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December Testers Support Group!

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Hi everyone! This is a close-knit group of women who support each other throughout our cycles as we struggle through the rollercoaster of TTC.

We love new people so please feel free to join us with an introduction and just describing your journey with TTC so far :)

The best way to get support is to give support, so join the conversation and no drop-ins please! We are all in this together and we are here for friendship and sisterhood!

611 Replies • 10 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

231 - 240 of 611 Replies | Last Page

My god, I had such good intentions of trying to keep up but the board is moving at a record pace! I will do my best gang :)

lawbride GL with your appt!! Yay! I had to choose between Clomid + IUI or HSG + IUI, I decided to do Clomid because the doc basically said that Clomid works better if you take it a few cycles in a row (your hormones kind of fall better into the pattern). Because I did have a CP last year (or at least I think I did) I'm not too concerned about blockage in my tubes. I figure if I take the Clomid I have a much stronger O than I usually do and I might drop multiple eggs which means multiple chances. It was a tough decision though. Hope I don't regret it!

afmedic sorry you are down about this cycle, I hope whatever happens that you are at peace at the end of it :) Also I loved your story about your kid decorating the tree, that is hilarious :)

Nicolene OMG I will never understand that. Last year we had a lady in the thread who was trying NOT to conceive but slipped up this month so she spent her TWW with us, talking about how she hopes she isn't pregnant but if she is she wants us to help her get into an excited mindset. Needless to say I completely ignored her. It'd be like joining a Weight Watchers group when you're too thin and need to GAIN weight!

Dev I got awful evaps on the cheapos this month too so I am not a fan of the cheap dip strips anymore! If I were you I'd just wait a while and test with a "real" test ;) Of course I say that but I have a million cheapos that I don't know what to do with anymore. haha!

sailors I am glad you get a chance to say goodbye, and I am also glad that your husband is now super on-board with the TTC train. That will really be helpful to you going forward. Hugs sweetie! And I hope your blood levels drop like a rock so you can get started again with TTC!

ttcbaby no symptoms isn't a bad sign, I usually have tons of physical symptoms but my progesterone wasn't too high, this last month it was more emotional symptoms and my progesterone was through the roof! When do you think you'll start testing?

1stTTC thanks girl! I agree that sparkling cider is da bomb. :) Are you gonna tell your family at Christmas about the baby?

AFM CD 2 (full-on bleeding started last night) and I can already tell this one will be a doozy. I managed to soak completely through my super tampon in under two hours and ruin my clothes. FUN. Fortunately my cramps are manageable with two acetaminophen. The amazing thing to come out of all of this is my Boob Brother's wife (the one I called a shrew yesterday) reached out to me on Facebook and said how sorry she was and that she had gone through the same thing, she had endometriosis and it took her a while to get a sticky pregnancy before she had my two nephews. So I think we might be able to patch things up a bit, which would be awesome because I hate family tension on the holidays. She hasn't talked to me in over a year so this is a big deal! My motto today is "today is a brand new day." Also someone sent me this picture and I about DIED laughing, it's of course the super sexy Clay Matthews flicking around his Fabio hair:

10 years ago • Post starter

Morning ladies,

In class on a quick break, so wanted to send a quick hello and let y'all know you are each being thought of ;)

Still under the weather, but feeling MUCH better!! Had the craziest dream last night....was delivery a baby, in water. I know in real life I have to have a c-section, due to having a mymomectomy in 2009 so I know that will be going that route. But in the dream I was going through labor and telling the doctor that I couldn't have the baby naturally but he was like just relax. I did and he just came on out. He was beautiful!! Felt so real and I woke up feeling so happy today.... back!

Luv, goooood luck!!!

10 years ago

Smh - It is funny you mentioned the Red Raspberry Leaf Tea. I called my RE this morning and ask her about my plans to use it until I ovulate and using a heating pad today(because I woke up this morning with a terrible backache!). The nurse checked with her and both are fine. However she also said I should stop using a heating pad once I trigger, but hopefully, I won't need it that long.

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10 years ago

That's great news Lawbride! Congrats on the U/S.

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10 years ago

lawbride YAY for ONE baby!!! LOL! Your hormones are super high, isn't there an old wives tale about gender and HCG levels? I don't remember. That is so awesome though!!! Congrats on a healthy little beanpole :)

JLH I am so glad you're feeling somewhat better, that is one crazy dream!

Holly we are almost cycle buddies :) And we are kind of Medication Buddies and IUI Buddies too. Hoping your cycle goes smoothly with all the monitoring and such!

10 years ago • Post starter

luv---ahh, i see. multiple eggs would be useful. my husband and i were talking about that today...I had 2-4 eggs that could have been released and we have one baby so I can see how it can take a long time to conceive for many people. I don't think you'll regret can always do an HSG in the future if necessary and you know that at least one of your tubes isn't blocked--it might be useful but now that I see your reasoning I think I'd have chosen the same thing.

JLHart--what a beautiful dream. I don't seem to dream..but I guess sleeping is a prerequisite for dreaming. hehe.

10 years ago

Thanks Holly! :)

10 years ago

Law: I'm so glad your ultrasound went great!! :)) And yay for one! Haha :) And I actually broke down and sent my bosses an email after our first u/s. They seem to be handling it really well right now. Hopefully it stays that way! :)

Luv: We went ahead and told our close family and a few friends when we got our beta levels back. I wanted to wait, but my DH didn't. Plus my mom knows me all too well and just kept asking and asking. I am thinking we are going to announce it on Facebook at Christmas though :)

JLHart: Glad you are starting to feel better... and that sounds like an amazing dream :)

10 years ago

Luv, glad you are feeling better and love your motto!

Law, congratsssss!!!

Holly, hi! Hope all is well ;)

Now if only his headache would pass...

10 years ago

1st---that's good that they already know. That must be a relief.

10 years ago

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