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November 2015 Babies!!

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It's a little early to start this forum, but since I'm skipping October because of a CP I figured I'd go ahead and start this anyway.

750 Replies • 9 years ago



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So I took a HPT this morning and got a BFN. :-( I guess I'm out this month unless I'm off about my ovulation day.

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9 years ago

Gina, I'm SO glad you're okay! An anxiety attack makes you feel SO bad, I'm SO sorry! :( I don't personally suffer with anxiety but I have loved ones close to me that do, including my husband. It can be pretty tough sometimes, is there something else you can take while TTC or something natural. I"m all for natural but sometimes I don't think they are as effective.

IDK, I'm so glad you were able to have an off day! Us mom's REALLY do need that, it's SO important for our mental health.

mama2twins, good luck! I hope you caught that egg!

Helly, try not to count yourself out yet! You're not out until the shows up!

AFM - I'm having mild AF type cramps today :( so I'm researching and trying to decide what we will do next month. We're sticking to the OPK's, I'm looking for a new BBT thermometer that is to the 1/100th of a degree. Suggestions are welcomed!! I'm also looking into taking something herbal that helps promote ovulation, and a healthy egg. I'm also going to start running again next week, I have tons of weight I need to loose. And I have already started working on my eating habits.
I just don't understand what is going on! I have never had a problem getting pregnant before, 2 out of three were not on purpose. kid number one was us being stupid and careless, I was 17 at the time. Kid 2 took two months to conceive, and pregnancy number 3 was again carelessness. Actually I am about 97% I ovulated REALLY early with the last pregnancy. I'm not upset I just don't know what to do to increase my chances of conceiving, I know I'm doing everything right. I'm NOT stressed out! I had a D&C Oct. 30th, could that have something to do with it?

Jessica Married to Jeremiah 05/10/2003 Mom to Alyssa 11/14/2003 Autumn 05/15/2008 and our 10/30/2014 Asher Jeremiah due 11/30/2015 User Image

9 years ago

mama2twins - glad to hear it worked out. fx you caught that little eggie! Also, my mom said she cramped and felt twinges when she was pregnant with me and thought for sure AF was coming. They weren't trying, so it wasn't like she was looking for symptoms. Could be a good sign!

NikkiN - How did your IUI go? Was it an easy process? I don't know if my hubby could handle going in a cup for someone else. We'd have to try to do it at home. I don't think he could do it under pressure LOL. GL!

Jessyann1985 - No ideas for you, but I think you are definitely doing the right things! I don't chart my bbt, but I've gotten better at realizing when things are changing. for you!

ginabee - So sorry to hear about your anxiety attack! I have dealt with it once that become a full blown panic attack while I was on the platform leading worship! It was not okay. I started getting one once after that, but realized what it was and talked myself down from it. I know it's a scary thing to deal with. Hang in there!

idk3333 - Glad to hear you were able to take some time for yourself. I don't have children yet, but I can't imagine being a SAHM and going through what you are right now. Stay strong, girl! We are all here for ya!

Helly_79 - Don't give up hope yet! I have seen plenty of ladies not get a BFP until well after their expected AF date!

AFM - Well, I forgot to test my opk until late last night and it was way darker than I expected. Not as dark as the control line, but it has me wondering if I already ovulated, which would be really early for me, or if I'm about to. I'll keep testing for the next few days. We BD'd last night either way. My cycles are getting shorter every month it seems! When I first started charting and they got more normal, I was at 37 days or so. The last 2 months have been down to 32. If I ovulate soon I think I'll be closer to 29-30 this month! I hope this is a good sign!

9 years ago

Hi Everyone,
I havent' been on here in a while so I am out of the loop. This month I havent been too focused on TTC. I did take my clomid CD 3-7. CD 11 today and starting EOD BD. I am getting lots of CM on Clomid. yesterday I had lots of creamy watery....I know to early but I did and opk and it was negative. Last month on clomid I sure felt my ovulation so maybe that will happen this month but I don't know.

CONGRATS TSB!!! You were taking clomid to right????? I love hearing positive stories with it!

I hope everyone is doing well. Sorry for those having some anxiety. TTC is hard and I sure have had my fair share of meltdowns. I find myself becoming a bit antisocial which I need to stop doing. I had a meltdown and told my mother in law the other day. It was ok she hugged me and cried with me.
We are also going to be selling our home and buying a lot for a new lots of work coming up. So at least it will keep me busy and distract me from this process.
OH also Game of Thrones Season 4 is good distraction haha!!

