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November Testers Part 2!

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Welcome! We are a group of women who have come together to support each other throughout our cycles. We are thrilled to welcome newcomers to the group! Please introduce yourselves and let us know how long you've been TTC and a bit about your background.

No drop-in BFPs or BFNs please! We like to support each other and provide a loving environment for our fellow girls, many of whom are having lots of trouble.

697 Replies • 10 years ago



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241 - 250 of 697 Replies | Last Page

Law--It sounds like you agree with me...its the longest week ever!! ha ha.

Im a bit gassy today and I feel really bad for my co-worker that sits behind me...sorry TMI :(

10 years ago

Law that's the way I feel and THAT is the reason why I'm NOT testing yet

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10 years ago

Law...sorry you are having a rough day!! Try to remain positive ;) We are here for you!

Rice, hilarious but I am the same way! Good thing I have an long as no one comes

Cam, that's how I am most of the time. After my dh came home for his R&R from Iraq I was feeling weird and waited for him to make it back overseas before testing. We were on FaceTime and I took the test...Pregnant it read...we were elated. Two days later I had the worst bleeding since my surgery in 2009 and baby. So since then I have only tested twice and that was because AF showed at least two days late...

10 years ago

lawbride exactly! No flash photography!!! (of course I would be the one "flashing" in that circumstance) Sorry you're so hungry and distracted :( Hang in there, baby!

hoping constipation is quite common in the TWW, I am jealous that you have the opposite problem! :) My constipation is because of Clomid, I think.

1stTTC GL with the u/s! I hope you get to hear the heartbeat! :)

Rice LOL maybe your coworker doesn't notice? Or maybe you could get a scented candle, haha!

Cam you can hold out! Good girl! :)

JLH what a sad story :( I know your time is coming soon, and I'm glad we get to share it with you!

AFM I'm gonna keep my workouts to 30 minutes in the TWW but I didn't exercise today, instead I did some cleaning. We got our new fridge about 10 months ago and I'd never cleaned the inside since, until today! If I keep it clean it will be easier than having to clean it once it's filthy :-P

10 years ago • Post starter

luv--I hate cleaning the fridge. Sucks majorly. Good girl for getting it done though. I commend you.

JLH--I can imagine why you'd be hesitant to test. I'm so sorry you had to go through that!

Cam--I wish I could resist. I'm powerless against the urge. Seriously. I almost tested a second time. Now how silly would that have been?

Rice--hehe. Maybe you should just spritz yourself with body spray --sneakily spritzing the surrounding area.

10 years ago

Trust me ladies I would have loved to be able to light a candle, spray some perfume, anything to keep the stentch away. But I have an open cubby and unfortunately our agency has a no fragrance policy. So I could get in trouble for covering up the smell.

Luv---Im pretty sure she smelled it because I swear I heard her say something or maybe choke a couple times, ha ha. It smelled like something died!! I hope tomorrow is a better day!!

Tonight I was talking to my hubby about making the rest of this TWW a little more interesting and fun. So we decided to make a bet. If I get a BFP, then he wins and I will have to cook him a nice dinner. If I get AF, then I win and he will need to give me a nice romantic massage!! Aside from possibly having to cook I feel like I will win either way :)

10 years ago

lawbride thanks! It's a pretty new fridge so it was pretty clean. Only took about 10 minutes to go over the surfaces with disinfecting wipes :)

Rice LOL that your coworker gagged! At least you aren't gassy every day, occasional gas is forgivable! My husband comes home frequently and says "god, Jeff was dropping TOXIC ASS all day today," so you are certainly better than Jeff ;) Your bet is awesome! You definitely "win" either way!

AFM just had a delightful dinner of grilled pork chops, potatoes au gratin and veggies. Every night I make dinner I make some sort of meat, starch and veggie. It's amazing how motivating potential pregnancy is to make me eat super healthy and balanced :)

10 years ago • Post starter

Rice--that's cute! He will surely give you a massage either way. Lol. My husband is the skeptical one and I'm the optimist--I also thing it's a coping mechanism for me because otherwise if be bitching left and right about the symptoms and the pain/discomfort I've gone through just to get this chanc

10 years ago

Hi ladies,

Sorry I've been quiet I have had laptop issues the last couple of days, now I am waaayy behind lol.

I cant remember who exactly asked me but according to online calculators I am due to O on the 1st of December, so I think I start doing ovulation strips next week sometime if I'm correct, in case its early so I don't miss it? I will research some more so I know exactly what I'm doing when the time comes!

Rice: So jealous about the massage part my fiancé always changes the subject when I bring that up haha I do that for a living and dreeeam of treating myself to one! I may just have to sometime soon ;)

10 years ago

OH MY GOODNESS ....I see a line on today's test. I'm uploading a picture that shows a progression of the triggers and then todays. The one's that are separate (2 of them) are this morning; the group together are the triggers.

10 years ago

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