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2dpo today, any buddies for this 2ww?

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just wanted to find some cycle buddies during the agonizing 2ww. the more the merrier!!!!!!

516 Replies • 8 years ago



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Thanks for being so positive Vannie. It's so nice to read your replies. Fx and I am keeping you in my thoughts!!

Cocoa - i really know what you're going thru. I have a DS so people constantly bombard me, not realizing the tough time I am having with my DH. it's heartbreaking. Stay strong. I know it's easier said than done... I'm living proof. When I wake up from my sleep it'll be 11dpo and I have no symptoms at all, it can be disheartening. I just had a really good cry before I logged on here. Just feel so helpless. And then AF will probably show her ugly face again before end of the week. Sigh.

8 years ago • Post starter

Stay Positive Primadonna and Cocoa

Primadonna There are tons of women the experience no symptom's before their BFP.

Cocoabear- Man Do I understand your situation People do that all the time to me and my husband, but they know we are trying. I usually look at my DH when people say stuff like that cause he knows its going to be a bad situation and he needs to calm me down. My favorite is when they say don't worry it will happen I just think to myself wow can you give me the winning lotto numbers too since you physic in all. I know that sounds harsh but when you are let down so many times like we all have been it kinda makes me bitter. I try to put a smile on my face and nod like everything is just peachy but let me tell you if I could blow up peoples heads with my mind that might have been done a few times over .. LOL

AFM - IM 8 DPO nothing really to report everything is pretty much the same thing as always around this time, except I'm pretty tired today. Its Monday so not sure how much of a sign that is. LOL hope your all doing well.

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago

Cheer up ladies, symptoms or no symptoms, we will get our BFP!
Its not over yet.
Stay positive!

8 years ago

Thank goodness it's not just me then. I feel like it's making me a bad person as I hate the person as they continually quiz me. It used to be ok by passing it off as 'We're still young and enjoying ourselves too much' but I'm 32 next week and DH is 40 so that doesn't seem to satisfy people anymore as we started to get the 'Don't leave it too long, you may miss your chance' response.

Miam - I'm 8dpo today and no symptoms for me either. In fact, I've not really had any 'symptoms' this month at all. FX I get a nice birthday present next week but I just don't feel it this month at all.

Primadonna - have you tested again?

8 years ago

Hey everyone,
Aghhh ttw! HATE it! I have a question... I'm 5dpo and for the last three days I've had loads of milky cm which I haven't had before. My uterus have felt really 'tight' today too if that makes sense?? My question is is this even relevant?! I heard that milky cm is a good sign but Surely not until after implantation? Has anyone got any advice or gad similar?

8 years ago

Sarxxss I had that since 1DPO. I have no idea hopefully its a good sign. of course its almost gone now so I guess its a waiting game..

ok ladies I really just need to complain and feel sorry for myself right now. As most of you all know I lost my son a year ago (9months pregnant) DH and I have been trying since July of last year to get pregnant again. My cousin Just told me that she is pregnant and they went even trying. don't get me wrong I am happy for her but I literally want to throw a fit like a like brat. I am crushed inside. I really hope this is our month !!
I'm a little bitter because she is telling everyone already and she said she is only 2 weeks. I want to tell her that maybe she shouldn't say anything for safety reasons but I don't want to scare her either. So I didn't say anything I just told her the reason the doctor wont see her until 8 weeks because it can be a false positive.

I really need some good news of my own

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago

Miam - I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like this at the new baby announcements. I feel so guilty afterwards and then feel sorry for myself. I think it's good to come on here and vent your feelings though so complain away :-)

Sarxxss - I had that too this month along with some EWCM here and there. I'm 9dpo today and it's gone now though but lets hope it is a good sign

8 years ago

Hello ladies.

I am back again.

Hope you all get your bfp's this month. I Planned to try and relax about this all this this mobth but it is hard

I am completely confused if i have ovulated or not this month. I am cd24 now so i really should have. Last cycle i O CD21 and was surprised how late it was and then I har a CP. very dissappointing. Normally i feel it well when i do O so now i am confused. :/ i did opk's but i forgot it few days in between. Could i have missed it? What do you think? Or am i not ovulating this month?
Im feeling strange though, bloated, gassy, tired and drooling ???? sorry tmi.

I guess i can only cross my fingers and toes for this month and Hope i get a BFP as a birthdaypresent for my 30 ????

Babydust to all of you


8 years ago

hi everyone.

miami and cocoa - i know that feeling. my DS is almost 2 so everyone is asking me when i will have the 2nd. i have friends who had a baby around the same time i had my DS and it seems like 99.9999% of them are pregnant again and they keep asking me when its my turn. family members keep asking me too. i dont know to cry, or to punch them, or to laugh it off.

i feel a bit more sorry for myself today too - being emotional is an AF symptom for me. 12dpo today and BFN.

husband is being indecisive - some days when i am sobbing my face off, he will tell me we can do IUI after the summer. today, i am very very down but no tears, he will tell me to suck it up and keep trying. im mad because hes not even going to consider medical intervention rather soon than later. sometimes i feel selfish but from where i stand we have NOTHING to lose from trying IUI.

and hello welcome back kungfu - sorry abt the CP. you could have missed it on the opk this time, are your cycles usually this long? do you temp? fingers crossed!

i feel like throwing in the towel and giving up on this ttc thing all together.

wishing you ladies all the best and sticky vibes!!

8 years ago • Post starter

Good morning/afternoon ladies

I went home last night and told my DH about my cousin being Prego I think he was a little disappointed for us too. I sure hope things start happening for all of us!!

10 DPO ever since last night I been having more cramping and pinching. I woke up this morning and my temps are super low hopefully its an implantation dip.. Guess I will find out tomorrow. I am hopeful this cycle but I don't want to get too excited!


how is everyone else doing today?

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago

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