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November Testers Part 2!

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Welcome! We are a group of women who have come together to support each other throughout our cycles. We are thrilled to welcome newcomers to the group! Please introduce yourselves and let us know how long you've been TTC and a bit about your background.

No drop-in BFPs or BFNs please! We like to support each other and provide a loving environment for our fellow girls, many of whom are having lots of trouble.

697 Replies • 10 years ago



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blue--thanks girlie! and yay for being in the TWW. You and luv are cycle buddies! It's so great to have that! :)

10 years ago

THANKS blue I'm going to get a red lipstick and write on my mirror YOU CAN DO IT with Robin Davis A.R.N.P M.S.N

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10 years ago

Good Morning Ladies,
This week already feels like its the longest week ever, and its only Tuesday!!

Luv---That experience sounds terrible!! Im so sorry that you had to go through that pain. I pray that was the one and only time you have to get that done. Well, you must be feeling much better if you were willing to BD, ha ha. Its really funny the way guys think sometimes. Oing the day of IUI sounds promising to me!! :)

Ive gone back and forth in my head about whether to test early or not, and you are right! I dont need the stress or disappointment. So Im going to wait and see if AF shows her face. Only a couple more days to go.

Law---I think this is the only time I will say this but, Yay for the BFN!! Now come on BFP :)

Blue---Lots of EWCM is great!! Ive never had that. I wish you the best of luck in the TWW.

Afmedic---Your AF sounds very similar to mine and my temps are usually all over the place for the first week of my cycle. Its crazy what that damn witch can do to us!!

JLHart---Im ok just a little impatient ;) How are you today?

SMH---Thanks, thats very sweet of you. I would definitely be very shocked if it is my month because Im in the mind frame that AF will be showing soon. I hate not knowing!!

AFM---Im 9 DPO today and I still have are tender boobs, slight backache, and bloated. Im not really crampy like I was earlier in the week, but that can change quickly. I actually got the highest temp ever this morning at 98.32. We will see if that starts to go down tomorrow. Only 2 more days to go before spotting usually shows up.

10 years ago

Cam, Love all the letters!!! You are great!!

Blue, hey goes it today?

Law, BFP is close, I feel it!!

Luv, Glad you are better! Sorry the DH was worried, but I still have faith that through the ordeal a LO is near :)

Rice, hey there...I am one that always waits bc I feel she will come and the negatives just pull me down. You are close though, but I say do what feels best to you!

SMH, Happy to hear you got some rest. I went to bed at 10, was up at 2 with the dogs, back to sleep, and up at 6 as the clock went off and the DH wanted to dtd...we are just too tired at night, LOL!

rbk, how are you feeling?

AFM, still having some sharp pains and back aches...and so dog gone sleepy...broken sleep will do that though :( Way early in the cycle, only CD8 just moving along and waiting for the testing to begin with you ladies!!!

10 years ago

@SMH: I will be 6 weeks and 1 day when I have my ultrasound...

10 years ago

SMH I know what you mean, when I was getting the IUI I think I was just upset because yet again something HAS to be so hard for me. Here's hoping it worked! And yes, one of those sperm could be our baby! I joked that I expected to see his face on all of them in the microscope like on The Simpsons, haha :) You are adorable and I'm sure you aren't that frumpy! I never ever wear makeup either, as was evidenced by my picture. I also had major swamp ass from speedwalking 10 miles in 80 degree heat with 90% humidity. No wedding photos posted for this gal! ;)

lawbride here's hoping the boys can pull it together! I already know my husband will REFUSE to put his head anywhere near my crotch. I don't blame him. I'm the type who thinks it's EFFING INSANE to videotape that kind of thing. There is no way I'd ever want to see it or watch it, ever. No disrespect to people who are interested in that, I just know my video would be nasty as hell and I wouldn't want one haha!

Cam I'll bet you'll find good balance! Plus you'll have help when you start school, from your husband and daughters :)

bluerose yay TWW! Your temps will probably go up in the next few days, it takes a little while to peak :)

Rice the symptoms and high temp sound great! FX that AF stays away and you don't get that spotting, unless it's implantation!

JLH thanks my dear! I am so optimistic for you this month. I'll bet your weird month last time will make you super fertile this time! :)

1stTTC that is exciting! I hope they'll be able to detect the heartbeat by then! I wouldn't panic too much if they can't just because it's still early :) If I get pregnant this month I hope they can do an u/s right before I leave for Christmas break, I'd feel comfortable telling family if I saw the heartbeat!

AFM soooooo I am still constipated. It's been nearly two weeks. In that two weeks I have had only 3 significant bowel movements plus a few more teeny tiny ones. Despite it all my clothes are getting looser. This is so bizarre!!! The doc says I can keep taking Miralax as long as I need to. I'm back up to full doses because the half doses weren't working. It's not uncomfortable at least, not physically, it's just emotionally unsettling to have no need to poop. I'm starting to think the food I eat is just evaporating into nothingness, or being sucked into some time-space vortex in my small intestine :-P

10 years ago • Post starter

luv--me either. no one is taping or taking pictures. no one! lol.

JLH--thanks sweetie!

Rice--I'm glad you're waiting. It's the wise choicen..less disappointment if it doesn't turn out the way we want.

10 years ago

totally admire those who do not test every day! keep up the self control (:

question re: constipation - is it common 1-14 dpo? I feel the EXACT opposite...exact.

I have also been wearing a shelf bra tank under my sweaters for what seems like the entire time.

hope everyone is feeling good today

10 years ago

Luv: Yea, I am hoping to at least see the heartbeat.... I have heard from some people that they were even able to hear the heartbeat at 6 weeks... That would be INCREDIBLE! But, I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high for that, since like you said it is still really early.... But a girl can hope right?! Haha :) And I really hope and pray you get your BFP... Christmas would be the perfect time to tell everyone about your bundle of joy, especially if they are able to detect a heartbeat :) I really hate you are having such a problem with constipation, but I have to admit the "time-space vortex in your small intestine" did make me giggle.. Lol

10 years ago

I am so hungry lately :( I don't like this. In fact, I hate this! gahhh. I want to be pregnant! It's distracting to want this so badly.

10 years ago

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