Me:30 DH:37 TTC since sep 2017 TTC #2 BFP dec 2017( femera 1st round) - chemical pg User Image

9 years ago

Gina-hang in there. I also suffer from anxiety and have had to change my regular meds to something in a classification that's baby friendly. But he also gave me some Xanax to have just in case and I feel that just having them available makes me less anxious, lol

Nikki- I plan on testing on the 22 and I'm really trying to stick to that. But I may accidently test a day early . Good luck to u!

Idk- glad to eat you got a little break to refresh!

Mama2twins- good luck!

Helly- your not out until she shows! I'M still hoping u get a BFP. My Re is having me test on the 22nd which makes me 14 DPO so you could still be in!

So many more I will have to comment on later. I have to get back to work. Augh this job is may more stressful tha the TWW. I have been actively looking for another job. I wish my hubby would just say"stay home and focus on the kid and the house" but that's just a dream

Me 39. DH 35 TTC since Nov 2013 Me-2 DD 8 & 9 from prev. relationship Clomid Cycle 1-MC 7/22 cycle 2 & 3 BFN 1st IUI February 2014 BFP on 2/22 4/2 blighted ovum IUI 2-6 BFN IUI #7-100mg clomid, follitism, novarel

9 years ago

Thanks for all the gl. I'm drying up my weird twinges gone. Temp down this am. If things don't change temp goes up I think I am out. Still early 6 days to af. Hope everyone has a great day. Not to much stress. Moving charting etc

9 years ago

TTC - If you don't mind me asking, which anti-anxiety meds are you taking that are baby friendly? I love Xanax a little too much. Not in an abusive way, but try to avoid it because it makes me TOO relaxed. hehe. Sorry work is stressing you out!! Maybe one day you'll hear those words.

Holly - GoT is out? I thought it wasn't back until April? Good for you trying not to focus too much on ttc. Hopefully it'll be what works for you!

nharty - Thanks for the kind words! Panic attacks are no joke! Hopefully you didn't miss the positive OPK, but it sounds like you've got it under control!

Jessyann - Thanks for your concern! Yeah, I've had anxiety issues for about 10 years now, but they're just way worse all of the sudden. Definitely would like to try something natural but you're right, they aren't as effective. Your game plan for ttc sounds like a good one. I'm like you in that it's always been really easy in the past. I also had a d&c last July, and hope that doesn't cause any issues. FX.

Helly - what DPO are you? Sorry for the BFN. (hug)

mama2twins - FX you see that positive! Kind of comforting to know that so many of us suffer from anxiety. Definitely makes you feel less alone.

idk - Thanks girl. So glad you got to get away and take a break!!

AFM - Got all of the necessary chores done. Child down for a nap so it's time to play in my sewing room. :) Going to take an OPK around 3 and see what happens. It's CD11 but I already have a ton of EWCM (tmi) so that's sparked my interest.

Me: 29 DH: 30 DS: 11/28/12 Twins: 7/9/14 User Image User Image

9 years ago

Well, I just tested before coming back to work and seriously brought the opk in the car with me so I could see the result LOL! I'm not sure it was done when I had to come back in, but it looks reeeeeally close to positive! Defintely darker than last nights, so it looks like it's on it's way instead of me missing it! My poor husband doesn't know what hit him. We normally don't bd much, but this month I have definitely been more up to it without the thought of ttc every time!

Gina - what are you working on in your sewing room? I have got to get back to my baby blankets to try and get one done for a shower next month! Hope the sewing helps your month fly by!

TTC - I understand your job situation! Too many days I wish I could stay home, but I carry the insurance since it's so good where I work. We would be tight every month if I quit and he had to pay for insurance through work! Hope things calm down there and you can relax and focus more on baby making than work!

Holly - GL with clomid this month. it works for you this month!

9 years ago

nharty - I'm making a nat map cover with a built in blanket and pillow for a client. I have my own little Etsy shop and do craft shows. Ready to be done with custom orders (but I'm thankful for them) so I can bulk up my inventory!


Me: 29 DH: 30 DS: 11/28/12 Twins: 7/9/14 User Image User Image

9 years ago

Hi all just getting up to date with every one wishing you all ons of

AFM cycle day 12 lots of cm last night and this morning so I did opk at about 11 am and there it was a big smiley face I wasn't expecting that I normally get the smiley on cd 13 or 14 so Was surprised never got it on cd 12 b4 we bed on cd 10, 11 and today so just as well I took clomid cd 2-6 used preseed as well so
I will test again in d morning

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9 years ago

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