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Hey every body!,

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Just would like to say hello to all you lovely ladies ttc, my dh and I are currently ttc and have been for 14 months,
Is there any chart stalkers that would like to stalk my chart and give me your opinions please.
This is my first month that ff have gave me crosshairs, I've been charting for 3 months.
Where can I post my chart just realised I can't add picture to this ????
Many thanx in advance xx

29 Replies • 8 years ago



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Well, here's hoping it was implantation cramps you were feeling. As of today, the pinching I had on my left side by my ovary is gone. I had it more at night but last night, nothing. I did have a wave of nausea & had to get our of bed & eat a piece of bread. Other than that, still no pre AF symptoms. I usually get them about a week & a half before AF due. Any new symptoms today?

8 years ago

Oops, I meant implantation dip. Sorry. Btw, I have the same sleeping issues. I can sleep all day, but at night, I either struggle to fall asleep or I'm awake every couple of hours.

8 years ago

I'm not to sure as I done test this morning and still bfn!!
Today I'm getting pains on left side around ovaries, and feel week my legs keep going all shaky so having extra sugar today!!
Time will tell now I just want to know yes or no!!
How you feeling today?? Any symptoms??

8 years ago • Post starter

So far just an odd taste in my mouth and a headache. I was up on and off last night having to pee so I'm tired. Other than that, not much. Which again, is completely unusual for me. I'm holding out to test until tomorrow, which I know is still a smidge early at 8 dpo, but I know I won't be able to hold out. Lol Keep me posted on your symptoms & testing. I've got everything crossed you'll get your bfp in the next day or two.

8 years ago

Good luck for testing tomorrow, keep me posted!!
I have a strange taste in my mouth but have a sore throat to so I'm putting it down to that.
I will be testing in the morning so I will let you know!! Good luck x

8 years ago • Post starter

Please do. I'm hoping I'll see your bfp post.

8 years ago

Hi firegurl
Still bfn today, got cramps in lower belly and horrible taste in my mouth.
Been getting dizzy today too
How you been feeling today?

8 years ago • Post starter

Forgot to add,
I had a temp drop this morning. Yesterday it was 36.70 this morning it was 36.54. I'm not an expert at this charts and totally confused as I thought your temp had to keep rising.
And to add been having tinglely bbs too.

8 years ago • Post starter

Well it sounds promising. I will kmfx for you. I had a weird pain in my back below my kidney on one side, the strange taste I had in my mouth is a bit more today & more of a metallic taste. I had some minor cramps this morning but they're gone now & only lasted a few minutes. My cm had increased today but is more watery than creamy, but up until now has been pretty nonexistent. I do have a weird pressure feeling around my uterus as well. As for temps, I've seen a few charts where they have fluctuated slightly & still have a bfp. I'm no expert on charting either but I think a small dip here & there is OK as long as it doesn't stay lower. Mine went down by .2 this morning as well. I guess we'll see. I plan on testing in the morning. I still have lack of pre AF symptoms though. My bbs are usually extremely tender by now & nothing. Maybe a good sign?

8 years ago

How did it go this morning?
Yer symptoms sound promising too,
I got bfn again this morning, starting to lose hope!! Been feeling rough today sore throat, dizziness and feeling week I got no motivation at all!!
How you feeling today?

8 years ago • Post starter

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