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November Testers Part 2!

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Welcome! We are a group of women who have come together to support each other throughout our cycles. We are thrilled to welcome newcomers to the group! Please introduce yourselves and let us know how long you've been TTC and a bit about your background.

No drop-in BFPs or BFNs please! We like to support each other and provide a loving environment for our fellow girls, many of whom are having lots of trouble.

697 Replies • 10 years ago



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Gm ladies!
Law I was going to test but I chickened out lol!

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10 years ago

Cam--i'll take all the tests for you ladies. I told you I like peeing on stuff. I'm determined not to let it get me down least not until Saturday (12dpo). Of course, I do "FEEL" pregnant but that means nothing under these conditions. I think if you can hold off that's probably for the best. No reason to test early--I guess the cons outweigh the pros in this situation but I kind of needed to test to ensure the trigger was gone and then ...of course...I can't resist the urge.

10 years ago


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10 years ago

rbk thanks! I think the staff had done this a lot before, so it was very odd! Also the DOCTOR had trouble (normally nurses do IUI) so maybe I just have a tight cervix. They were saying the catheter is really bendy so it must be tough to get it in there. I'm sorry about the temp drop :( But sounds like you have a great husband! What a nice thing to do for you :)

lawbride yay for your BFN! Heehee :) Here's hoping it goes back positive right away! I realized I forgot to answer your prior question, yes my husband was in the room but I think it freaked him out to see me in pain and not be able to do anything. Poor guy. At least HE didn't have a catheter in his hoo-ha!

Cam I don't blame you for not testing, it's good to put off as long as you can! Hope you have a good day :)

AFM temp rise so I think yesterday was O! It was funny because my husband got all worried about BDing today, so we didn't do it. He was like "will it knock something loose??" I was all "WTF are you talking about?!" Men! Although honestly I don't think it would have made a difference since I likely O'd yesterday and we did the IUI, hell if anything is gonna get me pregnant it's that! Still mildly crampy in the cervix but I have definitely been through worse pain. I am thrilled to be in the TWW with some of y'all ladies!

10 years ago • Post starter

luv--yay. that's how DH felt when i did the HSG...It was quite a bit uncomfortable/painful and just not a fun time. But it's over. Yay for TWWs...I love having a CHANCE to be pregnant--much better than waiting to O!

10 years ago

lawbride amen! I wonder what our husbands will do when we give birth?! They'll be freaking out in the corner haha :)

10 years ago • Post starter

@afmedic: I bet your temps settle down once AF is out the door for good. I am hoping this cycle is the one for you!!!

@luv: I too am super jealous of those that can get pregnant so easily. It still doesn't make sense to me. I get depressed when I really start thinking about it so I'm not gonna. That is so cool you got to see his little soldiers flying around prior to the iui!! Just think, one of those beauties could be your baby! Don't worry about the spotting, like you said, I am sure that is extremely normal. Plus you had that darn speculum in there FOREVER! 1 Day past iui!! Woohoo! When will you start testing?

@cam: :) I still can't believe what a super woman you are with work, school, and family. I admire you so much! I am pround of you for not testing. It is super hard to not test early!

@Holly: Hey girl! We've missed you! Out of town on business huh? What do you do? Sorry if you've mentioned before and I missed it. Sore nips? Ouch! Sounds like you had an awesome O though! Or super early pregnancy signs which would be even better! kmfx for your BFP!!!

@rice: I can't wait until Friday when you test! Hoping this is your month!! You will have such a beautiful baby!!

@JLHart: I did get some rest last night! Fell asleep on the couch around 6:30 then crawled up to bed around 7:40 - feeling rested for the moment. Sorry your body is giving you signs of O so early. Probably just gas. I am keeping everything crossed for you this cycle that you get your BFP!!!!!!!!!!

@rbk: Sorry about the temp drop :( But wow, your dh sounds AMAZING! What a super sweet thing to do! My first cycle after coming off bcp for 11 years was especially painful. I cramped for a couple weeks before hand.. which I now think was my body Oing for the first time in 11 years.

@law: Yay for BFN! Sounds weird saying that but now there is absolutely no guessing! Eeeek! I am getting super excited for you!!! I think you will get your BFP on 11DPO. Don't know why - just a gut feeling. OMG! I am so excited!!! I am giggling! Wow, now I just sounds nuts!

@1stTTC: Glad things are going good for you! I too can't wait to hear how your u/s goes! Update us right away! How far along will you be?

@hoping: Did you test yet? Good luck! Let us know how it turns / turned out!

@blue: How are you doing today?

AFM: Sorry if I missed anyone. Thanks for the compliments on my photo. To be honest after seeing all your photos I'm a little intimidated by your beauty! If you all look like that on a daily basis I am not sure we'd be friends IRL. I never wear makeup and always have my hair pulled back (never done). I really look frumpy on any given day. I was going to a wedding in the pic I posted... You all would see me on the street and think, 'wow what rock did she crawl out from under'. lol

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10 years ago

SMH---thanks sweetie! I'm sooooo excited. I feel optimistic...and that's kind of scary in a way. I know I'll be so crushed if we don't get pregnant. But I don't want to think about that....soon soon soon....we will know! :) YAY! I do NOT look all done up on a daily basis--my hair is really curly and I can't straighten it in this weather so it's always in a ponytail...I try to dress pretty cute a few times a week because it makes me feel good but now, I wear a pair of my husband's basketball shorts and a sweatshirt. When I go out in public it's a pair of jeans, a peacoat and that's about it. lol.

luv-haha. I think it will be an adrenaline filled time and they'll be so excited that they won't have time to think or be bashful/closed off.

10 years ago

Welcome to the tww luv.
Thanks Smh it's hard but I'm trying the real challenge will be when I actually start the RN program in August.
Just imagine new baby, working full-time on weekends school during the week :-( but I can and WILL do it.
I'm holding off from testing because I don't like to be disappointed.

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10 years ago

@So_much_hope - Thank-you!! And I am the same as you. I rarely wear make-up. Or actually properly dress myself. Haha. Actually, I may be a little bit of a redneck....

@lawbride88 - Awesome! So any positive now is the real thing!! Good luck! And I wouldn't be able to help myself either. haha

@Camasia- Nursing students are crazy creatures! Haha, I had classmates who worked full time nights and then would do school during the day. Had another one have a baby in the middle of our second year, ect. You can do it!!

So fertilityfriend says I am 3 dpo today. I can see what they are talking about. Haha there just wasn't a huge shift in my chart. I also had some random uterus cramping lastnight.

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10 years ago

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