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Private Testers Support Group Part 2!

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Hello my lovelies! We need a new thread because the old one is huge. Let's stay together and keep our little unit going!

443 Replies • 10 years ago



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I have been lurking and following along so CONGRATS AFMedic!! I'm sending you sticky vibes and hope this spawns more and more BFPs!!

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10 years ago

@mamak: I was just thinking about you this morning! How are you?

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10 years ago

smh: Im ok. Not sleeping good but its getting better than it was. How are you?

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10 years ago

bluerose sorry about BFN :( Pretty early though! I am sorry you feel out this month too. Sometimes it's almost better to "feel out" because then you prepare yourself for bad news...just try to take a "whatever will be, will be" approach and girl your baby is coming sooner rather than later, I just know it!!

afmedic OMG thank the lord one of us got a BFP, we had a dry spell that lasted FOREVER! Sticky sticky vibes! I know yours will be the first of many around here!!!

SMH yum, holy smokes your meal sounds awesome. I usually get the bacon cheeseburger there but their fries are unreal. I am sorry you were overwhelmed but I can understand why, in like one month you'll have a baby to take care of!!! :)

Hello janise and MamaK! Hello JLH! :)

lawbride as far as the people at law school, hell you don't have to tell them at all...when you're 9 months along just pretend nothing is happening! Hopefully nobody would have the balls to ask ;) There was a comedian who said you should never ask a woman if she's pregnant unless the baby is crowning!

AFM 10 DPO, I slept much better last night, geez like 11 hours of sleep. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep tonight as a result. Also hoping to break my constipation streak, I couldn't go at all yesterday :( And I eat a ludicrous amount of vegetables, like 6 servings a day minimum.

10 years ago • Post starter

@luv: Constipation was my first BFP sign!

@mamak: Glad you are sleeping better! I am doing ok. Taking one day at a time. Emotions are HIGH and its a task to keep it together, lol.

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10 years ago

Afmedic: congrats on the BFP i will be sending sticky vibes your way!! Hopefully you will be the first o f many this upcoming month.

Luv: yeah for creamy CM. I had really creamy CM the other day around 7dpiui. then dh and i BD last night and i had a lot of super slippery but more clear !! hoping this is good. I am keeping my fx that at least one of us will end up with a bfp this month however it would be awesome if it were both.

AFM: Been having on and off light headaches and have been congested the last few days. probrobly the reason for the headaches. but other than that just a little sore in my back and some stabbing pains in my bbs once and awhile but nothing too awful. Nothing really too far out of the ordinary. I will be able to oficially test on thursday but i might wait unitl friday or Saturday morning just to make sure AF doesnt show up! plus i have been sleeping like crap. Not sure if its just because its been too warm in my bedroom at night or what but i have been waking up constantly and not sleeping well. I havent really been constipated per say but its definately getting harder.. sorry if thats TMI!!lol

10 years ago

Afm congrats honey bunny!!!!!! Gm ladies I'm still around but super swamped I don't have time to do anything on cd 17 af due 2/5 I only bd once I believe and it was on cd 13. I'm tired ladies but time to go to my next class......

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10 years ago

@amag: Sounds like you are having some great symtoms!!!!!! So exciting! Sorry you are having headaches and trouble sleeping though. Thats the pits. I hope you feel better or get your BFP :)

@cam: Sorry you are so tired sweety! I am so proud of you! Bummer you only got it in once, but it only takes once :)

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10 years ago

Afm congrats! I am so happy for you.

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10 years ago

smh: thanks it does suck but if it ends up with a BFP you will not hear me complain one I will take it all if i know that is the reason...!!

10 years ago

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