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Anyone else taking Clomid for the first time?

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Hi Everyone. I am on cycle day 23 today and I believe I am 4 days past ovulation (though my OPKs have said I am ovulating every day for the last 4 days).
This is my first cycle taking Clomid (days 5 - 9) as my Dr. says I have very mild PCOS. I read on here so many other things that girls taking Clomid are doing but I was given the pills and told to take it every day from 5 -9 and start BDing every day 9 - 16. Because my OPKs didn't show a positive, my hubby and I kept BDing every day until yesterday when I finally decided that we both really needed a break!
I feel like I have done everything I can this month - Clomid, Robitussin, Preseed, tried 13 days in a row and Instead cup. I really hope everything works.
If any one has any Clomid tips, suggestions, knowledge, and especially success stories, I would love to hear them!!

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286 Replies • 13 years ago



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Morning Girls!

Shea - I know what you mean. Bding is fun but sometimes, when TTC, a break is nice for a little bit too. My hubby agrees so I don't feel bad saying that!

Lindsey - I have heard that headaches are a symptom too. I haven't got them, but I think it is pretty normal. I know what you mean about hearing friends are preggers. It is tough. Obviously you are so happy for them, but it breaks your heart a little bit too. As far as OPKs - I use the clear blue fertility monitor but before I bought that, I used the clear blue OPKs and I really liked them. I highly reccomend using something because if you are going to go through all the hot flashes and everything of clomid, you better make it worth while and know exactly when you O so you have the best chances!

Victoria - that is tough with your family. SOmetimes things just aren't fair. It sounds like you are much more prepared for a baby then your brother. I am really sorry

For me - no realy update. Just testing with my CBFM everyday and "trying" this week. I hope it happens again for us this month. We will see. I also go see my specialist on THursday as I have taken 3 rounds of clomid now and they may up my dose for the next round.

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13 years ago • Post starter

Hi everyone! Let me just say yesterday I was in a wicked mood so I avoided this thread because I didn't want to be a Debbie Downer for everyone but today I'm in a much better mood!

Shea- there is a little peanut in there roasting nicely!

Margaret- Did you start ?

Suzy- what day are you on?

Lindsey- We all hear you on not being as happy as you want to be for your friend. It's not that you aren't really happy for them, it's just a reminder of all of you are going through with ttc and it's hurtful. We've all been there. I always hate myself for feeling that way, but I guess it's normal when you have struggles like we do.

Victoria- Sorry you had to deal with all that on Easter! I know exactly what you mean; I sometimes think if I become a crackwhore I will get pregnant too... it seems to be a trend.

AFM- Mother Nature is seriously toying with me. According to Fertility Friend I Oed a week ago but I never really believed that to be correct because my temps were barely any higher and I never had positive OPKs. But then my nipples were sore. I missed several days of temps because first I had a fever from being sick so those temps don't work and then I took a ttc break while on my getaway with the dh. I hoped I had Oed and that's why my nipples were sore, but then yesterday my temp was barely above coverline and I got depressed. Then, today it's really high! Almost higher than it was when I was on clomid. I also hadn't paid attention to my cm or cp for a week because I had given up on Oing without clomid but today my cm was really creamy with some chunks and my cervix was really high and soft. It was too high to even tell if it was open. So now I don't know what to think. Did I O yesterday? Or is FF right and maybe I Oed a week ago and perhaps I implanted yesterday? I really don't want to get my hopes up about anything. I guess I will see if this trend continues.

What do you guys think? Here is my chart:]My Ovulation Chart

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13 years ago

Aisha I am so excited for you right now! I hope you have a little bean growing!! I'm sending Straight to you!!

Shea I hope you have a little bean growing too!! To you!

Margaret we are going to get little beans this month too! I'm done messing around time to get serious!

Victoria I hope that your ultrasound is all clear of cysts and you can start the clomid again!

Suzy how are you doing?

No changes for me. I will definitely be buying some OPKs today. What day do you girls think I should start testing. I am cd11 today. I have tried OPKs a long time ago, before I knew that I wasn't Oing on my own, so I never got a positive. Are they usually pretty clear when positive? It is a relief that the clomid could be the cause of my headache. I was starting to get worried that something else was going on.


