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Who wants to try an experiment?!

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TWO people that I know of (on this site!) got pregnant recently on their FIRST month trying EVENING PRIMROSE OIL! After TTC for over a year and starting my 3rd clomid cycle, I am ready to give this a whirl! I'm on CD 2 and took my first dose tonight. Anyone else want to see if we can get some more s?!?!?!?

304 Replies • 13 years ago



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Chin up Baby4MJ... sorry to hear about but look at it as the beginning of a new cycle, possibly YOUR cycle and
Sorry to hear about your grandpa Ally...I hpe he is out of hospital soon, i can imagine it's hard not to stress about it though.. i don't know about OPKs getting darker and darker, mine never seem to get as dark I am also expecting AF around the 11th, so lets see...
Liz how are you doing? do you notic any changes in your body? have you been to the doc again after bfp was confirmed? must be soo cool i can hardly wait for my moment to come
A got a belated birthday present from a very good friend of mine, a fertility charm bracelet....silly i know but i kinda believe in stones carrying positive energy and all that stuff, so I am thinking even if it turns out that this is not my month, it will happen eventually!
Going to bed. take care everyone and

12 years ago

Baby4mj: sad to hear showed, hope she takes it easy on you. EPO is said to help with the cramping and such. Praying this cycle is going to be it for you!
Ally: sorry to hear about your grandpa, hope he gets well soon! As far as your energy level goes, I have a theory: perhaps stopping epo after o has made your energy level drop? It is taken for a variety of ailments, including depression! I know for the 2wks I was taking it I felt much more energetic! On the other hand, maybe your body is putting a lot of its energy towards... something else !!!
Dinky: awe, ur so sweet for asking. I don't feel a whole lot different (which kinda makes me worry, but im hoping its just gonna be an easy pregnancy) sore bb's, slight nausea, peeing a lot more . Not much for food cravings or aversions, except hotdogs which I nomally hate but have enjoyed eating twice in the last month Almost everytime I stand up I get dizzy, not to the point of passing out but enough to make my tongue tingle . I have been drinking TONS of water, so I know im not dehydrated. I've had a few people ask if im pg, but im too early to be showing! Lol! Its 8yrs since my son was born and I still have the lower belly 'pouch'! lol! Cant wait til I actually do start to show, then I will have an excuse! I LOVE the idea of a fertility charm bracelette, and love that you have such supportive friends! My son is first nations and my sister is a gemologist, I TOTALLY believe in the different energies of different stones and minerals, also in the power of thought, think positive and believe in your charms!
Good luck and lotsa love to you all!

12 years ago

OK so today I cried while watching "Rio" (that's right, the cartoon...). ADORABLE movie by the
I also noticed a sudden and quite dramatic increase in CM today. Creamy, white, lots of it. This is quite strange for me at this stage in my cycle. Fingers crossed. =P

Hope everyone is doing well!

Love you guys!

User Image ***Good luck to everyone!***

12 years ago

Morning everyone!
I'm resisting the urge to pull out tests already. Only 3-4 dpo but my temp has never been this high, I have some cramping, slightly sore bbs, and that lack of energy. I'm crazy right? If I end up preggo then I'm never believing the hype that you can't feel symptoms early. I just feel like it's my month!
Question- so I have these symptoms but after hubby and I 'do the deed' the symptoms disappear for a bit- especially sore bbs and cramps. Is this normal? Is it a hormone shift? I feel like if I do get pregnant then I might be nervous to 'do the deed', is this normal?
Good luck with everything ladies. Oh and I forgot, the charm bracelet sounds amazing and how wonderful of a friend do you have?!
Happy Monday

12 years ago

I've been following this thread and thought I would join in. Like some of you, I also have PCOS. I got married in April and went off birth control. This is my 3rd cycle and I'm so confused because I think I'm 2 days late, but I wasn't 100% certain of ovulation this month. I've had sore breasts, cramping, maintaining higher temps, and even some food aversion but sometimes I wonder if I don't create this symptoms because I want them so much! lol

I took HPT on Friday and could swear that a really really faint line showed up within a couple minutes but then took another one that night and the next morning and they were negative. Took another one yesterday, and again I think after a bit a really really faint line again...but now I'm worried that they're just evaporation lines.

Still no AF today so not giving up all hope but with PCOS my periods have always been irregular once I've gone off birth control so I'm worried that they are just becoming irregular again. I'd never heard of EPO before so that's an awesome tip and I will try it if AF shows up ugh Also, I've been on Metformin since about February...has anyone else taken this and had success with it regulating your periods and ovulation?

Has anyone else ever had this problem with what look like very faint positives and then negatives?

Best of luck to all!


12 years ago

Vm1980: hi! Welcome to the thread! Hopefully you won't have to try epo next cycle b/c u will get your this cycle! 18 days of elevated temps almost always means your pg!
How many days since your temp spike?

12 years ago

Thanks Liz for the encouragement! Its been at least 14 days that I know of...I slacked off a bit for a couple days which is why I'm not 100% of my O day But keeping my fingers crossed! Trying to hold off a little to take HPT again but not sure how long I can wait!



12 years ago

Hi ladies!!

Sorry I have been mia for a while!! Spent the weekend camping with my dh and my parents... had a great time!

So sorry MJ and whoever else had the evil show up

Allyrogers - I can't remember being worn out right after O, but I was trying VERY hard to ignore any "symptoms" I noticed it a lot when I finally got my bfp... and maybe even before that. I hope it's a lucky sign for you!! Keeping my !! When is af due?

To everyone who finally got their ewcm - Congrats!!

& to everyone in the 2ww... I'm keeping my for you all!!! Can't wait for all the bfps that are gonna be poping up!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!!


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12 years ago

So day 35 of my cycle, I believe I should have seen AF yesterday but nothing yet, no signs at all. Still have an elevated temp as of this morning but another negative HPT however still having cramps, occasional nauseousness and increased CM. Getting more and more confused and now I'm reading about anovulation and since I missed a couple days of getting my temp and using my OPKs, I'm not exactly certain when I ovulated. Perhaps since I have PCOS and irregular periods, I didn't ovulate at all? But is it possible to have elevated temps if you didn't ovulate?


12 years ago

New symptom: CP - high, medium texture, and TILTED BACK? Tilted UP I guess would be a better way to describe it. While trying to feel for the opening, I couldn't find the opening, and when I finally found it it was near the "ceiling" of the vaginal cavity? This is something strange I haven't felt before. Anyone else have this?

Hope everyone's week started off well and bless you all!


User Image ***Good luck to everyone!***

12 years ago

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