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April 2015 Babies!

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Heya there girls.

I'm out for March, so I thought I'd start an April Babies Thread.

Post here if you're hoping for an April Baby!!

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

1094 Replies • 10 years ago



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201 - 210 of 1094 Replies | Last Page

Hi all. DD was born Sept of last year and we're TTC again next month. Just started AF today, so I guess I'll join for an April or May due date cycle, maybe both. I was on depo postpartum and am still breastfeeding a ton, so I really have no idea when I'll ovulate. 6 weeks between periods this go round. Going to be DTD a whole bunch since I'm not currently running like clockwork.

I hippo'd the rest of the thread, I'll try to read it all tonight and catch up.

Good luck and baby dust to all! :)

9 years ago

Read them all. Congrats, Rose! Sorry for AF, Brownstone. When I found out I was pregnant with DD in Dec of 2012 it was at 11 DPO, CD 27 that I had one spot of light pink implantation bleeding. The next morning I got a BFP, on CD 28.

Little about me. I was on this site 2 years ago for several months under another user name. We NTNP Sept - Dec 2012. I'd been on depo for 13+ years and had no idea what to expect. I had just purchased OPKs, thermometer, etc... for 2013, but got a BFP and didn't use them. Preseed with my legs/butt in the air after BD was all it took. DD is incredible, perfect, and awesome. 10.5 months and has been walking for over a month. Crazy. I'm turning 33 in a week so I want to TTC again ASAP. Frankly I never want to be 3rd trimester pregnant all summer long again. I know there are bigger things to worry about, but pregnancy/birth nearly killed me, literally, so I'm hoping for a late spring baby. :) May as well be slightly more comfortable if I'm going through all that again.

9 years ago

Took two tests this morning (cause one is never enough ...?) and I THINK I see two lines on each of them. I'm on 10 DPO and they're still very faint so I'm lingering somewhere between excited and anxious right now. Could it be ..?

9 years ago

Princess: Welcome back. Sorry to hear you and your fiancé split. Any possibility of reconciliation? I'm not sure of how Clomid is supposed to be taken but if you didn't fully follow through then there is a chance that you may not but I know people who used to take things to help with conception and thought it would help and then after they stopped taking it they ended up pregnant. Well I don't know those people but I read it on ttc success stories from here and
Hope it all turns out the way you want it to. Good luck! :-)

Brownstone: sorry about the . I remember that feeling on the 16th when I got her. What are your next steps going to be now? Will you try for May baby? Or taking a break? If April baby don't work for us we said we will take a break and just enjoy each other.

Callmequirky: Welcome and I wish you lots of baby dust

Oldbiddie: I am not to good with faint lines. I tried to see even with the invert. I really need to stop neglecting my eyes and get my glasses. But congrats I am so happy for you. I am wishing you a sticky bean and a happy and healthy 9 months. Yaaaaaaay to your 's

Snowwhite: I am feeling good vibes or at least I am following the rule of three. I hope it is so. It only takes one good time (or at least that is what we are told) I am wishing that this is it for you and that you get the amazing baby that you want. You really deserve him/her. I'm starting to believe as much as we want something we do not have control over it. It is on someone else time, which can be whomever you believe in. Stay positive.

Afm: so I was forcing future dh not to bd for two weeks until ovulation due to research saying that sperm takes up to 75 days to mature. My ovulation week starts Friday and I plan to bd from Friday until next Sunday, which is awesome because future dh birthday is next Friday. Well any who, we ended up bd anyway for fun yesterday so my plan didn't work to well lol. I need to learn to be a lot stronger lol. ( just a little funny story to make you all laugh a bit) He thought it was funny too. I also appreciate him playing along.

As for ttc there isn't anything new. Still temping and it look like my temperatures are progressing nicely. I listened to all of y'all strict orders which was "keep it close, wake up and take it." (Sounds a bit freaky but I mean it in the cleanest way possible) I was scared but Randall did help me through it, so special thank you to you and all of the advice. My fertilitea shipped and I will definitely follow --- advice and not take it around prenatal vitamin.

Sorry for the long essay but I do have two questions?

