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Private Testers Support Group Part 3!

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As I said in the last thread, I'm CD 9 and nothing exciting is happening, unless you count patchy depression and seasonal affective disorder "exciting" :-/

576 Replies • 10 years ago



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Evening, the afternoon got away from me. Just wanted to let you all know the OB feels it's time for me to see an RE due to my history of fibroids. She feels that they may be the reason we are having problems since all of our tests have come back ok. She actually spoke to the RE after I left, and called to let me know. He agrees it's the right time, that there are less evasive ways to perhaps deal with the fibroids and that my tube may not be blocked. He said that the fibroids can cause spasms and can make the tube kink, so it will be awesome if it's actually there! The main problem will be getting in to see him, right now my appointment isn't until 10 Jun!! But he may be getting help so I may get in before that...or maybe we will get pregnant before needing to go?! My OB actually wonders if we have conceived but due to the fibroids no implementation could happen? All in all I'm feeling hopeful. Thank you ALL so much! And sorry for the length of this!

SMH, I'm happy all worked out for you! Thanks for sharing even more ;)

Luv, whoooo hooo to him not having to go!

Law, hope your day got better ;)

10 years ago

9 dpo and BFN. I was feeling bad and ran across this...

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I needed to read that today!

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10 years ago

Holly--that's a really great thing to read. I like it.

Luv--I might start counting again I think, I'll decide after my appointment on Friday when I know how much I've gained since stopping. Your husbands job sounds kind if cool...I'd love to travel. Epidurals...sigh...I don't think I'll get one for several reasons but I agree that it doesn't make you a wuss in the slightest.

Smh--talking about the next pregnancy already? Wat was the discussion about? When do you want to have number 2?

10 years ago

Jada--thank you

Luv--are you testing today?

10 years ago

SMH I am glad episiotomies aren't common anymore, because YIKES! I have to find my passport and see if it needs renewing yet. I haven't gone anywhere out of the country in over 4 years!

JLH I hope you are able to see the RE before then! Appts open up so you never know. And heck you might get pregnant next cycle ;)

Holly that is a nice pic! And way better than when people tell me "it'll happen when you stop trying." I'm like screw you, dude, I can't STOP TRYING for a baby!

lawbride my DH does not like to travel, haha...and the places they send him don't impress him at all. They sent him to France and he had to stay one night in Paris, so he went for a 17-mile run along the river and took tons of pics of every Paris landmark you've ever heard of, then said Paris SUCKED. So there ya go. ;) His company has offices in Spain, France, and Germany that they might eventually have to send him to but it's really only one trip a year or so.

AFM not testing now because I had very light spotting overnight and had a temp drop again. Definitely out. My charts are very clear on this. Have to look forward to next cycle :(

10 years ago • Post starter

@So_much_hope - I too was thinking about the progesterone. I will chat with the doc. when I see them. Glad to hear the Rella is doing better! And talking about the next baby already! Haha I am impressed. I was traumatized and didn't want anymore kids until my son was about 3.5.

@luvtowalkfast- I hope your husband doesn't have to go away! And if he does, I hope you are pregnant before then! Sorry to hear about the temp drop and spotting. :(

@Holly3307- Sorry to hear about your BFN. And I agree. Getting a new computer is a pain in the butt! Happy to hear it was on warranty though.

@lawbride88- Haha, I am sure I eat over 2000 calories as well. I just really love eating.

@JLHart22- I hope something happens before June, preferably that you get pregnant! That's a long wait.

CD 5. Af is gone I believe. Should ovulate in about 10 days. Not much going on today. Son is at school and the man at work. So just me.

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10 years ago

Good morning ladies,

Holly, love that message, thanks for sharing! Sorry about the bfn;(

Law, how goes it today?

Luv, sorry to hear of the temp drop and spotting :( I am unclear how it works in terms of how many cycles do they suggest before IVF. Is that an option? Thanks for the good thoughts...I do hope something positive works out and I believe it will!

Blue, hey there! Anything exciting planned during your "me" time today?? I agree it is a long time, but then again really just what three cycles to go through? Hopefully something happens sooner than later though!

Cam, thinking of you! How's the new house??

AFMed, how are you feeling?

SMH, you know we are all excited for new pics as they change so I have heard :)

Jan, how are you?

Darling...not sure if you are still around, but if so hope all is well.

AFM, Not really sure how I am feeling. Still feeling like a slight headcold/sinus, but I really think it's from the weather. Pollen (sp?) is already in the air and I think that may be it? In terms of TTC, a few symptoms: slight headaches, breast tenderness, off and on cramping, slight backaches, you know all the regular IDK what to think?! CD25 would expect AF anywhere from 8-12 Mar, so I wouldn't test until a week or so from now.

10 years ago

bluerose thanks hun! I am glad AF is gone for you. We have a whole new month to look forward to. What will you do with your day alone? Being alone every so often can be fun :)

JLH your symptoms still sound good! At least you know for sure you ovulated :) Is it wrong that I'm kind of excited that you have pollen issues going on, because at least it means spring might be coming? I am a sicko LOL ;) IVF is definitely an option. I told DH I was willing to do Clomid/IUI through June but then I want to go to the fertility clinic, which is a 75-minute drive each way. If they say IVF is a good option I want to get it done and hopefully be pregnant by my birthday in October.

10 years ago • Post starter

Luv, LOL!!! I can understand where you are coming from in terms of the pollen...ha ha! We are on the same timetable then...June may be our benchmark huh?

10 years ago

@Law: Thank you :) And Virginia was my husband's mother's middle name, as well as, her mother's middle name. Both of these sweet ladies have passed so we wanted to do something to remember them through Lynzie.

@Luv: I am so sorry about the spotting!!!!!! Hoping and praying for your bfp soon!! How are you feeling?

@Holly: Thank you! And it was very difficult for me and my DH to agree on a name too so I was super glad when we did. And try not to get too down just yet. 9 dpo is still kind of early for bfp... sometimes it takes longer for the hormone to build up.. everyone is different! FX'd for you girl!

@JLHart: I hate you will have to wait until June, but maybe they will be able to work you guys in sooner... If not, at least you know yall have a plan :) Glad you are feeling hopefully... I am feeling hopeful for you too!!! FX'd!!! :)

@SMH: Thank you :)

@BlueRose: Glad AF is gone :) And I hope you get to enjoy some "you time" while you are alone today :)

10 years ago

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