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Who wants to try an experiment?!

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TWO people that I know of (on this site!) got pregnant recently on their FIRST month trying EVENING PRIMROSE OIL! After TTC for over a year and starting my 3rd clomid cycle, I am ready to give this a whirl! I'm on CD 2 and took my first dose tonight. Anyone else want to see if we can get some more s?!?!?!?

304 Replies • 13 years ago



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Just wanted to send quick message to let you all know that showed today. I am taking a couple cycles off fertility meds but trying maca root this cycle (when it comes in the mail). I'm pretty much taking a break from ttc so won't be AS active around here.

Welcome to all the new ladies and good luck to everyone with the EPO!

12 years ago • Post starter

Sorry to hear that my dear Vic.
I'm sending you love ~*

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12 years ago

Victoria - so sorry to hear the witch showed Hopefully taking a bit of a break will calm things down a bit and take the pressure off and maybe you will get your bfp!!

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12 years ago

Victoria: So sorry 2 hear AF showed...*hugs*. I hope to still hear from you now and then, but I totally understand u needing a break. Lots of love!

I've been away camping and as much as I love not having cell phone reception, I missed u guys!

12 years ago

TeacherToria (Victoria): BOO HISS to the ! So sorry. We hate her. But she won't stop us! I have to say, I support you coming off the meds and taking a TTC break. That's exactly what I did in Feb/March 2011. I had had it with the meds and how they made me feel both physically and emotionally...and although I have not gotten my BFP yet (that's right, I said yet ), I feel much better being drug free and taking the natural route. SO much less pressure than all the RE appts and timing the drugs and the trigger shots and tackling my DH to BD right now because we had to catch the trigger shot just right and la la la blah blah shoot me. So, the may have gotten you down, but you're not out! You started this EPO thread, and I'm 100% confident you'll finish it with your !

Hi everyone else, newbies and vets! Hope everyone is well. Is anyone in their 2WW currently or are most just waiting to "O"? (I'm having a hard time keeping up ).

AFM, I am approximately 12dpo and continuing to avoid POAS. Refuse to do it. My BBT chart pattern for this cycle is now matching the pattern from last cycle (big dip on 11dpo followed by spike on 12dpo), so I'm pretty certain I'll be seeing the come this Friday. Hope not, but I've been through this enough times that I am now trying to remain pessimistically optimistic, if that makes sense. Hey, if I'm not preggo at least I get to have wine this weekend, right?

and to all!

I'm 39, hubby is 45. Happily married since 1999. TTC #1 since 2009. Three 1st tri miscarriages: Oct. 2009 @ 6 wks March 2010 @ 8 wks (w/heartbeat); D&C March 15 Sept. 2010 @ 5 wks All tests clean. 6.15 (FSH) 81.2 (estradiol) Diagnosis:"Unexplained Infertility" User Image Nov. 2010: Clomid cycle (100mg) - Canceled due to too many big follies (6!) Dec. 2010: Clomid (50mg) cycle w/3 big follies - BFN Jan. 2011: Femara cycle w/3 big follies - BFN Feb. 2011: Follistim w/Ovidrel IUI cycle w/3 big follies - BFN March 2011: Stopped fertility meds and took a break April 2011: TTC naturally+acupuncture

12 years ago

Morning ladies! I'm sorry to here about the witch Victoria. I hope taking it easy with trying works for you!!
So I'm starting to think earlier this month was just some craziness. It's like I o'd earlier but then nothing since. I'm now cd 15. I usually o at cd 18. Opk's have been negative and ive had no other temp spike. I feel like the couple positive OPK's that were super early and the super early temp spike were a dream. I have baseline temps now and am waiting to see if OPK becomes positive soon and I have a temp spike at cd 18. I'm just so frustrated because I stopped the epo at cd 11 just in case. I don't know how long it sticks around, but I feel more wet than normal (sorry tmi!)
Another embarrassing question for you ladies. For those trying for their second+- how many times did you actually bd when you got preggo? Hubby and I try for once a day this week. I've read though that some say every other day and some say as much as you want. Sometimes I think it adds to the stress for us as sometimes we're feeling particular frisky and restrain and sometimes we're exhausted and feel like we have to. How is there really not an accurate answer out there for this?!
Thanks for the advice ladies. I hope everyone is doing well and those that have been traveling have had fun!!

12 years ago

So sorry to hear that Victoria =/ But keep your chin up i think it's perfectly sensible to take a break if you think you should.
Currently CD16, probably O'd yesterday. I'm not sure why my signature on here is sometimes off. I have a 29 day cycle.
So far so good, I did notice EWCM on one particular day, the day before supposed O. I'm feeling pretty confident. =)

User Image ***Good luck to everyone!***

12 years ago

Hi ladies hope you dont mind me jumping in so late but I have been keeping up with this thread and it seems so positive and with 2 BFP's is say theres a good chance EPO WORKS my name is theresa I'm 25 and we just decided to try for baby #2 I STARTED TAKING IT ON CD1 I'm now on CD7 my AF is just lingering around right now which is annoying but I have a question 2 days ago I started having a little bit of what I thought was EWCM checked my cp yesterday it was low and hard checked it today and it was high and soft almost couldn't find it could i be ovulating so early last month it was around cd14 and same with the month before but I just stopped bc 3 months ago I usually have a 28 day cycle last month was 27 days any answers or thoughts would be greatly appreciated thanks so much o and can you use OPK'S AT NIGHT TIME OR JUST IN THE MORNING

12 years ago

Ally: I have the same question about how often. Our doctor told us to "go at it like bunnies" while at the same time I keep reading this every other day business. Sometimes we don't when we want and we don't want to when we need to...I want a better answer!

AFM: Today is CD11 and CM has been increasing a lot more since starting EPO. I've been feeling "wetter" since the day my period ended and today there was a definite increase in CM. hoping for some EWCM soon! Last month O'd on CD19 so may have a while. Using OPKs to track. Do these CM symptoms sound similar to what you guys have experienced on EPO before O?

Good luck to everyone! Always in my thoughts!

Allison User Image

12 years ago

So maybe the beginning of the month was a weird temp spike and I just got excited with starting the OPK's. They are always very close to positive, where the test line is almost as dark as the control line, or I think maybe as dark. Today though I picked up the test and thought the test line was the control line because it looked just a bit darker. Maybe I'm going to ovulate now?! Cd 16 today. Hubby and I took a break last night, so maybe tonight will be the night!
Allison- I'm glad I'm not the only one that doesn't know how often to bd while trying. If your dr said to just have fun whenever then I'm sticking with that. The last thing I want is more pressure around all of this.
Hoping this is the start to my last two week wait! I feel extra pressure this month. We have a Disney cruise scheduled next august for my husband, me and step kids. The baby must be 16 weeks old in order to go which means this is our last month I could get pregnant and still go. After this month it's a decision of still trying or taking a very long break from trying.
Sorry so long. Thanks ladies!

12 years ago

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