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October Testers Part 2!

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New thread required! Come on in girls :)

AFM CD 15 waiting to O!

503 Replies • 10 years ago



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Law: opk defo getting there. Hope you get the answers that you 're looking for at the RE app.

Good morning to all the ladies.

I'm off to bed.

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10 years ago

@Shawnna: Those shirts sound adorable!! Are you on cdmp? You can post a picture there :)

@3lil: I can't wait to hear more about your delivery. Did you get Oliver's test results back? Does Cubby understand there is only one baby now?

@lawbride: Yay for a darker OPK! Mine never got progressively darker so the fact that yours do it awesome! Hopefully if you haven't of by the time you see your RE they'll do a u/s and give you the trigger shot!

@Nicolene: Hey sweetie! I hope you are having a great sleep right now and sweet sweet dreams!

AFM: I've been up since 6am cause my back was killing me. I wish I could have slept longer because this week is going to be crazy/hectic/stressful!

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10 years ago

Morning girls! Hope everyone is doing well :) I am STILL SURGING. Temps up again so I totally ovulated but I've still got positive OPKs. Crazy huh? I've done a bit of research and someone said "yeah my sister had that and she had fraternal twins!" It'd be great if I popped multiple eggs this month! Double the chances!

10 years ago • Post starter

@luv: Ooooh! I hope you are dropping multiple eggs!!

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10 years ago

Luv--speaking of twinsies--I've warmed up to the idea of having twins. I think it's kind of awesome to have two at once--no struggling for the 2nd time and only one labor to endure.

SMH--that's what I was thinking. Hoping the increased LH means my follies are maturing nicely. Hopefully she triggers me by Friday. That would be awesome.

So, I've had an incredibly productive morning. Made coffee cake muffins, washed dishes, took a LONG walk, made fried pork chops/eggs/toast for hubby's brunch and waffles and fried eggs for me; then I cleaned the kitchen, then prepped chili for hubby to have for lunch for the next 3 or so days. Cleaned some more and now I'm at the gym, oh, DH and I also watched some Heart of Dixie on Netflix. I didn't sleep really last night so that's why I was able to have muffins baked by 6:45 this morning. Gahhhh.

10 years ago

SMH thanks! :)

lawbride your LH is growing like gangbusters! And wow your morning sounds tiring! I ate a cupcake for breakfast and went to the grocery store :-P Just walked on the treadmill while watching football (which is a GREAT distraction), now gonna shower and gear up for the Packers game! I'm thinking I'll wear my Clay Matthews jersey ;)

10 years ago • Post starter

@lawbride: Your coffee cake muffins inspired me to make coffee cake for breakfast and it was encredible! I hope you get some sleep tonight!

@luv: Now that's my kind of breakfast!! Haha! Great job walking and watching football. Have fun watching the packers game. Seahawks played Thurday so I don't get a game today :(

AFM: Cleaned the house and now I'm exhausted. Waiting for dh to get home with lunch. I somehow got out of running errands with him so I am curled up on the couch with my sweet sweet mama cat.

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10 years ago

SMH whew good job cleaning the house! You have earned kitty-cat cuddle time :) Man, coffee cake DOES sound good! We're gonna head for the sports bar at halftime because the Steelers game isn't on TV here, and my husband is a die-hard fan. Gonna get a bacon cheeseburger :)

10 years ago • Post starter

SMH--yummy! I'm glad I could inspire.

Luv--i detest football. Lol. But I hope you have a good night! :)

Making pizzas for dinner. Olives, mushrooms, tomato and mozzarella on mine and buffalo chicken pizza for DH.

10 years ago

@luv: Bacon cheeseburger sounds awesome!!! Have fun at the bar. I'm watching the 49ers game... Though its not really a game.

@lawbride: Not a football fan? Oh no! Pizza sounds great! Do you make your own dough? I'm a BBQ chicken pizza fan personally.. Or I just add BBQ sauce to any pizza :)

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10 years ago

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