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Looking for ladies in their 40's TTC

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Hello :)
I was wondering if they are any ladies out there in their 40's ttc. Please add me as a friend and we can support each other along the way.
I'm trying for another child but have had a few losses along the way but not ready to give up just yet, not while I know they're still some eggs just waiting to be caught!
and to every single one of you out there!

583 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hello everyone,
Baby dust to everyone too.
I thought ill have a good news to share, it was a promising month. I started taking fertileaid and ovaboost( good review) and husband take fertileaid for him. Its my 13DPO today, restrained myself not to test. Got pregtest for tomorrow... Got home ! Bathroom...theres the witch surprise me, a day early!
Praying for everyone! Baby dust to all of us.

9 years ago

Hello and welcome to all you new ladies!

Mayer - Darn that AF! Doesn't she know that she's an unwelcome guest here?! I have tested the day before AF started so many times I can't tell you! Hope you get a BFP next month!

Baby Bean - hope you are doing well! Thinking of you and your little bean!

SydneyNat - Oh! It sounds promising and I am so excited for you! Praying for a BFP!

PixandPoetry - I am showing less and less restraint the more I'm ttc. LOL Do you know if it is AF or implantation bleeding? Thinking of you!

Praying for everyone to get a this month!!

Currently I'm on CD6 and ready to get my bd'ing shoes on! We'll see how out of whack my cycle is this month since now I'm back to just progesterone at cd17 - AF. Otherwise it's Royal jelly, multi-vitamin, & baby aspirin. First month in 4 months since off Clomid & Estradiol. Wish me luck ladies! Hubby is being creative! LOL

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9 years ago

Hey everyone! Thanks for all the good thoughts, but I'm reasonably sure that AF is right around the corner. My DH and I had a long talk today and decided that the continued strain of ttc is no longer fun. He's concerned and that makes me concerned.
We have decied that a baby just isn't in our future. So we will continue NTNP-ing. I'm okay with it really, as 46 is really a challenge for ttc naturally.
I wish you all love and . I am sure that you will all see those very soon!


9 years ago

BabyAngel, not just shoes, I hope you remember, mini skirts and stockings!!! Give my love to your hubby, you know I'm his biggest fan

Ah, the wretched AF. And yes, have done it every single time, tested a day before she arrived, then feeling utterly daft.

It will happen, girls, you're doing all the right things !!!

Have you tried Maca root? Apparently does magic for both men and women

9 years ago

Pix, just seen your post. You know, sometimes taking the pressure off is all that's needed. In any case, I hope you won't leave our little group completely and thank you so so much for all the wisdom and support, heaps of hugs and love

9 years ago

Oh Pix it must be heartbreaking. I've only been at it since April and I totally understand how much strain it puts on you. It seems like life is in two week cycles doens't it?

AF comes and you know in about two weeks it's time to try again. Then there's the dreaded tww to see if it worked!

Have you thought about donor eggs? I'm going to go that route if I'm not pregnant by the end of the year.

A television presenter here in Australia announced her pregnancy yesterday. She's 48, turning 49 this week. She is very open about the fact that she used a donor egg. I think it's wonderful that technology allows us the possibility.

I do feel pregnant this cycle, but I'm trying really hard not to get my hopes up as my symptoms could be psychosomatic given my eagerness to be pregnant.

The irony is I didn't meet the right man until this year. If only I met him even two years earlier - that's when my AF stopped being every 28 days to the absolute minute. I think I wouldv'e fallen prregnant first go until AF stopped being so regular.

Pix - I truly believe with all my heart that stress stops it happening. There are too many stories around of people who tried and tried and tried, and then when they either stopped trying, or found a way to stop stressing about it, it happened.

Only you know what's best for you, but I hope you are OK and are taking care of yourself emotionally xox

9 years ago

((hugs)) to you Pixandpoetry, Take care of yourself and I wish you and your DH the best of luck. Like baby_bean said Sometimes taking the pressure off is all you need.

I'm still throwing your way.

9 years ago

Of course if anyone wants info on the donor egg route, I'm happy to answer any questions. It was a big decision for us, and we had to work hard to save up the $$$$, but we're feeling good about it. First round we at least got a BFP (hcg trajectory still under review :\), but we've got a plan that we're happy with, and ten back-ups in the freezer.

Hugs, ladies, HUGS!

9 years ago

Oh dear Pix, I know exactly how you feel month after month and it can get really demoralising without a doubt. Take the time off and without trying you might be pleasantly surprised. I've seen loads of ladies on here get their 's after trying for years and years and the moment they decided not to bother hey they get pregnant so hopefully with everything crossed it will happen the same way for you. I would consider donor eggs if I had the money but I don't as it costs a fortune and that's something I can't afford sadly and I know for some of us it's not an option for various personal reasons. ...I always say where there's life there's hope so don't give up! Thinking of you Pix and please don't leave the group! .

Mayer sad that the evil showed her ugly face and wishing you all the best for the next cycle . It's such a hard life this TTC , I despair at times!

SydneyNat, it sounds really promising and I hope you get that so it can lift the mood of the group.

Hang in there ladies, we'll get there!!!

9 years ago • Post starter

Hi All,

I'm almost afraid to post this; all of my usually well-contained OCD behaviors are in overdrive.

It seems we aren't out of the race just yet! I snuck out to get hcg levels yesterday at an independent clinic checked anticipating bad news today. Today I got blood drawn from my usual Dr., but haven't heard back yet.

So from yesterdays results it looks like I'm on a 55-58 hr doubling time. I'll take it! It's not these blockbuster less than 48 hr times you see some ladies logging, but I'm just going to assume they are overachievers ;)

Yes, I'm going to assume this old mare's body has figured out the most efficient way to get things done,
and is doing just fiiiiine.

Peace n hugs n stuff!

9 years ago

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