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Where are you Aussie gals?

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Where are you all? I am hoping I am not the only one!!!
Here to share and support our ttc journey.
I am Queenslander who moved to NSW. Lol who does that?
Ttc num. 3 for a year now! I am 10 dpo waiting for the witch.Waving to you all.

687 Replies • 10 years ago



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201 - 210 of 687 Replies | Last Page

Tracey I definitely think that is a good positive! Woo! You've got such a good shot this cycle! Excellent that there are only a few inseminations to go. Then we can all start obsessing in the 2WW with Sam. Ha.

Not long for you now Tamika, did you test this morning?

I've had some pains, thinking it may be coming soon. Still have EWCM thankfully. We'll increase our BDing now as planned. Gee I hope we all get those eggs this month.

Another friend just posted a FB pregnancy announcement. Thankfully I had been pre-warned by a mutual (awesome) friend. :( Anyway, our time will come.

How are you Keiralei? I hope you're ok.

Hope the pains subside Mummy of 2.... PS What is your name, can I ask? :)

10 years ago

Hi ladies this might be a bit TMI but I was wondering I have had creamy CM but about half hour ago a had a big blob of EWCM... I'm 10dpo; anyone have any clues as to what it would be?

Me- 29 DH- 28 TTC- 2011 M/C 1- 9/12/2013 @ 6W2D DD (Ava) Due: 7/01/2016; arrived 28/12/2015

10 years ago

Not to sure Tamika, my cm usually goes lotion like after ovulation but in saying that I never get full ewcm at all so I'm not much help

TTC no2 for all

10 years ago

Tracey I looked at your OPK..... I personally think the bottom one is positive and the top one negative woo hoo. I looked at your temps and you're right they have gone crazy.....

I got my highest temp ever this morning of 36.5 I got excited about it haha but then later I'm like hmm it was a fairy hot night last night so it could be a misleading temp haha.

My dentist confirmed I do not have any form of gum disease and followed up with the are you pregnant by any chance question? My response well I am trying so hopefully I am however I'm only 2DPO so it's too early for any symptoms..... She replied with it absolutely is not when I was pregnant with my first I got the metallic taste 1DPO and everyone said I was crazy it disappeared at 3DPO then returned at 11DPO and I tested positive on a HPT but later found out I ovulated 3 days earlier than what I thought I had. Thanks mrs dentist for getting my hopes up haha

The TWW hasn't really gotten to me yet thank god but I'm suspecting the reality of it will kick in on Friday haha but in saying that I do have the worst middle back ache in the world which came on randomly last night and only seems to be getting worse so thankfully something else is taking over my thoughts!!

10 years ago

I also have a quick question and would love your opinions.... I know that taking hot baths while pregnant is a no no, you want them warm..... Any ideas about the TWW?? I really want a decent HOT soak to try and relax my sore back but am in two minds about it..... I don't want to disturb something that may be happening down in there...... Any thoughts?

10 years ago

Not sure bout that one Sam, but I'd probably steer clear of any maybes. If in doubt stay away Sorry not much help today

TTC no2 for all

10 years ago

Maybe avoid the hot bath, Sam. Do you have a heat pack? Maybe use that instead or get hubby to massage your back!
That's great news about the dentist, glad your gums are fine. How funny that she commented she'd had the same thing in early pregnancy! Fingers crossed its an early sign! :)

Tamika I've heard some women get an increase in CM in early pregnancy, could be a good sign!


10 years ago

hmmm i checked the situation out with dr google and its conflicting so I'm just going to stay out of the bath....

lol jodi it was pretty funny but I'm not exactly shouting it from the roof top, i don't think i believe its a sign at all probably because its way too early to get my hopes up!!! i think ill save the excitement for the second week whn the head symptoms really kick in....

good luck everyone its slowly getting closer and closer

10 years ago

i think I'm starting to become an over poster but you guys really help me not to over analyse heres another one.....its a case of TMI

about an hour ago i was doing the dishes and felt short twinges in my right side which is the side i ovulated from and i felt liquid like AF had shown up i seriously thought i was bleeding down there.... ran to the toilet thinking wtf its wayyyy to early and there was a tonne of watery has not stopped!! i put a panty liner on but this is not enough i had to switch to a pad!!! this is so uncommon for me I'm usually dry as a bone after O.....

is ovulation coming late?? why the temp hike? whats going onnnnnnn lol help

10 years ago

Did you have a bath ? I wouldn't read into it too much , how many dpo? I'll check your chart and see how it looks back soon

TTC no2 for all

10 years ago

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