacked. Sucks about the homework good luck with all of we will be here when you are able to get back.

Janise: that is what I tell myself that it will all be worth it in the end. It wasn't bad just very uncomfortable. Hope you feel better. I know it sucks getting sick and I'm trying to not take anything from now on if I can help it. Even though the dr said tylenol is fine I just don't know how I feel about it now. Hmm hopefully this will be short lived and you will be up and about in no time.

10 years ago

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