13 years ago

Hi ladies

Aisha- sounds like you Od to me im not very good with the whole chart thing but my CP is HSO and i am having creamy CM too and my OPK said i ovulaated last week. and i have been meaning to ask you how many cycles have you been ttc???

moconnor- hopefully you wont have to go back on clomid! !!!!

hopeful- it is very normal to have those feelings about others around you getting PG and you not. just try to stay positive (easier said than done) i try to think that atlest they will be able to give me advice on things that otherwise id have to find out on my own if i was the first to get pg...oh and i would deffinatly recommend the clearblue digital OPK they are expensive but they are a god sent for me because had i not had them i would have mistaken an almost positve for a positive and missed my fertile window which is where i think i may have messed up in the past...

AFM- the 2ww seems never ending but im trying to stay positive that there is a sticky bean cooking in there but if not at least i ovulated....

GL to all you ladies you are in my thoughts and prayers!!!

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

13 years ago

oh and victoria- i hope your cyst is gone and replaced with a Sticky bean !!!!!

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

13 years ago


I am cd 20 now for whoever asked..

I have been ttc for 2 years stopped for a year and back at again for 2 years almost again.

I dont chart anymore I have in the past but seriously I got tired of it.

I am thinking of getting back on bc after clomid cycles ...

last time i got bfp i was on bc then stopped i was preggo the next week lol..

Suzy TTC#1 Yayy for Ovulation

13 years ago

Aisha - I don't chart but all teh symptoms you were/are having sounds like you o'd. I sure hope you did!!! ANd I hope there is something growing in your tummy

Lindsey - yep this is our month! I am trying to think of my m/c last month as "my body was almost ready, but not quite yet - it will be this month.

Shea - I really hope you have a little bean in there!!!!!

Suzy - that is so funny about the bc. I wonder what's up with that?

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13 years ago • Post starter

Hi Ladies,

Rough day today. I woke up in the middle of the night with horrible pain on my right side that was shooting down my leg. I got up and I was bleeding too (even though my period ended 5 days ago). I just got back from the doctor (ultrasound) and it looks like both of my cysts on the right side ruptured - but I have a new one on the left side! I am just soooo upset! The tech said it is probably STILL a reaction to the 1 cycle of clomid 2 months ago! She said it looks like the clomid hyperstimulated my ovaries b/c there are a lot of follicles too. I don't know if I'm ever going to be able to go back on clomid b/c of this. My doctor was delivering a baby so will call me with her "official" reading later.

Aisha - It looks like you did ovulate to me so I definitely wouldn't take clomid! Hoping you have a sticky bean in there!

Hope you other ladies have good news to share in the near future!

Oh and P.S. I did talk to my friend last night about the will. She said that she and hubby went back and forth between us and them but after discussing it with their parents they decided it would be best to keep the baby in the family. As much as that hurts I guess I understand. She kept saying over and over, "I love you, you are my best friend!". Doesn't make it better but it helps.

13 years ago

Lindsey- Thanks!!! When I was on Clomid, I started opks on CD13 since CD 14 is pretty much the earliest you can O on clomid and most people go later. I've used cheap opks in my non clomid cycles and didnt ovulate so I don't know how easy they are to read. On my clomid cycle I used Clear Blue Digitals. I was able to buy a 7 pack pretty cheap.

Shea- I've been ttc since December but only actually had one "cycle" before this one and that was my clomid cycle. I had hormone imbalances so after several months of not getting a period and lactating they put me on clomid. This month I couldn't take it because they thought I had a bicornuate uterus and the risk of twins would be dangerous. Turns out they were wrong but this month has been a limbo to see if I would O on my own or not. We were hoping maybe one month of clomid would kick start my cycle to work on it's own!

Suzy- Maybe you will O today or tomorrow!!! I think Victoria and maybe Lindsey both Oed on CD21!

Margaret- Thanks!!! Do you think I just Oed or I Oed a week ago like ff says? LOL

Victoria- I'm so sorry you are going through this! I will be praying for you!!!

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13 years ago

Good Morning,

Well just left the doc they did some blood work its cd 21. I still dont think I have ov. I am gonna do a opk when i get off just in case.

I am just ready for something positive to happen here...

Can one of you at least get knocked up to give me hope?

Suzy TTC#1 Yayy for Ovulation

13 years ago

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