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Anyone else just overthink everything that goes on with your body?
I am 3DPO and I am still having water stretchy discharge and temp is at 98.6. I keep overthinking and just need to take my mind off things! But I am like wait am I pregnant? No am I overthinking? Did this happen last cycle? lol Time to start logging my days I guess!

257 Replies • 7 years ago



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Dirtybirdsoaps- don't lose the hope! Hopefully AF doesn't catch up to you today... try testing again tomorrow!!

I got my blood work results back and my beta was 585.40 at 4 weeks 3 days.... I wasn't sure if that number was good/high enough... but after googling it everyone varies so much that it's pointless to worry, my number is within the range for 4 weeks 3 days. My general physician is not a specialist so she didn't ask me to go back to check on if the numbers were doubling... she said "HCG high enough confirming pregnancy". So I figure I'll be happy and stop the worry!! :)

Thedjinn- did you do any bloodwork???

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7 years ago

miracle80 yay for good enough! lol
I did do blood work, I never asked numbers. They said they were a good number so I went with that. Then I had an ultrasound a week later to confirm pregnancy, so I am going with I am good to go at the moment. I have another ultrasound and blood work in about 3 weeks. I will be 12 weeks then.

7 years ago • Post starter

Symptom spotting crazyness has officially begun! Lol I am counting down the days 5dpo tomorrow

7 years ago

Well AF showed last night. No warning, and BAD! Ugh!!!! Now on to cycle 23
It's bad, because now I'm really dreading getting the test results from the specialist. I'm so worried they'll say there's nothing to be done. I guess only time will tell. I'm going to be going for my ultrasound on Monday or Tuesday and when I go for that I schedule the appointment to get all of our test result.....hopefully sooner rather than later.

7 years ago

Comeonbaby! hopeing a good sign! I had spotting a few times this pregnancy.

dirtybirdsoaps I am sorry AF showed her face, hopefully this apt will figure out how to help! Sending my best vibes with you this week! Good luck!

7 years ago • Post starter

@ALL - well, I am starting this crazy ride all over again...I got my first "PEAK" (solid smiley face) last night...I had gotten a "HIGH" (blinky face) that morning with I am waiting to see if the BBT rise comes tomorrow morning...only good thing is we DTD when we should have thus far and will continue till Tues...just trying to get settled back into life since I got back from vacation...I have an OB/GYM appt in early June for a check-up, but wouldn't it be wonderful if I had a BFP by then.

I know I have missed so much....CONGRATS!!! to all those with BFP's

7 years ago

Smartbaby welcome back and good luck!

7 years ago • Post starter

So now I'm starting to freak a little. Just went and had my ultrasound and everything looks normal for where I am in my cycle ( lining, follicles etc) but the nurse slipped up with a little info on my husband. His motility is 19.3 and she said they look for 20+ ok that's not so bad, but his morphology is 0%. Since I left the drs office everything I see says 0% usually requires IVF. Yes there's those causes where a miracle happened but seeing how it's been 23 months I'd have to say that's not likely. We have to have another semen analysis done to confirm and have our appointment with the dr for our treatment plan on June 28th grrrrrr

Until then they are putting me on birth control? Don't understand that.

7 years ago

thedjinn- thanks girl!! I'm going to the OB on thursday, I'll be almost 6 weeks... not sure if they'll do an ultrasound but I'll ask... it may be too early...

Smartbaby- hey girl!! So great that you guys had great timing this time... this month may be your month!! Hang tight!!

thedirtybirdsoaps- glad to hear that your results came out great! Don't worry just yet on your hubbys results... maybe it's something that he can fix... have you tried googling it to see if he can take any supplements? Also, see if there is something from his diet that he can cut out that or add that can maybe help!
The fact that you are A-OK just leaves your hubby now to do some work with his semen... I know that Maca is good and Zinc...hopefully it will help his morphology.. but don't forget it will take a few months of good diet/supplements to correct it.

They put you on BC??? That's weird.. yea, did you ask them why??

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7 years ago

dirtybirdsoaps yay to you being good, maybe they will want to try a few things before IVF. The Bc might be to regulate so if you do need to do a transfer they know when you are at your most fertile? I bestie is doing surrogacy and they put her on BC to regulate and then hormones to up the likeliness. Good luck, keep us updated!

miracle80 I was surprised to get one at 8 weeks, I didn't with my son. But I'll take it! Good luck at your Apt!

7 years ago • Post starter

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