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June 2014 Baby, Maybe?

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Here we go, again, Ladies!

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

905 Replies • 10 years ago



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Myluckyduck, you're still early ;)

Sweet, I'd wait until AF is due to test to avoid disappointment.

10 years ago

Has anyone here tried this?? A lady friend of my swears by this...I've been doing some research and I am considering it!!

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

10 years ago • Post starter

Thanks for the info, Myluckyduck! I would have never thought something like apple cider vinegar could help with blood sugar regulation (I have mild insulin resistance and am allergic to metformin). I might just try that one.

User Image

10 years ago

Thanks for the bday wishes everyon

Acrichton what's the 411 ?


Sweet or

Gvmdl maca root working I see

Group testing ?

Afm counting down days until appt

10 years ago

I am having a rough time girls...

CD 38, took another test this am BFN. No symptoms. I am just feeling like I want SOMETHING to happen, even if it isn't pregnancy, at least if AF could show her dumb face I could move on to the next cycle. Called my obgyn's office today, they said to come in and see the Nurse Practicioner (she is amazing), so maybe they will do a blood draw, and check to make sure I am okay down there...hoping for some answers today! Maybe they can do an ultrasound to see if I even ovulated?!

~Ashlee~ My profile: Me 29, DH 30 Trying for #1 User Image

10 years ago

myluckyduck: thanks for the info, will give the apple cider vin a try!! I remember it being good to reduce heartburn too!

~Ashlee~ My profile: Me 29, DH 30 Trying for #1 User Image

10 years ago

Acrichton: sorry babe! Praying for you to get answers today at the doctor.

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago

acrichton - I hope they have some answers for you! Sorry that you're having to deal with this limbo! :-(

kizzy - thanks for sharing those quotes! I feel like it's so easy to start thinking negatively in this situation, and it helps so much to be reminded to have positive thinking!

Lacey - this weekend is my birthday weekend too!!! (I'm gonna be 32 though...AGH!) We're just going out for the evening though on Saturday. Probably dinner and a movie or something. My brother is babysitting for us, and DS LOOOOVES his uncle, so I think we'll all have a great night.

1040 - happy birthday!!! I hope you had an awesome day!! :-)

myluckyduck - I'm thinking you'll get a true positive OPK today...if not, then tomorrow! For me, that's the most exciting part of my cycle! lol I'm totally going to try the apple cider vinegar! I have heard wonderful things about it, and it's MANY uses!

AFM - CD 12 today, could be ovulating any time between now and CD 16. I have a hunch it's going to be sooner rather than later (based on cramping, etc). We started BDing every other day beginning last week, so as soon as I get that positive OPK we'll do 3 or 4 days in a row (according to SMEP). And then it's the TWW! I'm kind of excited about this TWW, dunno why. I have a good feeling about this cycle. Another friend texted me yesterday and said she had a dream I was pregnant with twins. Not sure how I feel about that! lol

10 years ago

Ok Ladies, I started temping this morning.... I hope it isn't too late in my cycle to start. I am CD 7 today. I also started opk testing yesterday (negative, by the way). I am going to test again this afternoon around 1:30 or 2 since that's the time I tested yesterday.... Any suggestions? First time opk tester and temp charter :)

10 years ago

Thanks girls! Ill update everyone after the appointment.

I was hoping to get some good news on my husbands job (he is going to be taking a new position). Another job came up 10 minutes from my dads house in California, and we were hoping he could take that position early, unfortunately it is a no go. When it rains it pours

Really thankful for this group and the positive energy you guys have, I am so

~Ashlee~ My profile: Me 29, DH 30 Trying for #1 User Image

10 years ago

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