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TWW for a March 2017 BFP!

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Hi all! I am somewhat new here and on the journey of TTC for the first time around! This is our second active month to TTC. I have been off BC for a year now, and we did the pull out method until we decided we were ready to stop preventing last month.

I have always been nervous that I would have issues TTC and so I put it off for some time. Now that we are actually on the road to hopefully conceiving I am getting more and more excited and more and more stressed about it! Last month was a BFN, which I half heartedly expected especially since it was our first active month of TTC.

This month I am really hopeful and afraid I'm setting myself up for disappointment! I am currently 4 dpo and have had increased CM for longer than usual so I am hoping that is a good sign! If I were to conceive this month the estimated due date would be Mar 4 which is my mother's birthday! I would love that! And she would love it too, she has been waiting quite some time for a grandbaby.

This TWW is going to be downright miserable, but having a little company would help it pass quicker! :)

183 Replies • 8 years ago



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Hi again! Just had to update, and this is about CM so it may be TMI--

I've had increased EWCM again today, going on 8-9 days now. Today it has a very distinct yellow color to it! I had heard people say this happens after conception! I am getting SUPER anxious now!!!!! I posted a picture of it under the CM/IB category to try to get some feedback. This is going to make the wait even longer!!

Hope you all are having a great day.

8 years ago • Post starter

Well 5dpo and still no notable symptoms. My skin is breaking out a bit but that tends to happen with progesterone for me. Just waiting for something noticably different from last cycles.
Laar- are you temping to track ovulation? Could be that your body geared up to ov and then didn't so its trying again. I get that almost every month so far

8 years ago

I have not done any temping thus far. My cycles have been very normal the past about 6-7 months (been off BC for a year). I always have EWCM day before and day of O- I mark it on my calendar when I have it and always start AF 14 days later. I guess that could be a possibility but it would be very out of the usual for me if that happened! Something else that's different is that when I have EWCM with O it's always clear and this was yellow. Guess we will see! Don't be discouraged that you have no noticeable symptoms yet. Technically you wouldn't even implant for a few more days. Hang in there!

8 years ago • Post starter

I hope all the EWCM is a good sign! :)
I've been having bad acne breakouts that started couple days ago.. :( Usually i just break out ovulation day & af. not usually between.
I've been experiencing a few more things but they remind me a lot of af coming so i feel a little doubtful.. my bbs/nips are pretty sore now, im getting cramps in my calves the last couple nights, & belching/gassy a lot. & im starting to become emotional like the teary kind lol. The sore BBs & being emotional is what makes me think AF is coming eventually.. Usually sore bbs start a week before AF, but i started having sore bbs since 4dpo & i thought taking fertilaid would decrease my PMS symptoms because some ladies said it did for them, but who knows could be doing the exact opposite for me lol.
I just ordered some hpts should be here in 3-5days & Im gonna start poas! lol

8 years ago

7dpo temp back up to 98

8 years ago

Yay thats good news. :)

8 years ago

Can't wait to hear all your results once we start POAS! Not too much longer now!

8 years ago • Post starter

Speaking of acne breakouts, I have been experiencing the same thing-- and today reached an all new breakout level. I have a pimple on my earlobe. Wth!

8 years ago • Post starter

Well I'm 6dpo today and not a lot to report. Cervix is mwdium, firm and closed. Cm is very minimal and sticky. Pimples started popping up yesterday which is typical. Temp is hovering around 97.7-98. I tend toward triphasic charts so I should see another rise in a few days. Some twinges and discomfort low in my abdomen but that is also normal. Nothing really stands out. Nipples a bit sensitive but again that is normal lp symptom for me. Unfortunatly in think most of my symptoms can be explained by the increase in progesteone which happens either way. Unless bbs grow or I get a positive I really don't think i'll be able to tell either way until 14-15dpo if the witch doesn't show
for everyone

8 years ago

Fruit loops, I feel the same way. That I won't know until I KNOW and get that BFP. Too many symptoms that could be explained by pms. Today my CM changed from EWCM to chunky lotiony consistency which is out of the usual for me, so that's the only thing giving me any hope.

8 years ago • Post starter

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