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Where are you Aussie gals?

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Where are you all? I am hoping I am not the only one!!!
Here to share and support our ttc journey.
I am Queenslander who moved to NSW. Lol who does that?
Ttc num. 3 for a year now! I am 10 dpo waiting for the witch.Waving to you all.

687 Replies • 10 years ago



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Temp rise is looking nice :) not sure about the cm thou, you had o pains that coincided with pos opks yer? Could just be cm build up? Can you bd just incase?? Good luck xx

TTC no2 for all

10 years ago

No I steered clear from the bath I took your advice of if in doubt stay away but I've since found out it's ok to have a bath!

I had shocking pains from Sunday through to Monday, slight cramps yesterday but nothing today until that point.

I agree with the temp rise and every form of data had me thinking I had ovulated because of this now I'm not so sure..... Can't bd cos the oh is away for work so if this is O were going to miss it

10 years ago

I don't think it is I think you have O'd already. Sometime we can just have a abundance of cm then be dry as. Hopefully it will turn to lotion like and dry up a little.

It's funny you posted this actually. I had a simar thing happen just after I put Jett to bed. So my opks must have been on the dot :) still 2-3 more days of inseminating here. Although trying the sperm meets egg plan so hoping I get those ovulation pains sometime tomorrow and all my stars n moons aline.

TTC no2 for all

10 years ago

Hi miladies! Im doing ok, Just cant sleep and trying to keep up with it all! Im 10 dpo and wish I knew already! welcome and congrats mummy of 2 boys, I hope you get a girl too as i have 2 boys but i am in a big pickle atm so i just need to take one day as it comes.
I will be looking for rentals soon and hope i get a nice cosy house soon.
Hi sam i get days of watery cm before and after ovulation and pains for 4 days off and on so i really think all the signs are there!! fingers crossed.
Hey Tracey i think youve nailed it with the baby dancing. i will check your chart soon too!
Hey Jodi so glad you ovulated? is is later than usual?

10 years ago • Post starter

Oh and hi Tamika cycle buddy! I am not sure with the cm you atm as i do not have any but keep checking on it. How long are your cycles?

10 years ago • Post starter

SecondMiracle My name is Tiff. Well AF is officially late...only by a day but its late. Went to the drs yesterday, she had a feel of my tummy and said im not suffering from anything else to give off a positive the a neg.My dr didnt seem concerned that i wasnt bleeding, so no scan yet, she will do that when or if i start bleeding! Also had bloods drawn, so i guess ill get them today. She even suggested that i got a false reading from the first response and the hospital test was more sensitive so it picked up something earlier. I always thought that first response was a sensitive test due to being a good brand?!?! I guess in a way im still in?!?!

Anyway gl ladies xx Love Love

Me- 28 DH- 35 DS- 2008 DS- 2010 EDD 6/12/15 M/C- 13/3/14 (@ 5wks) EDD 19/1/15 M/C- 11/5/14 (@4wks) EDD 14/2/15 M/C- 11/9/14 (@13wks) DD- 2015 Our little family is complete

10 years ago

Morning all! Glad to hear you're doing ok Keiralei, I hope you get a lovely place soon.

Sam I sometimes get those ovary twinges too after O, I think you've already O'd, as Tracey said. I hope it's something happening!

Tracey, almost there with the inseminations now! Then we can all start obsessing and analysing!

Hi Tiff! (I'm Jodi) Sounds like you are still in it! Let us know when you get your bloods back! Fingers crossed! :)

Have you tested today Tamika?

I am starting to feel O pains, I think. Annoyingly we didn't BD last night as hubby had to work back and I crashed exhausted. Anyway, will do tonight and hope for the best. :S

10 years ago

My temps are mental ! dunno whats going on there think its the coughing through the morning that's stuffing them up.

still no O pains :( but hopefully here by the end of today.

Goodluck with the house hunting Keiralie,

I'm sure if you'll get one int today/tonight Jodi you should be covered.

Wish my temps would help me out lol THEN I COULD STOP STRESSING

Pfft Whom i kidding !! ill stress till af stays away now

TTC no2 for all

10 years ago

i officially have no idea whats going on with my chart i had a temp dip this morning....not something i wanted to see i don't know why i started charting in the first place. the wet cm is now gone and you were all correct it is now creamy but the pain only seems to be getting worse. woke up this morning feeling like i was going to be sick everywhere which subsided after about an hour but has come back after eating.
got abused by a coworker for drinking a cup of coffee whilst ttc...... kinda bit her head off (not like me i generally smile, nod and walk away) my doctor has assured me 1-2 cups a day is fine considering i can usually down about half a dozen before its even lunch time haha......

got me thinking though.... what do you guys avoid whilst trying to conceive and during the two..... my sister smoked up until 12 weeks (her doctor advised her to ease off them so as to not cause unwanted stress) and drank coffee like it was going out of fashion with both of her pregnancies and her kids are fine....

keiralei good luck with the house hunting I'm glad to hear you're doing better.

tracey i think I'm looking at last cycles chart for you haha so my comments are now null and void...

tiff i was thinking the same thing about the hospital test but didn't say anything because i didn't want to get your hopes up but this is definitely some positive news considering AF is now officially late for you *fingers crossed*

good luck BDing jodi hopefully you don't end up as exhausted as i did haha.

10 years ago

Wow Sam I can't believe your co-worker said that to you! My Dr told me exactly the same, 1-2per day is absolutely fine! Grrr. I think us TTC'ers should be given free-reign to smack people who make stupid comments. (And I am not the violent type!) My all time favourite is "Just relax and it will happen" Really?! *Smack*

For ages I gave up everything, I wasn't ever a real coffee drinker anyway so just one is fine. I gave up wine, hubby gave up smoking, and yet so many people I know have fallen pregnant easily after heavily smoking and drinking throughout. It's really unfair. Actually my own mum smoked and I turned out ok, but ironically I have read that it can lead to future fertility problems for the baby. My brother and his wife had to do IVF to have their second child too. So after 3 years of sacrificing everything and still no baby, I now have a glass of wine when I want and don't beat myself up about it. I find if we are out if I have a drink then people know I'm not pregnant so it eases the pressure and stops the unwanted questions (mostly).

Sam that is really odd that you are still having strong pains at this point. I don't understand what is going on there, I hope you are ok.

Tracey I laughed at the not stressing comment, as if we will ever be able to do that! Ha. Even if/when I fall again I am sure I will stress over the baby at every moment too. :) I hope the O pains start soon. I don't think mine have actually started yet after all. Unless they occurred last night. Yeah hopefully if we BD today we can still catch it either way.

Gee that was a long post sorry. :)

10 years ago

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