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Going for July BFP - Join Me!

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Hi Ladies -

Ms. AF just tracked me down and I'm out for the month of June. Now I'm CD 2 in my 6th TTC cycle. Starting soy isoflavones tomorrow (CD 3-5) for the first time. Fingers crossed for July BFP. Who is with me? What is your story?

Let's see how many BFPs we can get in this group for July!

351 Replies • 12 years ago



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hello everyone,

i tested yesterday (14 dpo) and it was a BFN.
However there is still no sign of AF. Am i giving myself false hope?? i think that i am!!!!


11 years ago

So sorry to hear that i hope u got your ov date wrong and your bfp is on its way:-) i am 3 dpo and i already wanna know this tww is a killer. Now im worried my bf might have a low sperm count an all this trying will be for nothing. I think im just being negative hope i get my bfp next week and that little bean sticks. Baby dust flying everyones way:-)

11 years ago

bowbow there maybe still a chance you get as af hasn't arrived yet so thats good news got my fingers and toes crossed for you
hi camdenkole i have the same worry about my hubby does he have low sperm count or something?? i did buy a low sperm count test but he refuses to use it had it for 5 months now! still wont use it! so frustrating as if we knew then we could go in the right direction to fix it. hope all is well ladies

11 years ago

Were can u go to buy a low sperm count test cause he isnt one for goin to the docter? Im around 3 or 4dpo and the only thing thats bothering me is not being able to sleep had this problem with my last baby got so bad docter had to give me sleeping pills that were safe during pregnancy but they worked great:-) How is everyone else doing, cant wait to test:-)

11 years ago

hi everyone,thank you for your encouraging words.

still no AF. fingers and toes crossed. will keep you all posted.

i think that over here they do not test for any problems until after a year has elapsed.

wouldn't it be great if we all could meet up for a coffee and rant about all this. none of my friends/family know we are trying and sometimes it all feels a bit lonely.


11 years ago

Bowbow that would be great for us all to meet up and have a chat be alot easier for some though , as i am in the uk! and wouldn't be great also to meet up with our bumps!and then our babies!awww! if only!
at least we have the good old internet to keep our sanity with sharing and venting out.
i am so hoping bowbow sounds soooo promising! come on
camdenkole i got the tests off the internet called fertility score you can get male and female, my hubby will not take it though, i think it measure the mobility or and the amount? lost the leaflet oops, or did my hubby burn it!
still got positive ovu tests very strong too.

11 years ago

Novalunar123 - I am in the UK too!!!
Still no AF! i do have slight stomach cramps though! it may be the start of AF.

I am now going to confess to being really naive and clueless about the whole pregnancy thing. i really thought that it would happen so easily and naturally. novalunar123 can you explain ovu testing for me please.

sending everyone lots of baby dust and hugs.


11 years ago

Hello everyone. New to the board and this is my second post. TTC #3 and hoping to get a BFP this month but not looking promising. I have a 29 day cycle but this month I o'd late on 7/12. AF was supposed to be here 7/23 and still no sign of her. I have tested every day for the past 3 days (11 dpo, 12 dpo and 13 dpo) and gotten a BFN, I am hoping that I still have a shot but we will see. I have a dr. appt. on Monday so I am trying to hold off until then but we will see. Good luck to everyone!

11 years ago

wow bowbow, i didn't think there would be many from the uk on here, i am in wales, where about are you?
the ovulation tests are just simple strips that i bought off the interent they measure your LH surge and are very easy to use i bought around 50 strips think i paid around �£5 for them, if you have a look on the hpt and opk gallery on this site in the pregnancy test section, they show some users who have used these strips they are are blue one end and white the other.
I had used clear blue ovulation monitor but found it a bit fussy to use, these strips are alot quicker and easier and accurate also, they worth giving them a go. then again yo might not need them as your af still hasn't shown so
hi heatherd218 , your 2 days late then? looks good for you, hope you get your its so nerve racking waiting its like every second is an hour!so frustrating. still got positive ovu tests which is good to know

11 years ago

NOVALUNAR123 and bowbow I'm also from the UK :) Though not there right now. Not sure when I'm coming back and how I'll get sorted out with a midwife, hopefully it wont be too difficult!

BFP first try 01.07.12 miscarried 27.08.12 at 12 weeks The wait goes on....

11 years ago

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