â?¢ Is there a such thing as taking to much items that helps with conception? Will they start counteracting each other?

â?¢ I heard that one of the most important parts is the ewcm in baby making, which helps the sperm stay alive for 2 to 3 days while it waits for the egg. In addition, the lack of cm can actually kill sperm faster. The most that they will survive is 2 hours. With that being said it was recommended that taking robitussin or any cough medicine that says (expectorant) w/ guaifenesin two hours before you bd will help ensure a proper amount is there. Did any of you try this?

(For those who is just learning about robitussin being used for helping with cm, the book (Sperm Meets Egg by Deanna Roy) said make sure that Guaifenesin is the only active ingredient. Antihistamine will dry you up.)

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9 years ago

Well ladies,

AF was suppose to start today, so maybe tomorrow, but I feel nothing. I've been following everyone's posts. Congrats on the BFP and GL to everyone eles. I guess I'm playing the waiting game. Periods have been irregular so I'm trying not to get my hopes up.

Only symptons since possible O' is cramping on and off in lower abdomen. Weird cramp around belly button. Runny nose on and off. And tender breasts. Although I always have that after O'. Only diffirence this time around is they are more tingly and the veins seems to be raised more.

Ugh TWW you stink!

9 years ago

OldBiddie - I see it I see it!!! did you take them with fmu? Hope they get darker for you. Congratulations!

9 years ago

princess79holly: Oh, boy. I think you'll just have to wait it out. Any time that you are intimate during your fertile period, you have the possibility of getting pregnant. I'll cross my fingers for you. Good luck!

Brownstone: Sorry the witch got you this month. Sending baby dust your way for next month.

callmequirky: Welcome back and good luck! Hope you get your spring baby.

OldBiddie: Fingers crossed for you!! Sending out lots of sticky vibes.

AFM: I believe I'm going to get my +OPK today as it was already pretty dark (just not quite there) this morning. My DH and I have been BD every other day and plan to go again today and tomorrow.

Finally decided to go back to the doctor and get my thyroid tested again. Last time I checked just before TTC, my TSH was a 2 which was right in the middle of the reference range. However, the lab has adopted the newer range with an upper end of 3, which would put me right in the high normal area. I'm having so many symptoms of hypothyroidism and it runs in my immediate family. After doing a lot of reading, I think this might be one of the reasons that I'm on cycle 13 with no BFP. Fingers crossed that I get some answers soon.

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9 years ago

@Ababy2love I think I wanna take a break now and start living normally instead of these two week intervals. Still need to talk to my OH though and tell him I am frustrated now with all the fertility drugs.

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9 years ago

<Waves at everyone> Hi there, just though I would jump on seeing as CTP says if I conceive this month I will have an April baby. Hoping this is the month.

Congrats to those who got their BFPs; praying for sticky beans and BFPs all around.

9 years ago

ABaby2Love: I don't know the answer to your first question (in the "essay" post), but keep in mind you can do lots to help fertility be NOT doing certain things too. It doesn't always have to be about adding things. Don't take ibuprofen or other NSAIDs and cut back on coffee to one or two cups a day at the most etc. Also, there are things your husband could do to increase your chances as well, like making sure he hangs loose, cut back on alcohol, get enough sunshine (or the sunshine vitamin D), eat food rich in zinc and so on.

In regards to question 2, I have heard that this is just a myth. Cough medicines won't increase your amount of ewcm (think about: who wants more phlegm to cough up when having a cold?), but the idea is that it's supposed to thin your ewcm the same way it does the mucus in your lungs. However, there's no evidence this actually works, probably because ewcm has a particular construction with sort of long threads that helps the sperm swim upwards.

I notice that you wrote: "so I was forcing future dh not to bd for two weeks until ovulation due to research saying that sperm takes up to 75 days to mature." While it's true a sperm takes about 75 days to mature, that doesn't mean your man should keep it in that long! Sperm is produced every single day, and studies shows that it has a deterimental effect on the sperm quality if the man ejaculates to rarely. Presonally, I would not recommend more than 5 days max from the studies I have read. The recommended time frame is one to two days (the latter if your husband has problem in the sperm department).

9 years ago

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